Legends of Runeterra - Card game by Riot Games


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, these look fairly underwhelming.

Lulu: She can level in hand I think since there isn't a "I've seen...", so should be very easy to level, and might come up in play already leveled up. Her support effect is pretty decent. I think her strength will come from the leveled up "Start of Round" card Help Pix! which is really really good.

Help Pix!: Ok, this is created at the beginning of each round once Lulu is leveled up and it's pretty awesome. 1mana that can either make an enemy Vulnerable or give Barrier to an ally, both of which are very strong effect. It cannot be cast in combat which will only matter for Barrier during an open attack. Great card, gives tons of value to Lulu.

Lulu's Whimsy(Whimsy): I'm confused about this card, you turn a follower into a 1/1 squirrel and silence it. The wording seems to indicate that you would silence the squirrel, so the card would revert back to it's original form with it's text not silenced. I'm thinking the text should be Silence a card and turn it into a 1/1 squirrel. This would mean the card reverts back to it's silence form. In one case it's a good card, in the other it's garbage. :)

Squirrel: It's the token from whimsy, nothing to say about it.

Fae Guide: It's not that bad, for 4 mana, you get a 3/3 body which isn't great, but you Grant permanently Elusive to an ally which could be pretty good. As mentioned, you won't have a good target on turn 4, but played later it gives you a blocker and possibly a powerful elusive for the rest of the game.

Pix: Looks awful, I don't see any scenarios where I'd want this. Unless getting a 1 mana support is essential for reason.

Startled Stomper: Yeah, this is a good card. Decent stats for a 2 mana with overwhelm which is a pretty good keyword, especially with all the Support permanent buffs Targon has.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Based on Devs in Swim's stream, the Silence on Whimsy is simply to say any buffs previously put on the unit this round, will be silenced for this turn only (mainly removes Barriers). After the round the unit goes back to a non-silenced unit.

It's going to be an additional counter to Taric's level up (on his supported non-champ unit). The community seems very split on the card. A lot say it's S tier, others say it's just a meta call and/or worse than Will.

Fae Guide is also pretty divisive, and Swim makes a good point that if it was a Support effect it would actually be a lot better mainly because you can play it on curve instead of waiting for a key unit to be drawn & played.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Catching up on reveals:



Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
First image:
Mostly junk, but I think the 2 drop could have promise, a 4/3 for 2 mana if you meet the condition. Probably too inconsistent though. You really want to play your 2 drops on curve

Troll chant seems really good. Win 2 trades for only 2 mana.

Call of the wild is funny and might actually see some play. Potentially draw 4 for 3... and if they are 1 mana 5/5s or buffed poros.. not bad.

Trundle seems great and makes the 8 mana behold keyword work. Very creative. Ice pillar is neat. Some interesting things you can try with the mana refill.

Augur seems great since he curves right after trundle.

Icequake is strange, probably won't main deck it ever but a nice hero card to have i guess. Entreat allows you to pull more 8 costs so you can buff trundle with more power or combo with behold if pillar dies.

Revitalizing roar is so interesting. It'll be fun to explore. Play on pillar after you're enlightened, then next turn spend your mana, drop 0 mana pillar and then spend 8 more, can spend up to 21 mana in a turn.

Targon looks to have a lot of healing:

Broadback protector is a nice looking anti aggro card. Only loses health if you're healed. Pretty good.

Resplendant stellacorn: more healing. Soraka probably going to make these cards very relevant.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Regeneration is a pain to get around. Outright removal is going to be a thing against that deck. Add in some early prevent with some bonuses to attack and defense and it gets interesting.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Behold is an interesting keyword. Not sure I like the use here where it's all "Behold an 8+ card". It's a mechanic that could be use for many things though.

First impression was that you needed to keep an 8 mana card in your hand during the mulligan phase, otherwise a lot of those low mana cards will be close to useless, how risky is it to keep a dead card in your hand for 8 turns. Trundle changes that somewhat, but still comes in too late. Probably going to see Tryndamere in this Archetype, and you keep him in your initial hand to trigger the behold cards. Probably making a ramp deck a thing too if you need to have a lot of 8+ cards to trigger some of these, ramping into high cost cards might be a thing.

On to the individual cards.

Faces of the Old Ones: Ramp card that does nothing if you don't have an 8 mana card in hand or in play, at 2 mana, you'll most likely going to Behold a card in hand. I don't think it's very good, unless Ramp becomes a thing.

Troll Scavenger: Again a low mana card that requires you to keep a 8+ card in hand to get value. Pretty crappy if you have to play it without Behold.

Troll Ravager: Same as first two, low cost card requiring you to keep an 8+ card in hand. Not a great card, but regen can be annoying to deal with on a 5 health unit. Could be good if the Behold deck works.

Uzgar the Ancient: Not a great card, regen on a 7 health body will be annoying to deal with, since he's a challenger, he's going to pick a unit almost each turn. You generally want more impact on the turn you play an 8+ cost card. He's not a finisher, he's build for long game, so not sure how viable that will be.

Troll Chant: The star of the first reveal, lowing attack of enemy and buffing one unit I think is going to be pretty great card, especially at 2 mana.

Call of the Wild: Meme card for meme decks, it would be good, if the decks it's supposed to help were any good which I don't think they are right now.

Trundle: 4/6 with regen for 5 mana I think is a pretty good card just on stats. He's hard to remove. Leveled up is going to be dangerous, he's gaining overwhelm, and becomes a 5/7 or rather 6/7 since he is guaranteed 1 Behold with Ice Pillar. He might find a place in decks other than Behold I think. He's strong just by himself with no support.

Ice Pillar: Interesting card, refilling 8 mana means it's basically free to play(if you have 8 mana obviously), You can play this, refill your mana, give strongest unit vulnerable, play a Tryndamere on the same turn. Seems pretty strong.

Broadbacked Protector: Lots of health for a 4 mana, but will damage itself if it heals your nexus. Will be good against aggro decks I think. Healing always has a place so this will see play.

Augur of the Old Ones: 5/5 Overwhelm and Regen for 6 mana, not great stats but 2 great keywords, and it grants an ally Overwhelm and Regen. So good card I think.

Revitalizing Roar: Costly and slow, great when enlightened otherwise not to good.

Resplendant Stellacorn: I think it's a decent card, 4/5 for 5 is ok, but with a potential 6 heals I think it's good.

Final thoughts, these 2 reveals kinda scare me to be honest. Dealing with Regen can be very difficult at times, and these are pretty big bodies so they are going to be very hard to remove. With the buffs in Freljord, it could become a very unfun deck to play against if there's a competitive version.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Shittiest hand ever. I had up to this point a single unit.

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Ahn'Qiraj Raider

I see a stun and removal of a future pain in the ass 1/4. That then gets you a 3/2 unit. The problem comes when your stuns do little against his large creatures.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Shittiest hand ever. I had up to this point a single unit.

View attachment 293915

I've had shit like this happen a lot: "WTF Turn 7 and I've only drawn 1 unit so far?!".
That hand isn't too bad since Concussive is technically a unit and you have removal for the Maokai. I'd probably use a roar soon to get me a leveled up Yasuo. Roar+Flock seems good in this board state.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Shadow Isles


Nightfall could be an interesting keyword.

Stygian Onlooker: Not a very exciting card. Temporary Fearsome means it's only good during your attack phase. Although you could get a blocker with 4 attack for 1 mana. Overall not good in my opinion.

Doombeast: Heal if always hard to evaluate. It's ok, if you trigger the heal it could be good. Will be dependent on the meta I think. The heal is a skill so could be denied.

Duskrider: Interesting use of the Nightfall mechanic. Very poor stats though, probably need to have triggered Nightfall at least 3 times to be worth it. Depends on other Nightfall cards to be released to evaluate properly.

Passage Unearned: Interesting card, not sure what to make of it exactly. I think it will be a tech card, won't see tons of play.

Encroaching Shadows: This is really hard to evaluate. It possibly has some powerful implication for an Ephemeral deck. It will see play in an Ephemeral deck, but nowhere else. Not sure if it's good enough to make the archetype be competitive though.

All in all, disappointing reveal.
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Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
Nightfall isn't what I expected at all. It's "combo" from hearthstone. Looks like nightfall decks will be very aggro/all in/ burn. Nocturne and diana are both assassin type characters so it makes sense. Problem is you likely won't want to pair SI/ Targon so a diana deck might be a bit different. For aggro you'll want p&z or Noxus.

You're going to try shitting out over statted units and hit face for the win.

All the cards mostly fit the theme.

Stygian : 4/1 with fearsome for 1 round, if it ever connects you're going to feel a bit behind. And it's going to force some expensive removal at times. It's good.

Doombeast: kinda good, considering we get 2 damage pings in Noxus and P&Z, now SI gets one to help with SI burn deck. I don't think you care about the heal. If you want heal you'll go the deadbloom or the tons of other heals SI gets.

Duskrider: lacking but we gotta see what Nocturne brings.

Passage: super tech card, counters harrowing super hard, also Anivia, rekindle, mist call, hecarim a little bit, kalista, zed... there will be decks it's a complete dead card, but there are decks it'll shit on too. The fact this counters spooky karma a bit is nice.

Encroaching is insane. Swim was talking about using it in elusive decks. I can see this easily in aggro/Burn decks. Imagine casting multiple of this and shitting out a bunch of 1 and 2 mana elusives. You'll pair with Ionia to easily have deny backup for any big clear. Scary.

I don't think this works in anything but burn/ aggro.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Spirit Blossom Event recap for me since I reached 220 tonight. Not too bad for a casual.

i enjoyed the rewards, card back, player emotes, guardians player icons, wildcards and shards which are all nice rewards. It gave me something to work forward too and kept me more engaged than usual. That’s a good thing.

I love the quests at the beginning it pushed me to try decks I wouldn’t usually play and that was the best part, sadly even as a casual I ran out maybe around day 20 or so which removed one of the most fun thing about the event. I‘d like if the reduce the reward from quest but made more of them to last the entire event for more or less the same amount of rewards.

Now for the thing I didn’t like,i mentioned that the event kept me engaged and how I liked that, I also felt forced to play every day for at least 1 win for my 4 petals for the first win. I wish they would allow us to bank 2-3 or days. Like if you skip.a day, you get 4 petals for the first 2 wins the nest day. That would allow for a bit of flexibility on how often you have to play without feeling your losing for taking a day off.

I think it was a pleasant event and looking forward to the next one whenever it is.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Encroaching is the card of that group.

The Undying is one card that would benefit along with any ephemeral cards. The cards that make you think about how to work around them are the cards I enjoy.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Passage is bonkers against certain decks. Paying 3 mana to crush Harrowing seems to end the top end competitive aspect of that card. Hurts some of the other Rekindler type decks. Encroaching will be amazing with an elusive deck but I don't see it working for anything else unless the meta turns too controlling. That may be all it needs though. Elusive...ugh, lol? My Greenglades Elder deck works fairly well with an elusive base so this would be very easy to pull off. It definitely gives aggro a chance whenever the meta turns too controlling.

The nightfall cards look terrible. They'd be a good top deck later...if not for the nightfall part. So the nightfall keyword is asking you to have fairly cheap cards and card draw at the same time to really get value out of it. Or to play very few nightfall cards in a solid deck otherwise. Doombeast and Duskrider don't reward you for it though. They are very good designers so I'm sure they will get it to work out ok but not impressed so far. The onlooker is the only that really looks like it could cause some damage.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
So Nocturne..

These cards are pretty decent.
Nocturne is almost another skiterrer. I don't know how he doesn't see play. His level up isn't too bad either.

Unspeakable horror is "OK" but vile feast still better. Maybe you run both, idk. This having a condition to get the extra card, plus the card going into hand, is kinda bad. The upside is it can generate some value.

Stalking shadows is kind crazy, especially for 2 mana. Pick a follower from your top 4 cards? Copy it with ephemeral? So much potential. Mistwraiths, undying, last breath stuff, elusives, yetis... what else.

Shroud of darkness is obviously designed as an activator for nightfall. Maybe it works. Fits LoL lore since nocturne has a spellshield in game. Probably the first card to cut though, too easy for an opponent to play around. It's not going to bait any removal, you're going to have a card disadvantage.

Risen mists.. yikes. Mistwraith deck is getting stronger. I won't be surprised to see an S tier mistwraith deck.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
A little late but here I go...

Nocturne: He’s pretty good and will see play, his level up version could be pretty sick. Give ennemies -1/0 every time you play a unit. Play 2 cheap units give ennemies -2/0, with all allies having fearsome you could have a lot of attacks with no blockers.

Unspeakable Horror: Great card i think, different use compare to Vile Feast, Vile Feast is about getting a blocker, this is more about getting value in your hand. It can be used on the Nexus so small benefit there. I expect it to be run in Nightfall decks over Vile Feast but otherwise probably run Vile Feast.

Stalking Shadows: Good card but a bit random, you could be totally unlucky and not have a follower in your top 4 cars and it does nothing. On the other hand, if you have 4 followers you chose which you get and get an ephemeral copy of it, that could be pretty good. Select something with Last Breath so you get a benefit from it dying.

Shroud of Darkness: Ok card, helpful to activate Nightfall, or to protect a card. I think it’s going to be. Sry situational.

Risen Mist: 4 mana to summon a 2 mana card at burst speed. Obviously because of the synergy with Mistwraiths, having more is always good. Good card but limited to Mistwraiths decks. No other use.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
A little late but here I go...

Nocturne: He’s pretty good and will see play, his level up version could be pretty sick. Give ennemies -1/0 every time you play a unit. Play 2 cheap units give ennemies -2/0, with all allies having fearsome you could have a lot of attacks with no blockers.

Unspeakable Horror: Great card i think, different use compare to Vile Feast, Vile Feast is about getting a blocker, this is more about getting value in your hand. It can be used on the Nexus so small benefit there. I expect it to be run in Nightfall decks over Vile Feast but otherwise probably run Vile Feast.

Stalking Shadows: Good card but a bit random, you could be totally unlucky and not have a follower in your top 4 cars and it does nothing. On the other hand, if you have 4 followers you chose which you get and get an ephemeral copy of it, that could be pretty good. Select something with Last Breath so you get a benefit from it dying.

Shroud of Darkness: Ok card, helpful to activate Nightfall, or to protect a card. I think it’s going to be. Sry situational.

Risen Mist: 4 mana to summon a 2 mana card at burst speed. Obviously because of the synergy with Mistwraiths, having more is always good. Good card but limited to Mistwraiths decks. No other use.

Keep in mind that being able to use 3 spell mana for Risen Mist is a huge deal. Using spell mana to create units is always going to have a huge value. Look at remembrance, if you told me I would have to spend 6 mana for it, it'd likely never get played. In a Mistwraith deck you're going to use this card to create a 3/2, 4/2, 5/2..... for 1 real mana. Aggressive decks have problems using spell mana, so it should be easy to play. Plus it's burst speed.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I wonder what's left, we got 2 Targon Champions, and 1 Freljord, and 1 Shadow Isles and there's 3 left to reveal.

I hope Targon gets at least 2 more this expansion, won't be viable as a region otherwise.

If they get only 2, what faction will the last champion be from? I love playing Noxus and Ionia so I hope it's from there, Piltover and Zaum be fine too. I don't play Demacia so I hope they keep that one for last expansion. :)