Lost Ark Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Except the thing I liked about BDO is that it gave you a ton of freedom to just go anywhere, kill anything, etc. I find grinding "endless" mobs oddly therapeutic, in a way. I want to play MMOs and ARPGs to put on some music, podcasts, whatever and get my chill griiiiiind on. Maybe I'll get sweaty and do a raid or two here or there, but that's about it.

This game sounds like a gated, daily/weekly hellhole, filled with a bunch of systems that are precisely why I left WoW years ago. I fucking HATE "chore" gameplay. Just let me do whatever I want, when I want, and I'll figure out the rest.

I can see that. And much of it is true. Everything is capped to an extent it seems. If you are pushing to be hardcore, I can see burning out fast. Depends if you care you missed a couple dailies, a weekly once or twice here and there. If you are hell bent on not missing anything and being 100% efficient, then yes. You basically have a checklist to do each day and there are a ton of little systems in this game. You can do whatever you want , when you want, but you will fall behind someone doing it efficient as possible(aka min/maxing) like any game.

I think the only ones that can just not care about any of that, are the ones only there for arena. Since its normalized.

While BDO was great for the open endess of grinding(almost, still had to be somewhat in a gear/level bracket), that's all there was. Grinding levels. Grinding life skills, all to earn silver to enhance gear. Difference here is instead of 5 hours in one spot, you do a bunch of activities in that time frame all over(though dungeons and raids are just joined from cities iirc).


Vyemm Raider
I played BDO for combat and nothing more - if it had real PVE and reasons to group id have spent an eternity in it - However BDO is something i could only enjoy in small stints.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I played BDO for combat and nothing more - if it had real PVE and reasons to group id have spent an eternity in it - However BDO is something i could only enjoy in small stints.
If they had some proper group content, raid content, and items didnt blow up (wasting 10's if not 100's of hours) I would still be playing BDO. When it released, I had dumped in tons of time into that game and my second or third item blowing up just caused me to rage quit, uninstall and never think about it again. But the world is definitely amazing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If they had some proper group content, raid content, and items didnt blow up (wasting 10's if not 100's of hours) I would still be playing BDO. When it released, I had dumped in tons of time into that game and my second or third item blowing up just caused me to rage quit, uninstall and never think about it again. But the world is definitely amazing.
It has all that, just no one who plays BDO actually wants to play that content. The only thing you really have to worry about blowing up now are accessories. The thing about BDO is that every class, aside from Shai and to some extent Wiz/Witch, is very selfish. They really do nothing that would be needed in a group, all the little buffs are temporary and make little impact. Trying to design group content with that in mind is probably not going to go well. The BDO playerbase simply just wants to grind mobs while playing a class that appeals to them. PA has added quite a lot of group content, but none of that content is better at making money than the solo spots... so players typically ignore them. If you haven't played BDO in a couple years, I suggest giving it another go when the next Season starts in late March, you might be pleasantly surprised.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I hate their system even without items blowing up. Going from a III to a II when trying to upgrade to IV is shit. It makes you weaker for trying to play the game. That's shit gameplay.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I hate their system even without items blowing up. Going from a III to a II when trying to upgrade to IV is shit. It makes you weaker for trying to play the game. That's shit gameplay.

One good thing for this game. No outright destroying and nor downranking. So you never go backwards, which was one huge negative aspect of these eastern games with enhancement systems.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I hate their system even without items blowing up. Going from a III to a II when trying to upgrade to IV is shit. It makes you weaker for trying to play the game. That's shit gameplay.
Yep, shitty system. That is why I use every available method to avoid it.


Got something right about marriage
I would say the one good thing about this game is the combat. The combat is very satisfying, especially because you can change and tweak your build at will. But that's it. That's literally the only good thing about this game


Vyemm Raider
I would say the one good thing about this game is the combat. The combat is very satisfying, especially because you can change and tweak your build at will. But that's it. That's literally the only good thing about this game

I dont have experience playing beyond beta, but i have watched alot of videos and it seems like this game will have alot of things for me to do at max level as well as group/raid content. It also gives me a reason to actually make and play alts which is something i havent had a reason to do since EQ1 and 2. In wow i hated alts because i had no reason to want to do the content more than once. However in this my alts will assist in gearing my main quicker and i can get behind that especially since i enjoy ARPGs alot to begin with/


Got something right about marriage
WoW has tons of things to do at max level too. After you finish your chores and bide your time being a good little gamer for 2 months until all the things you want are finally unlocked. But only if you logged in every day.

Games like these need to die in a fucking fire and I'm actually surprised this game is getting this much attention from this forum.
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Vyemm Raider
WoW has tons of things to do at max level too. After you finish your chores and bide your time being a good little gamer for 2 months until all the things you want are finally unlocked. But only if you logged in every day.

Games like these need to die in a fucking fire and I'm actually surprised this game is getting this much attention from this forum.

The shit wow has you do is tedious at best, if you only play to raid once you get the require gated shit like rep grinds done you have no reason to log in outside raids - especially if you dont need something for M+


Potato del Grande
I hate the gates grinds. BDO was a great example of a game that I wished I loved. The combat was fun, and largely the graphics very nice, but the systems were garbage. Never ending money sink.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
WoW has tons of things to do at max level too. After you finish your chores and bide your time being a good little gamer for 2 months until all the things you want are finally unlocked. But only if you logged in every day.

Games like these need to die in a fucking fire and I'm actually surprised this game is getting this much attention from this forum.

If you are not having fun, don't play. If you are having fun play. That's all there is too it. Not sure why you are trying to convince yourself either way. All your posts are basically "its a terrible game", seems decision is made.

Thankfully you have been able to try this game for years now to decide, or just wait for the 11th and try it.

And not sure I would call 22 pages in 5+ years "this much attention". Just stop clicking on the thread if it hurts you that much.


Got something right about marriage
I'm not trying to convince myself. I typically make my opinion known and then largely stay out of a thread and just pop in from time to time to see if things have changed.

Gravel and Kirun seemed interested in this game but put off by some of the info they were presented, I was just reinforcing for them that their instinct about this game is correct. I dont really care if people decide to spend their off hours playing a game like this but I'm also going to Express my opinion about how garbage games like this continue to ruin an entire genre of gaming.

Online multiplayer games have devolved into a series of laundry lists. And the trend will continue as long as people keep paying to play them just because "there's nothing else"
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
WoW has tons of things to do at max level too. After you finish your chores and bide your time being a good little gamer for 2 months until all the things you want are finally unlocked. But only if you logged in every day.

Games like these need to die in a fucking fire and I'm actually surprised this game is getting this much attention from this forum.
Name any mmo that doesnt have dailies or weekly requirements / lockouts....go ahead..ill wait.

The reason this game is getting some attention here is because its just another new mmo to play for a bit. It has a proven track record in Korea and Russia, so its not like its releasing in a broken state.

The mmo space has been quite the diaster the last few years and I am sure people are ready for something new that they havent already been playing for 10 to 15 years. There is nothing on the near horizon coming either, so people will be somewhat excited for anything new.

If the game sucks, your out nothing as its f2p anyways. If its fun, that would be amazing as well.

Literally no reason for anyone to " not " want to play the game unless they just dont find the genre fun to play, and thats just fine as well.
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Vyemm Raider
Name any mmo that doesnt have dailies or weekly requirements / lockouts....go ahead..ill wait.

The reason this game is getting some attention here is because its just another new mmo to play for a bit. It has a proven track record in Korea and Russia, so its not like its releasing in a broken state.

The mmo space has been quite the diaster the last few years and I am sure people are ready for something new that they havent already been playing for 10 to 15 years. There is nothing on the near horizon coming either, so people will be somewhat excited for anything new.

If the game sucks, your out nothing as its f2p anyways. If its fun, that would be amazing as well.

Literally no reason for anyone to " not " want to play the game unless they just dont find the genre fun to play, and thats just fine as well.

Ive mentioned this to some friends and theyre like "it looks anime'ish" and thats what turns them off. However if you like ARPGs then i see no reason to not like this game, its just an mmo version of Diablo style games.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ive mentioned this to some friends and theyre like "it looks anime'ish" and thats what turns them off. However if you like ARPGs then i see no reason to not like this game, its just an mmo version of Diablo style games.
Your friends are weird if they think LA looks anime-ish, though some of the costumes are lame.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ive mentioned this to some friends and theyre like "it looks anime'ish" and thats what turns them off. However if you like ARPGs then i see no reason to not like this game, its just an mmo version of Diablo style games.

Sounds like the same one's that said they would never play WoW because it was too "Cartoony". In the end, looks of a game are so far at the bottom of important.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Depends if you care you missed a couple dailies, a weekly once or twice here and there. If you are hell bent on not missing anything and being 100% efficient, then yes. You basically have a checklist to do each day and there are a ton of little systems in this game. You can do whatever you want , when you want, but you will fall behind someone doing it efficient as possible(aka min/maxing) like any game.
The problem is multi-faceted. At my core, I'm a min-maxer, completionist when it comes to gaming. I want to do ALL the things(it's why I tend to really hate games with a million sidequests, because I get too bogged down in them) as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Because of that, I tend to get severe FOMO in games where currency X is gated by a daily/weekly mechanic and you need Y of it for Z item/upgrade. So, missing a single daily, weekly, etc. pisses me off, because psychologically I feel like I'm now "behind". It all just ends up feeling like its compulsory instead of voluntary to log in each day. Rather than making the game actually fun (which is all the incentive you SHOULD need to log in), they design systems that prey on your psyche to make you feel "forced" to log in instead.

Now, is this a me problem? Yeah, probably so. Either way, it isn't gameplay that I enjoy and is the #1 reason I quit WoW. In fact, it's so overwhelmingly the #1 reason that the #2 reason is probably a mile down the list as far as "impact factor" for why I left that game. From the sounds of it, Lost Ark has a TON of systems (which I actually enjoy a lot of interactive systems - it's one of the reasons I love POE), but it sounds like almost ALL of them are gated in some way or another. No fucking thank you.
While BDO was great for the open endess of grinding(almost, still had to be somewhat in a gear/level bracket), that's all there was. Grinding levels. Grinding life skills, all to earn silver to enhance gear.
Eh, I get what you're saying and you're not entirely wrong, but isn't that ALL MMORPGs, at their core? It's really all just repeatable tasks that you do over and over to get another +1 on your sword. That's why I prefer MMOs that just "simplify" shit, don't lie to me or try to obfuscate what we're really doing here, and let me fucking juiiiiiiiiiiiiiiceeeee!
Name any mmo that doesnt have dailies or weekly requirements / lockouts....go ahead..ill wait.
There's a difference between having dailies/weeklies that are "optional" and dailies/weeklies that are "forced".

I.E. I can do a daily/weekly that slowly earns me "costume pieces" and once I get 1000 costume pieces, I can make a costume of my choice - that's an example of a GREAT way to do "optional" dailies.

On the other side of that, if you have an item that is BIS, but comes from a dungeon that requires 10,000 faction points to enter, and the ONLY way to get said faction is to do daily quests that award 100 faction points/day? That's an example of a "compulsory" daily.

What's REALLY fun, is devs and the bean counters have wisened up on this part and will now sell you the, "GRIND 5 EXTRA DAILIES/DAY IF YOU BUY THIS $5 TOKEN!" item in the cash shop. Essentially, they've created a really shitty gameplay loop and will now SELL you the "solution". Korean games are NOTORIOUS for doing this and BDO did it in a number of cases. That's yet another reason I'm very leery of Lost Ark.
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