NBA 2016-17 Season Thread - Knicks in 6


<Bronze Donator>
Anyone have the voting totals for the MVP race? Curious to see how it broke down.

Never mind, specifics release tomorrow.

Never mind everything
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<Bronze Donator>
CP3, Butler, Kawhi, LeBron, A Davis

I had real issues at the 2. This team doesn't shoot the 3 as well as I'd like my all ultra non Warriors starting 5 to do. Originally Harden there for his shooting but can't imagine his production staying the same without the ball in his hands. It's an interesting experiment for sure because I'm agree that I'm not even sure that team does it. You could make a real argument for Jokic or Towns (projecting some improvement defensively) at the 5 too considering how good defensively the team is otherwise.


<Bronze Donator>
I have pretty much unconditional love for CP3 as a player. He's definitely a bitch on the court but so are a lot of guys. I've never seen CP3 do anything but give it all though. And sure he complains a lot on top of that. I get why people don't like him. He's still an all-nba player and has been for a decade.

The dude in that clip ignores one big fact about the Clippers and it's that they have had an absolutely atrocious bench ever since Doc took over.


<Gold Donor>
I would take CP3 pretty much over any other PG in the NBA. It's tough to say that and include Curry, but I feel like CP3 is plug and play in most NBA Offenses where as I think Curry is perfect for GSW and perhaps not so much with other teams. All of this is excluding LeBron, if you call LeBron a PG then of course I take him.

A year or two or three from now I am curious to see if & where Ball is a part of this discussion.


<Bronze Donator>
I've always thought that way about CP3. Dude's a great player, really good. But I'd be lying if I didn't question his "leadership". He gets super bitchy on the court etc and I could see that being his personality. Where you kinda need a more dominant ego to keep him in check to go on a title run or something. There are a ton of variables to success, including playing in just an incredibly loaded West, but I'm surprised they didn't have more success. Also in fairness to him, you probably have to be a pretty incredible motivator to get Deandre Jordan & Blake Griffin to buy completely in and really bring their shit. Those guys just strike you as the epitome of "Cool making money, I'm in LA, sweet. Oh I'm injured, let's milk it". Blake has a little of that Dwight Howard shit. More entertainer than ruthless athlete.

I've also seen a ton of rebuttals about CP3 in San Antonio. That his game isn't free-flowing enough to match up well in the Popovich system. Kinda surprised me, but there may be something there.


Trakanon Raider
Lol, they're not getting Masai.
Raptors don't even have to let him talk for a lateral move. Isn't this tampering or does that only apply to players?
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Molten Core Raider
CP3 to Houston deal agreed on.

Just glad he's not going to the Spurs. Kind of a weird choice for him to want to go to the Rockets. He thinks they can win something with the typical D of D'Antoni teams?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Wow. So what the are they going to do now? Just put Harden back at SG and take the fucking ball out of his hands? For what? I know he needed help, that was obvious, but CP3 is a floor general, and I guess they are paying him to play defense, but I dont know how this will effect Harden. I guess he will still go on fine and get a ton of shots and be happy, Im just saying what he did at PG last year was amazing and now you bring in one of the best PGs of all time and basically pull the plug on the experiment of him bringing the ball up and leading the fucking league in assists.


Trakanon Raider
Came here to see if there was just something I was missing that would make this move make sense. Doesn't seem like there is.


Still a Music Elitist
Yeah it's a weird move. Don't see how that helps put them over the Warriors or Spurs. Plus though Paul is a defensive upgrade, they lose Beverley who was maybe their best defensive player.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea its stunning actually Beverly is coming off a FIRST TEAM ALL DEFENSE YEAR. Like, lol. What fucking more do you want in the backcourt to help Harden as far as defense? Now you move on from him all together to bring in Chris Paul, who is one knee injury away from retirement. Brilliant.

Only interesting wrinkle here is D'Antoni. Perhaps he cooks up some hybrid scheme with the front office and they just keep bringing in a bunch of shooters and let Harden still create in the half court or something off of all the space available. Maybe even find Chris Paul and lob partner down low. He is a pretty big upgrade over Beverly offensively, but I dont know I see this as a one year window where they either have massive success next year, or this looks like a failed experiment.


<Bronze Donator>
I get what you guys are saying. On paper Beverly is the perfect back court pairing to Harden. Doesn't need the ball. Shoots the 3. Plays defense.

But you guys are crazy if you think CP3's talent doesn't trump the odd fit it creates. Paul is a better defender AND a better shooter. And today's NBA is based around ball movement and handling. The more guys you have on the court that can facilitate the better.

It is an odd fit on paper, but you don't turn down adding the best PG in the league to your team, regardless of fit. Does it put them on top of the Warriors? No. But you can't reasonable expect a team to operate with that in the back of their minds. There are maybe two teams with cores that will exist after the Warriors prime (76ers and Wolves). As an NBA organization you aren't just going to punt on 5 years of basketball because there's clearly a better team out there.
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Molten Core Raider
Of course its understandable from the Rockets perspective, it does make them a little better. But I don't get it from Paul's perspective. You'd figure he wants to finally win, and joining the Spurs would have been such a great fit for him to have that chance. The value of his half court play style and ability to control the game would have been enhanced by the Spurs slow pace and defense. Its degraded in a D'Antoni system where you'd trying to score 120+ every game in order to win.


Still a Music Elitist
Yeah I'm surprised Paul didn't wait it out to go to the Spurs. That would make them a serious threat to the Warriors.


Trakanon Raider
Maybe Paul's ego wouldn't have meshed with Pop's system? I dunno it's the only thing I can think of.