Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Here are the tiers, which are subject to change every 10 minutes:

24,000,000: Start at the ground floor of the game by helping to do all of the work!
200,000,000 Hire a programmer to figure all of this shit out, because 1001100 doesn't mean anything other than leetspeak to me.
300,000,000 Spend the month in Jamaica thinking about how we can improve the game (me not you), while you come up with the gameplan.

10,000 Level: Backers get the official title : Free Labor
250,000 Backers get their own subforum to talk about the forum proper, so they can complain about themselves (so meta!)
1,000,000 Backers get the title: Lord Kegkilla, and receive a +1,000 to hit, perfect for slaying internet nerds.


I'm Amod too!
Last I heard, SB is currently exclusive to Sony. So no, Brad could not use SB tech without Sony's permission at this point in time. That said, I don't see how it would fit exactly as SB mob combat AI is anti-trinity.
Storybricks is not owned by SoE or Sony in any way, shape or form. It's owned by Namaste Entertainment Inc. according to the bottom of the Storybrickshome page. SoE has paid for a license to use the Storybricks tech (as well as the Voxel tech, another something they do not own) and I guarantee that license doesn't include loaning the tech to unrelated companies.


It's very interesting when you think about it.
I would say that the kickstarter isn't really a drop in the bucket in the actual funding. What kickstarter is is a means to show those with real money that you have a market for what you want them to give you millions for. If your kickstarter can pull in 3 million dollars for a non-existent product, someone will probably notice and be like HMMMMM this has potential. 3 million dollars is like chump change for a game of EQ's scale. Wasn't the estimate for Vanilla WoW something ridiculous like 75 million? I think WoW expansions cost over 25 million dollars each? Hell I think Vanguard was like 40m as well from what I recall. I could be wrong though.

I'd say they probably need to pull in at LEAST 15m to have any chance of making anything worth a shit. Pulling in 800k from a kickstarter probably won't be enough to get them a massive enough investment imo. Unless of course as mentioned there is already a behind the scenes deal with SOE. Something to the effect of "Prove you have enough interest to make this and we'll fund it."


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Postal? LOL

You don't think half of us don't have CS degrees or developmental experience just because you don't? Unlike you the rest of has have played more than just EQ and Vanguard and have also seen a lot of engines.

Unity is what a lot of IOS games are running and it is FREE to download and program with. Hero is only $100 so yeah a lot of people here have some playtime with it.
This. I've worked with Hero Engine on a game that will be shipping this year. It had to be completely gutted and all simutronics code removed. I get that you can download the engine and it's powerful to play with but it really is terrible and can't support an MMO to launch as a "turn key engine". TOR would have been better if they had removed all of the simutronics code and did their own but I believe they were tied to some of it like the scripting language and we know what the end result was.

The discussion is relevant. I'm glad to see Brad going the Unity direction. It will be interesting to see how the engine plays out for an MMO.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Im a backer, but not because of Brad or nostolgia.. (although that did get me to look into this project)

Im justnota backer of any mainstream MMO project.. so I have extra money to throw at this in hope, not expectation, that it will result positively.

MMOs have been so horrible lately. If this doesnt get funded fully, I get my money back. If it is funded, then I didnt lose much and the backing of this might make a few changes in thinking within in the industry. Plus theres a small chance the game turns out well.Small gamble.
Exactly. We all know what KS is here. Putting a little money down just for the chance of something good happens all the time. Supporting projects you love is very common.


Elisha Dushku
Storybricks is not owned by SoE or Sony in any way, shape or form. It's owned by Namaste Entertainment Inc. according to the bottom of the Storybrickshome page. SoE has paid for a license to use the Storybricks tech (as well as the Voxel tech, another something they do not own) and I guarantee that license doesn't include loaning the tech to unrelated companies.
You probably should have looked up the definition of the word exclusive before posting, but since SB probably isn't relevant it doesn't really matter, probably.
The good news is, there's still a new backer showing up every couple of minutes. So, the outreach is still working quite well.
Was waiting to see what other info would be put out, but the Explorer Tier dropped from 2500 max to 700, so I was forced to snatch one up for the wife and I.


Why not give the Paragons a lifetime sub for $1, but just limit the number available to 100 or so. They can't possibly want 500 people involved with every new mechanic they want to test. How would they ever coordinate that many?


I'm Amod too!
You probably should have looked up the definition of the word exclusive before posting
I'll toss that right back in your face since 'exclusive' does not mean SoE has any control over it whatsoever.

Edit: It's also not all that 'exclusive' since the Storybricks page mentions there are a few other games in development using their tech.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Have any Curt Schilling jokes been made in this thread? If so, please summarize them in the next hour.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Exactly. We all know what KS is here. Putting a little money down just for the chance of something good happens all the time. Supporting projects you love is very common.
This is what some people are missing or just don't agree with.. I've said it all along but there is an awareness to all this that needs to be considered. I'm a bit disappointed at how slow the backing is going b/c I know there is a large core of people wanting a game like this to return..

As for the whole KS project.. I think they need to pause it essentially, that doesn't mean take it down. It means they need to enhance what they have and make that a focus in the next week. Get the tiers worked out, better explain the game and even come up with a more in depth review of the cleric class and use that as your model to reveal classes going forward. Do that before revealing anything else.. Why waste new info if your existing info is turning people off? They know now what doesn't really work so we shouldn't see those mistakes repeated. The KS should always be getting better as we move forward. As gamers we are a very forgiving bunch when we see constant improving. I have no doubt about this project as long as they continue to enhance and improve it.


Elisha Dushku
I'll toss that right back in your face since 'exclusive' does not mean SoE has any control over it whatsoever.
If I have an exclusive right to something that means others don't get to use it during the term of the contract conferring that right. It means the entity from whom I purchased said right doesn't get to turn around and sell whatever it is I have exclusive right to, to someone else (for the term). The only way that other gets access during the term of my contract is if I am willing to modify my contract with the vendor for some additional consideration.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Why not give the Paragons a lifetime sub for $1, but just limit the number available to 100 or so. They can't possibly want 500 people involved with every new mechanic they want to test. How would they ever coordinate that many?
Pre-alpha testers burn out realllly quickly. They join and are excited to test but games can be awful and boring when only some of the mechanics are in and a character wipe happens every week.


I'm Amod too!
If I have an exclusive right to something that means others don't get to use it during the term of the contract conferring that right. It means the entity from whom I purchased said right doesn't get to turn around and sell whatever it is I have exclusive right to, to someone else (for the term). The only way that other gets access during the term of my contract is if I am willing to modify my contract with the vendor for some additional consideration.
First off, you were the one who used the word exclusive, not Namaste or SoE. So it sound like, once again, you're pulling crap out of your ass and trying to make it stick for the purposes this debate.

Second, from Namaste's own site:
Our first game is EverQuest Next, which is currently being developed in partnership with Sony Online. We have other unannounced projects that we are working on but we aren't quite ready to talk about yet.
I don't think they have the same opinion about having an 'exclusive' relationship with SoE as you seem too.


Elisha Dushku
Pre-alpha testers burn out realllly quickly. They join and are excited to test but games can be awful and boring when only some of the mechanics are in and a character wipe happens every week.
And there is only one placeholder mob to repeatedly kill - I wish I'd kept a Mickey Mouse or that walking fish from VG.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
If I have an exclusive right to something that means others don't get to use it during the term of the contract conferring that right.
Our first game is EverQuest Next, which is currently being developed in partnership with Sony Online.We have other unannounced projects that we are working on but we aren't quite ready to talk about yet.
There isn't any exclusive agreement with SOE. They license their product to whoever they want.


Elisha Dushku
I don't think they have the same opinion about having an 'exclusive' relationship with SoE as you seem too.
I'm pretty sure they do but feel free to have the last post on this. I haven't heard anything that remotely suggest SB in Pantheon, so not worth further discussion.