Marvel Universe stuff


Understand, that next up we have thor 2 wich will expand the 9 realms, after that we have a team with a talkng tree and raccoon in spacemeeting up with the collector, ronan the accuser(Kree bigwig) Korath the pursuer and members of the nova corps.We already had aliens invade earth with giant whale ships coming through a cosmic portal opened by a norse god a few movies ago....we passed the line of "people won't buy it" a long time ago.
The Collector, Ronan and Korath are going to be in there? I hadn't heard that yet.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
yeah, i really appreciate marvel's direction on things. the audience is built by comic fans... for every group of people that see the avengers and have no idea who thanos is, there's one person in that group that is able to explain it to them in detail. Marvel knows this. for every person who goes to see Thor and doesn't understand why hulk isn't strong enough to pick up his hammer...there's a person right next to them ready willing and able to explain it.

like i said earlier... the audience isn't as stupid as people like to think and we don't need 20 minutes of exposition to explain who and what thor is. He's asgardian. He has a hammer. He hits frost giants with it. we don't need 20 minutes of exposition to show that hawkeye and black widow have a previous relationship and what that relationship is. put a shot of them on a screen in the background in beirut hunkered down and shooting at people and voila.

now, clearly i can't say how guardians is going to work but as far as i'm concerned, it already has. before Marvel announced the guardians of the galaxy movie i had NO idea who they were. i'm an avid comic book reader and i've never ready anything that even mentioned them. since then, i've done some digging and seen them in action and i'm very excited for it to come out. based on all the posters and stuff, it seems like it will be a very "usual suspects" type of group. just a group of characters put together with maybe 2 minutes of screen time explaining who and why they are there and then just moving on to the real story. i imagine Peter Quill will have a bit more personal story explained... but again... if it's organic to the story that's perfectly fine.


Yeah, Fucker is right, i mean why even bother. You need to follow the naysayers and just leave it behind. I mean, 10 years ago we all yelled it was impossible to properly translate lord of the rings into a movie. It was rediculous to even imagine a song of ice and fire being a tv series. I mean, come on! Rediculous!

Marvel should have quit after iron man 1, because it's impossible to explain norse gods and a 1940's supersoldier, and then letting them team up in a movie.

Times have changed...'can't do' turned to, "let's see if we can pull it off!" And ultimately most of the times results into "see? Told you we could do it!"

You forget a couple of things, you will never get a carbon copy of infinity gauntlet, but does that mean they cannot possibly do it right? There is absolutely no leeway on altering a few things, cutting away some exuess fat, and shaping it up to fit the universe they built, while still maintaining the essentials? They can, and marvel built enough credit in my book to actually be able to pull it off. And they built up enough credit that disney will cut them a blank check and say, "go make us 2 billion dollars!"

Understand, that next up we have thor 2 wich will expand the 9 realms, after that we have a team with a talkng tree and raccoon in space meeting up with the collector, ronan the accuser(Kree bigwig) Korath the pursuer and members of the nova corps. We already had aliens invade earth with giant whale ships coming through a cosmic portal opened by a norse god a few movies ago....we passed the line of "people won't buy it" a long time ago.
i supposed i didnt explain it well, or you like to be an ass

what i mean is it's pointless to discuss about a movie showing the full powered, omnipotent, cosmic abstracts kickng Infinity Gauntlet. We will never see it. You wont see Thanos snaping his fingers and kill half life in the universe. Or cutting Canis Majoris in little cubes of plasma. Or blowing up a planet while having a nice walk with the Devil

im just saying....they will find to way to make it fucking dungerous, im sure of it. But not like in the comics.

Hell, im imagining this amazing scene where Thanos use the reality gem for the first time and the entire space/time distort into a wierd senseless abstract world. They need to be creative and dont overdo or it will be come very cheesy


Silver Baronet of the Realm
i agree, just talking scope it's going to be smaller. Thor is a god but ironman held his own very capabably until cap broke up the fight. which insinuates that stark and thor are on relatively equal footing, at least the movie versions. sure, we can assume that odin is stronger than thor and that would be a safe assumption but it starts to get all nebulous beyond that. if thanos defeated odin in the movies, does that safely setup thanos as being scary and powerful enough to stop the avengers? Odin is the only character we've been introduced to that has any chance against thanos (non-IG powered). you could have some scene with Thanos invading asgard and knocking asgardians left and right a la sauron in fellowship... but outside of something like that, introducing ANY cosmic level entity isn't going to mean anything.

on the other hand i am all for dropping all attempts at making a "safe" movie and bringing in as much cosmic level stuff as possible.


the only way to put this even remotely close to the comics level would be get the F4 copyright back, do a proper "Coming of Galactus" story with Big-G leaving after being introduced as a fucking planet killing cosmic being

THEN include him in the IG story and watch Thanos and Big-G clash, razing down half a planet in the process, with Thanos defeating him and building his monument in honor of Death


<Prior Amod>
the "current" cross-over stuff is disgusting, and i say disgusting as in it's really vile. Mainly because marvel doesn't do anything good with them.

I said it b4 in the GoTG post, the only cross over i believe is worthwhile and great is the initial Annihilation crossover.

I'm just gonna talk about the current 10 year span of cross overs, let's start with

lots of spoilers if you haven't read these cross-overs

Avenger's Disassembled-scarlet witch goes nuts takes out the avengers, her husband vision is dead, hawkeye is dead. this so far is good... and leads into

House of M - scarlet witch makes all mutants but 198 gone, so far, this is one of the worthwhile ones.

civil war - register superheros or get thrown in jail, peter parker exposes himself, iron man vs cptn america... nothing happens big black guy dies oh cap dies for like a year

world war hulk - illuminati (iron man-mr fantastic-dr strange-xavier and a few others i forget) send hulk off world to be alone. He ends up doing a comic book version of sparticus/gladiator and after a while becomes king of the world, but the ship they sent him in was set to explode to get rid of him, ends up destorying his world where he is king with a queen and kingdom, he comes back to earth to get revenge, nothing happens, he's a wuss

annihilation - this one i like

messiah complex - first mutant born in years after house of m, it's basically Cable and Hope (the new mutant) in the walking dead video game/ the last of us. it would have been better if they spent an extra year of comics cultivating this father/daughter relationship instead of wtf she's 16 now and the most powerful mutant in the world, hello.

secret invasion - stupid story where skrulls were impersonating everyone for 10 years, this brings back long since thought dead heroes, shitty

war of kings - vulcan (the third summers brother and by all accounts an omega level mutant) has taken over the shiar empire and now is expanding, this was good i liked the vulcan storyline

siege - somehow after secret invasion norman osborn becomes leader of shield and wants to invade asgard for shits and giggles.

Second coming - finishes messiah complex, very weak

fear itself - i just remember a bunch of shitty hammers came into the possession of big oofs, asgard something, something

avengers vs xmen- oh yeah the phoenix force comes to hope... no wait somehow they make it so cyclops kills xavier

age of ultron - nothing comes of it... a recycled storyline

infinity - current crossover

a lot of the crossovers don't do shit, imo they're all really pocket stories, take age of ultron the 6 issues of story that it built up about ultron taking over the world from the future is negated by time traveling wolverine, so all that "never happened"

civil war... black guy dies... big whoop no one ever cared about goliath. cap america get's assassinated? yea right they turned that around the next year, peter parker is exposed? nope the next year he "wished" it all never happened with the help of mephisto by giving up his supermodel wife so his dying aunt can live.

a lot of these cross-overs feel like just shitty ways to drum up sales, cross-overs sell, that's why they have like 3 a year, otherwise those shitty tie-ins wouldn't ever sell.
(i wanted to say more but it's damn late)


Life's a Dream
How about cross-overs of the past?

When I was a kid, reading comics constantly, I *loved* Maximum Carnage crossover. That was a pretty interesting set of books. It was contained entirely within the 4 Spider-Man comics (Amazing Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man), but I still consider it a crossover. Oh yeah, it also introduced Spider-Man Unlimited for the first and final issues of that series.

The other one was "X-Cutioner's Song". It was contained in the X-Universe. Uncanny X-Men, X-Factor, X-Force, X-Men. I really dug these two.

A few years later, they had the Fatal Attractions crossover, which had small holograms glued to the cover of each issue. While I enjoyed the story overall, they seemed to have consistency errors that made them difficult to follow. But then again, I was only 13 at the time.

I still have all of these books in my basement. Damn.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Age of Apocalypse is by far my favorite X-book event but I'm afraid to go back and read it again in fear it won't live up to the nostalgia laced memories I have of it.


Battle of the arom is shaping up really nice, you have to start from All New Xmen 1 though to know why the original xmen are in the present.


<Prior Amod>
the reason why i don't like battle of the atom, like all the other crossovers
jean grey is... sorta back, which is why i just hate dc/marvel, characters do not die, you don't care about the direction an artist/writer decides to take a character b/c they can always "wtf, rebirth!" this is largely why i prefer the Ultimate universe, characters that die, stay dead, magneto had to kill wolverine 2x, and he still stuck a claw in him, while cyclops just got wtf pwn'd by a bullet(or took out an arm?)

plus battle of the atom doesn't make sense on a marvel scientific level, beast would never do what he did even after the events of AvX, even after all they lost, what he did is like a pacifist committing genocide, he's basically treating all his scientific principles as star trek prime directive, he'll just do it for fun to advance the story. (as much as we can make sense out of comics, ha)


About battle of the atom...

jean grey in the xorn mask is the jean grey from the past that never left the present, therefor she changed history and never really died. Wich makes it kind of a non resurrection. Next to that, the final episode Magik is onto the future xmen, and i am very interested in what she found out.

It's flawed, but what time travel story isn't. At least they didn't fuck it up like superior spiderman, i mean bringing back spiderman 2099, really? Beast originally was at a dead end, his mutation kicked it up a notch and he wanted to inform his former self to start earlier with a cure. Shit happened and cyclops found out what a nutjob he'd become in the future and beast brought the original xmen back to his own time.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I wish we could get minor features, animated or otherwise, based on some of the old crossovers, and some more recent ones.

Age of Apocalypse would be a wicked series of animated features. X-cutioners song and X-tinctiona agenda were both fantastic. More recently, Age of X was awesome, but disappointed it wasn't... more permanent.


<Prior Amod>
About battle of the atom...

jean grey in the xorn mask is the jean grey from the past that never left the present, therefor she changed history and never really died. Wich makes it kind of a non resurrection. Next to that, the final episode Magik is onto the future xmen, and i am very interested in what she found out.

It's flawed, but what time travel story isn't. At least they didn't fuck it up like superior spiderman, i mean bringing back spiderman 2099, really? Beast originally was at a dead end, his mutation kicked it up a notch and he wanted to inform his former self to start earlier with a cure. Shit happened and cyclops found out what a nutjob he'd become in the future and beast brought the original xmen back to his own time.
you know... your point with spiderman 2099 is such a great point, i'll just agree with you on everything, just so stupid... everything. i wonder if anyone finds magik as great a character as i do, no longer is she just the stupid girl that colossus calls a snowflake and has to rescue, by all accounts she is queen of limbo of the xmen, i'm more interested in her story.