Nintendo Switch (previously NX)


Trump's Staff
I think I just crossed the 15 hour mark in Sword and I'm omw to fourth badge with ~105 dex entries. Some Japanese player sent me a surprise trade today of the gen's pseudo legendary ghost/dragon that they were obviously trying to breed for comp. Nice comeup, I read it's a 1% wild spawn in a single area of the game.


Potato del Grande
I think I just crossed the 15 hour mark in Sword and I'm omw to fourth badge with ~105 dex entries. Some Japanese player sent me a surprise trade today of the gen's pseudo legendary ghost/dragon that they were obviously trying to breed for comp. Nice comeup, I read it's a 1% wild spawn in a single area of the game.
It's 2% if it's overcast. I got one but later got a better one in a raid (raid Pokemon have 3-5 perfect IVs).

I'm using it competitively, it's great but every team has one and mine always seems to go second lol. Trying to get something now to kill it.
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Trump's Staff
Yeah I've gotten like 5 more from surprise trades lol. Seems like everyone is breeding it.

Surprised that the second half of gyms have been going by so quickly. Only have the dragon guy left now after ~22hr.


<Bronze Donator>
So i'm getting my 6 year a switch lite for x-mas. She likes the pokemon TV show and toys etc. Do I get the older Pokemon: Let's Go or this new game that just came out?


Buzzfeed Editor
My 7-9 year old are all in on Pokemon: Let's Go. I haven't picked up the new one with all the negative reviews etc. They play that and Marvel Ultimate Alliance non stop.


My 7-9 year old are all in on Pokemon: Let's Go. I haven't picked up the new one with all the negative reviews etc. They play that and Marvel Ultimate Alliance non stop.
The negative reviews are all from wierd middle-age weebs that play the game competitively. It's a fun game
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FPS noob
yeah both games are fine, really just depends on what her friends may be playing. i'd just get lets go since it should be cheaper and stuff, buy it digitally so she can't fuck around with carts then when she finishes in 5 months or whatever buy the latest one

i'd pick pokemon let's go pikachu since he's more "famous" than evee, no clue which one to pick on sword or shield. its just different pokemon in the world and different gym trainers, no reason to get both for each set unless you have 2 kids

if you haven't bought the switch lite there aren't any crazy deals, this coming sat/sun (29/30) gamestop will give you a $25 coupon when you buy a switch lite. you can bring it back the next day and buy a $25 eshop card. gamestop will also run a b2g1f on all preowned games in store thu-sun, you could buy 3 pokemon games for like $90 which isn't too bad i guess

if you can find it around you the pokemon switch lite is very cool but they are pretty hard to find, you can order it online at gamestop, best buy, etc if you do it at GS and get it before the weekend you can bring it back in store, return it, rebuy it, and it'll issue a $25 coupon. seems a lot of work for $25
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Trump's Staff
20 unique Pokemon per game, probably get her the version with the new Ponyta (Shield). I think it's a fantastic entry to the series. The difficulty curve is really smooth and with things like the ability to always forget/remember moves, being able to change your Pokemons nature (competitive) it's almost impossible to fuck anything up.


<Bronze Donator>
I'm not sure this deal will be in Canada or not but we'll see. There is a gamestop very close to work so i'll check it out, I agree on the let's go for a first game.

How do the digital games work? Let's say I end up getting a full switch in a couple years and my son can then get the hand me down switch lite. I imagine only one person can play a specific game at a time on an account and I would need to buy two copies of something they both wanted to play?


FPS noob
switch now supports digital game sharing across 2 switches (it did NOT at launch so people sometimes get confused about this) its a little complicated but similar to PS4 - one switch has to be the "home" for the switch and everything just kinda works online or offline, the other switch has to be always online and you have to login to play games. Its always unintuitive as to which switch is which

Thats of course if you share one account, you can just have 2 seperate accounts (that share nintendo family online so everyone has cloud, online play, etc) and then buy 2 copies of games


Buzzfeed Editor
My understanding was that they do not allow simultaneous play for a digital game on both the main switch and the other switch, if one or the other is playing it will "check out" the game and not allow another player.


Molten Core Raider
Thats of course if you share one account, you can just have 2 seperate accounts (that share nintendo family online so everyone has cloud, online play, etc) and then buy 2 copies of games

The other possibility is no online account and use games with local wireless multiplayer. Not sure how many there are, but I've done it with two lites and two digital copies of Mariokart 8. It's pretty darn cool to be able to have someone in the front seat of the car playing against someone in the back seat. I think Tennis Aces has local multiplayer, so I'm going to cough up for two copies of that over the holidays. I've heard it can be done with Diablo 3.

I know buying the family online deal is inexpensive, but Nintendo's online service is so weak imo, that it annoys me to have to pay for it at all.


Potato del Grande
The negative reviews are all from wierd middle-age weebs that play the game competitively. It's a fun game

Here is a sample post from the competitive Pokemon forums:

I have come full circle on Dynamax when my Specs Dragapult failed to KO a Dynamax Gyarados with Tbolt. It's super wack, it's not fun and I don't think many people are having a good time. Did I get outskilled? I have a faster mon with a 4x SE Specs coverage move... against a presumably uninvested offensive sweeper. Does every team need to run ditto? The mechanic is balanced for Doubles (where double targeting can mitigate the dynamax HP boost), it just sucks to play against in OU.

They are not having fun.


Buzzfeed Editor
It's so funny when you read some insider post with all the jargon and shorthand of something that you arent into. Just looks like fucking gibberish.
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Vyemm Raider
Anyone up for some trading on Pokémon? Could use a soble and some of the shield specific shit. Hit me up if interested!


Potato del Grande
Anyone up for some trading on Pokémon? Could use a soble and some of the shield specific shit. Hit me up if interested!
I can do that eventually, haven't done any breeding yet.

Which starter did you choose? I did chose Soble.


Potato del Grande
I started with scorbunny but I have the grass one I can breed and egg with real fast.
I'll breed a Sobble and bump this Tuesday or Wednesday with my friend code.

Any Sheild stuff you want? Ponyta perhaps?

FYI Gyarados is the strongest water type on the ladder because of the Dynamax Flying move increasing speed and it having Dragon Dance. You just need to pair it with a ground type to cover the x4 electric weakness.