Pacific Rim

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
This conversation is dumb. Its a movie about giant robots, possibly the most impractical thing that humanity could ever build. You should have left your logic at home as soon as you saw a trailer for it.

In any case, I was one of the vocal haters of this movie on these forums from seeing the trailers.

However, I downloaded it, turned off my brain and watched it. I am ashamed to say it, but I enjoyed it a lot.

I think a very large component of that comes from the spectacular soundtrack and the score in this movie is the real star. Had it been a mediocre score, I dont think I would have enjoyed this movie.


Millie's Staff Member
nitpicking is fine, its actually a good thing to notice stuff that isnt right. as long as the small details they messed up dont ruin your enjoyment of a film then its all good. movies like prometheus and world war z where you could literally spend hours picking them apart because every aspect of the story was a jumbled up mess is a prime example of too many errors ruining what could have been a great movie had they spent a few minutes thinking about what they were doing. i think pacific rim has a lot of flaws, but its overall purpose and story delivered so well that its pointless to argue alternative methods other than robots. oh noes , big sea monsters, lets make big robots to fight them. job done. go for it.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
Ok first 2 things are complaints about the look of the Engineer and the titles.

Basically this video is for morons, offers nothing substantive and exists solely as a cheap slam on a fantastic movie,

you dumb, astro

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
First of all, I never trolled.

Secondly, I wasnt the one who brought it up

Beef Supreme_sl

I liked Prometheus after I watched all the deleted scenes.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
These are the same people that will lay out $300M to see the latest Adam Sandler shitpile
No Sandler movie has ever made 200mil, much less 300mil. As a matter of fact thesuccessfulones make almost exactly as much as Prometheus did, most make less than it did.

Soooo, the public is fucking stupid because they pay to watch Sandler movies. The same public gave Prometheus even more money. The transitive property proves that Prometheus is worse than Adam Sandler movies.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
Bro, Prometheus is critically acclaimed. Adam Sandler movies are not. You guys need to get over this

P.S. Adjusted for inflation, Waterboy, Big Daddy and The Longest Yard all have made in excess of $200M. Waterboy made $280M


Millie's Staff Member
im sorry i brought up prometheus, but its a valid comparison. prometheus promised answers and only provided more questions and it was done very sloppy. pacific rim promised monsters vs giant robots and it delivered in every possible way, but it too was done very sloppy. who wins? pacific rim of course.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gaming Ghost>
im sorry i brought up prometheus, but its a valid comparison. prometheus promised answers and only provided more questions and it was done very sloppy. pacific rim promised monsters vs giant robots and it delivered in every possible way, but it too was done very sloppy. who wins? pacific rim of course.
Prometheus never promised anything. You assumed there would be answers and everything would be revealed in regards to Engineers and Xenomorphs. That's your problem, not Ridley Scott's.


Millie's Staff Member
actually i dont blame scott, i blame the studio heads for fucking scott over and not giving him the film he wanted to make and it made things worse by letting damon "asshole" lindelof at the story.