Man of Steel


What irritated me is that so many of the valid complaints about the movie could have been avoided with some minor tweaks instead of lazy film-making.

A simple evacuation scene could have avoided all the backlash over Superman and Zod toppling half the skyscrapers in the city. Keep Lois and co around for the drama by having them refuse to leave because they insist on covering the showdown.

Then instead of going with the stupidest method of killing in movies, the twisting neck snap, why not have Superman block Zod's eyes with his forearm as he's using his eye beams. They already showed that it can hurt them so it demonstrates how he's willing to suffer damage to save people and Zod can still refuse to stop and charbroil his own brain in the process so you get a grey area where Superman doesn't outright kill him but wasn't able to stop him short of death. That, along with the level of destruction in the city, gives you the ability in sequels to explore how Superman realizes that just being super strong/fast/indestructible etc isn't enough and he needs to be intelligent and not rely on brute force. Perfect segue into him seeking out Batman?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Movie doesn't explain that and the 80s Superman movies are boring and shitty so I never cared about them. THAT'S RIGHT I SAID THAT SHIT. They aren't in their little ice prison so I assumed they would be pretty dead. Even if they lived, so eternal imprisonment is the superior moral choice?

Reading up on it, so they are basically ghosts that live forever and can't interact with anything. Until the multiverse collapses in on itself and destroys all existence. Jesus christ. THIS is the moral choice?
Yup, RRP yourself. The prison term was limited, go back and rewatch the sentencing scene.


FPS noob
i still don't get why lois lane was a red head, most of my superman references are from seinfeld but to me her having shiny black hair seems pretty iconic. why'd you have to fuck that, mang


Buzzfeed Editor
Yup, RRP yourself. The prison term was limited, go back and rewatch the sentencing scene.
I'll RRP you for making shit up! Yeah, the council sentenced them to a limited sentence. Superman abused some physics bullshit to send them back there. He didn't put them there in some limited sentence. Who is going to take them out? Every kryptonian in the universe is dead except for Superman, who is a journalist now.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
There's definitely some lack of forethought in certain regards to comic books and heroes not killing. The phantom zone is a copout and always has been. It's a way to put some finality to a villain without killing them. But you are in essence, doing worse with solitary confinement.

That being said, there are a hundred different ways that superman could have saved the day and NOT killed anyone. Because he's superman. But the writers WANTED him to kill zod. So it didn't matter. That's the part I hated. That and pa Kent telling Clark to NOT save people.

If they wanted Clark to kill... It should have been an accident. Superman trying to over power zod after zod continually endangers his people and Clark accidentally goes JUST a hair too far and kills him. Even have zod give a final look that says wait, what did you do to me?

That way superman can have the moment where he understand how much focus he has to put into restraint or people die.


Batman has beaten Superman almost five times now. Before the DC52, he had more Kryptonite than the entire world's governments combined, including Gold Kryptonite (one exposure of it takes away Kryptonian powers permanently).
ah yes, the superplanning. I wonder what batman would do if superman made a quick trip to the asteroid belt and send a few torward Gotham. All in the spam of 10 minutes between taking the decision, fly up there at lightspeed, grab them, fly back again

but i'm sure batman has some kind of asteroid defense system in his utility belt


Avatar of War Slayer
Yup, RRP yourself. The prison term was limited, go back and rewatch the sentencing scene.
phantom zone has always been some bullshit honestly.
nightmare purgatory filled with monsters, and completely anarchy.
Oh, and you CAN'T die there, even if you WANT to.

Its hell. Its not a place to go to be rehabilitated. its a literal hell.


Mr. Poopybutthole
ah yes, the superplanning. I wonder what batman would do if superman made a quick trip to the asteroid belt and send a few torward Gotham. All in the spam of 10 minutes between taking the decision, fly up there at lightspeed, grab them, fly back again

but i'm sure batman has some kind of asteroid defense system in his utility belt
Killer Robot Satellites armed with Kryptonite lasers/nuclear missiles

It might sound far fetched, but when Batman fought Amazo, he used a nuclear missile on him. Amazo has all of the powers of the Justice League (including Superman), and Batman KO'd him with a nuke. That's how he rolls.


Avatar of War Slayer
nanites placed in civilians that can activate and turn anyone and everyone into a superpowered cyborg under Brother Eye's control.
And of course the death laser on the Watchtower, which is pointing down.

remember, Batman is a supervillian.


Mr. Poopybutthole
nanites placed in civilians that can activate and turn anyone and everyone into a superpowered cyborg under Brother Eye's control.
And of course the death laser on the Watchtower, which is pointing down.

remember, Batman is a supervillian.
Don't forget when he was the Outsider, he used Amazo technology to give himself all of the powers of the Justice League at once.


Killer Robot Satellites armed with Kryptonite lasers/nuclear missiles

It might sound far fetched, but when Batman fought Amazo, he used a nuclear missile on him. Amazo has all of the powers of the Justice League (including Superman), and Batman KO'd him with a nuke. That's how he rolls.
a nuclear missile. Really ? against someone who can simply outrun the point blank explosion with Flash powers, or simply shrug it off because he has Superman invulnerability, or just protect himself because he has the green lantern ring ? just to name a few of the ways he can avoid such attack ?

do these authors realize that to make Batman the retarded walking "deus ex machina" they want him to be they go against every single other DC character? to the point they seem to completely loose their status of superbeings?


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Saw this moving last night and was severely underwhelmed even after coming in with low expectations. The trailer was an A+ and the movie was a D-.