Marvel Universe stuff


<Gold Donor>
I think the comics have closer ties to the MCU then people think. As soon as the Infinity Gauntlet wraps up I fully expect these new versions to take over instead of trying to recast or reboot Tony Stark and others.
I disagree. I can see them doing stuff like Bucky or Falcon taking over for Cap, but there is no reason to suddenly have a random black chick take over for Tony Stark either. He can just fade away from importance, or die heroically if he is totally done, and someone new can take over. As in, a new hero, not a "new" Iron Man. Black Panther, with all his Wakanda tech and backing, could easily fill the Iron Man role if he chose while still being completely his own character. Or any of a dozen people we've never seen before. Done with Thor? Tons of people, god or not, to fill in that role. Same with Hulk, Cap, everyone really. There's no need to change anything to this new comic book bullshit, just have a natural progression of people fading away and new people moving up. That's what happens in real life anyway.


Trakanon Raider
It feels like the Batman Beyond show. Never watched it but wasn't it essentially a kid being Batman with an old Bruce Wayne as a mentor? Marvel could be copying that to an extent with their billionaire playboy philanthropist.


<Gold Donor>
Sadly enough, I said outloud I couldn't believe that they were turning Iron Man into a Black teenage girl, and every woman in the house came running immediately. I wonder how much of this is being driven by Disney, in an effort to have more diversified characters in their movies going forward? Let's be real, Disney is going to be milking these characters for all their worth over the next 100 years. It's like they are trying to get ahead of the changing demographics 20 years from now, and they want to take the hit upfront.
I daresay your household is probably the outlier for comic book awareness, but I see your point. Still, I think it is going to be far less of a boon to their sales than they are hoping. As stated before many times, why not focus on making new characters for these demographics then?


Mr. Poopybutthole
There's no need to change anything to this new comic book bullshit, just have a natural progression of people fading away and new people moving up. That's what happens in real life anyway.
The problem is that there is no aging. Remember the Champions RPG? They actually had people get married, have kids and die and have a second and third generation of superheroes. So if Marvel did that, maybe Tony marries a Black woman, and they have a Black daughter, who 20 years from now takes the mantle. Marvel screws themselves in that no one actually ages, and time passes like one year of Marvel time for every ten of hours.


<Prior Amod>
So Iron Mans best black friend dies, b/c he's been wearing a suit from practically 1994 (War Machine is mark 11, current Iron Man is mark 51), so he does what every other white person in marvel is doing, handing over their "mantle" to some minority.

Ms Marvel to some iraq girl
Hawkeye to girl
Thor to cancer Jane
Hulk to korean cho
Spider-man to black kid
Iron Man to black girl
Capn America to black Falcon
Wolverine to girl clone
Nick Fury to Samuel Jackson

If you're a white male in the Marvel Universe, you stand a good chance of losing your job.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I think the comics have closer ties to the MCU then people think. As soon as the Infinity Gauntlet wraps up I fully expect these new versions to take over instead of trying to recast or reboot Tony Stark and others.
And that will be where the MCU loses me. Same thing that happened with Star Wars.

The main reason championed for more DIVERSITY in ... well, everything, is so all peoples have someone to identify with. Well, guess what, when you neuter what white people made for themselves and give it all to everyone else, and the white people are left with what, only the villains of star wars (same goes for MCU if they go this route)? You're going to lose your fan-base who launched this whole fucking thing... Oh wait, nothing is supposed to happen, hand-waving, nothing to see here, white people just jump on board the minority train and identify with a black girl now. Because supposedly you can do it, but others can't. Or, reasons.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I just wish they would hire black writers to create black super heroes and whatever under represented group they feel needs to be included. Need some fresh blood, not a new coat of paint.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I disagree. I can see them doing stuff like Bucky or Falcon taking over for Cap, but there is no reason to suddenly have a random black chick take over for Tony Stark either. He can just fade away from importance, or die heroically if he is totally done, and someone new can take over. As in, a new hero, not a "new" Iron Man. Black Panther, with all his Wakanda tech and backing, could easily fill the Iron Man role if he chose while still being completely his own character. Or any of a dozen people we've never seen before. Done with Thor? Tons of people, god or not, to fill in that role. Same with Hulk, Cap, everyone really. There's no need to change anything to this new comic book bullshit, just have a natural progression of people fading away and new people moving up. That's what happens in real life anyway.
That's why I don't think Bucky or Falcon becoming Cap are great comparisons. In those cases, they were long-established characters that had enough history to be able to convincingly say they earned the title. Readers knew who they were, and at the very least, knew the change would make for some interesting stories. There's nothing wrong with a character stepping down in a "pass the torch" sort of way, but that's why this feels like taking a lazy shortcut. They just want to have some random nobody show up, throw on the costume, and have everyone just seamlessly transfer their enjoyment of the character over.

If they were going to have someone step into Tony's shoes, they should've spent the last year developing her character so, when the time came, the transition could've felt more worthwhile. But then, I guess actually having people become familiar with who she is would've made it more difficult to boil her down to "black girl becomes Iron Man!" and have that be the totality of what people know about her in a way to grab headlines. I don't have anything against Marvel replacing characters. It's not like that's unprecedented. But, I think if they want to be successful with it and get fans on their side, they should put a little more time and thought into it instead of having what is akin to someone showing up to their first day of work and instantly being promoted to CEO.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just wish they would hire black writers to create black super heroes and whatever under represented group they feel needs to be included. Need some fresh blood, not a new coat of paint.
They have enough established Black characters that they don't do much with (other than Black Panther):

Black Panther
Captain Marvel
Blue Marvel
Luke Cage
War Machine
Night Thrasher (just get rid of the skateboard)

There's no reason to turn Iron Man or Spiderman Black. With the exception of Black Panther, when was the last time any of these characters have had a solo book?

BTW, Black Panther is pretty good, but that's always been pretty good imo.


Silver Knight of the Realm
You didn't know? Hulk is now a nerdy korean kid.

And it is really horrible, from the pov of an asian kid, i cannot read this series, it's really bad.
You leave Amadeus Cho's name off the list of shitty diversity for the sake of diversity. He had a great run for years before this diversity nonsense. Dude earned it.


<Prior Amod>
You leave Amadeus Cho's name off the list of shitty diversity for the sake of diversity. He had a great run for years before this diversity nonsense. Dude earned it.
Have you read new totally awesome Hulk? it's horrible, it's like Pak got some memo from Marvel to cultural up dis shit yo!

And yea, i've Follow Amadeaus since he was on that stupid scooter carrying a dumb coyote (who was always a skrull or was later replaced? i forget), calling himself Mastermind Excello

When all he was, was just smart, that was cool

Then they fucked w/ him by making him Herc's sidekick, then he was the new Herc then some new god? idk what the fuck.

But now as totally awesome Hulk, they've de-evolved him into a dumb teen who is sometimes smart and wants to "get some", but it's almost bordline "cooties" the way shit is being written.

I just wish they would hire black writers to create black super heroes and whatever under represented group they feel needs to be included. Need some fresh blood, not a new coat of paint.
And since Totally awesome Hulk is so horrible AND it's written by a korean, for a korean character, i doubt a black writer injecting "fo shizzle" every third panel is really going to help.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They lost me when they turned Blade into a teenage girl, and the first issue was supposed to be of her celebrating her sweet 16th birthday. Marvel is trolling us at this point.
It feels like the Batman Beyond show. Never watched it but wasn't it essentially a kid being Batman with an old Bruce Wayne as a mentor? Marvel could be copying that to an extent with their billionaire playboy philanthropist.
Yea I guess my point was, it's not the IDEA that's flawed, it's everything else about it. Batman Beyond was fucking great for the most part. The quantity of character shifts all happening around the same time, seemingly arbitrarily, with terrible writing, really doesn't do anyone any favors. Passing-the-mantle could be a great storytelling/world building mechanism for keeping old favorites relevant + introducing new characters without making everything super "bloated" for a lack of a better word, but that's clearly not what's going on.

Also, did you mean someone instead of Captain Marvel? Captain Marvel is as white and blonde as ever I thought

Edit: The wiki for Captain Marvel is certainly a tangled web. There was a black one I guess? I wasn't familiar with her. And like 3 aliens. So really, Captain Marvel is super diverse as far as mantles go :p


Silver Knight of the Realm
Have you read new totally awesome Hulk? it's horrible, it's like Pak got some memo from Marvel to cultural up dis shit yo!

And yea, i've Follow Amadeaus since he was on that stupid scooter carrying a dumb coyote (who was always a skrull or was later replaced? i forget), calling himself Mastermind Excello

When all he was, was just smart, that was cool

Then they fucked w/ him by making him Herc's sidekick, then he was the new Herc then some new god? idk what the fuck.

But now as totally awesome Hulk, they've de-evolved him into a dumb teen who is sometimes smart and wants to "get some", but it's almost bordline "cooties" the way shit is being written.

And since Totally awesome Hulk is so horrible AND it's written by a korean, for a korean character, i doubt a black writer injecting "fo shizzle" every third panel is really going to help.
That herc run was great, when herc wanted Amaedus to hook up with that hot snake chick was fantastic! It sucks that he has been devolved into this mess, but he is still wholly independent of all the "diversity now" stuff they have been force feeding us. Same goes for X-23 and Carol Danvers. Those are good legacy moves in the grand scheme of things. They did it the right-ish way. Similar to the Legacy pushes they did for Green lantern and Atom and stuff DC had back in the day, even Black Spider man was done long before this push was even going on, and he has good and bad baggage along with him, but that was some people trying to actually make new and vibrant characters.

ANNNY WAY this is going to go back to normal in a few years when sales slip too much and the Marvel U needs a movie line reboot.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I went back and tried to read original Secret Wars and there was a black Captain Marvel and Rhodes was in the IM suit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Edit: The wiki for Captain Marvel is certainly a tangled web. There was a black one I guess? I wasn't familiar with her. And like 3 aliens. So really, Captain Marvel is super diverse as far as mantles go :p
Has no one else read comics from the 80's? She once led the Avengers, and KO'd Magneto in one hit. I guess they've changed her name repeatedly since then.
