Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trakanon Raider
When this shit releases and Brad has the last say, all those that doubted him shall be DOCKED 1,000,000 DKP.
IF Brad gets this shit out, and its the second cumming of Jesus all over my face, I'll personally suck Brad's dick. I'm not even fucking lying. I will fly to Cali and parascope giving Brad a hummer. I've got chubby cheeks too, so he'll enjoy it greatly.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
IF Brad gets this shit out, and its the second cumming of Jesus all over my face, I'll personally suck Brad's dick. I'm not even fucking lying. I will fly to Cali and parascope giving Brad a hummer. I've got chubby cheeks too, so he'll enjoy it greatly.
Saved this. But really, prob best to blow Joppa and Monty. I know Brad is involved but it's obvious he's allowing the new blood to step in and make decisions, which is the way to go.


Molten Core Raider
IF Brad gets this shit out, and its the second cumming of Jesus all over my face, I'll personally suck Brad's dick. I'm not even fucking lying. I will fly to Cali and parascope giving Brad a hummer. I've got chubby cheeks too, so he'll enjoy it greatly.
Ya, i know i would want to play the game these guys are trying to make... i hope it gets done there are no options left for gamers like me.. Near full time Grouping PVE MMO= ???Seriously ?

Only way i play an MMO again is if it goes back to forced grouping. its what made a community for me. Plenty of good single player titles these days anyway.


I've said it before, I'll give this a whirl and if it ROCKS will happily play. That won't stop me from making fun of the conga line of blunders until that point. It's like having my mozzarella sticks and eating them too.


This needs to be archived/sticky'd so it can be easily referenced in the future.

IF Brad gets this shit out, and its the second cumming of Jesus all over my face, I'll personally suck Brad's dick. I'm not even fucking lying. I will fly to Cali and parascope giving Brad a hummer. I've got chubby cheeks too, so he'll enjoy it greatly.


Trakanon Raider
Ya, because when solo is an option people want to group. Your ignorance is comedy Mr. Pop. But of course you were trolling as per usual.
The issue isn't soloing being an option. The issue is soloing beating as effective, if not more effective, than grouping.

If I can solo for 100xp/hr, but group for 300xp/hr...Guess what? I'm looking to group. Solo SHOULD be a slow method of progress for when you've got not a lot of time.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Ya, because when solo is an option people want to group. Your ignorance is comedy Mr. Pop. But of course you were trolling as per usual.
Ummm, people who aren't anti-social fucks?

I agree it's an issue when soloing becomes more efficient than grouping and that incentivizing soloing isn't usually necessary. If you don't have time for a group, then being able to solo at all should be the incentive. I think the desperate call for forced grouping is a bit pathetic, though.

And you don't have to say "as per usual," as since because you can just say "as usual" or "per usual" depending on the actual meaning you intend.

I think maybe I prefer the term group focused, or even just having a game that encourages groups. Forced grouping, though? I'm not much a fan of any game design that actively forces you to do anything.



Trump's Staff
Ya, i know i would want to play the game these guys are trying to make... i hope it gets done there are no options left for gamers like me.. Near full time Grouping PVE MMO= ???Seriously ?

Only way i play an MMO again is if it goes back to forced grouping. its what made a community for me. Plenty of good single player titles these days anyway.
What does 'forced grouping' even mean to you? Does it mean all content, regardless of the reward it provides, should require a group to progress through? I'm betting that's not what you mean.

If I wanna solo grind gnolls for xp & rusty pickaxes all day while I smoke bowls and listen to Dream Theatre, why can't I? Why do I have to play the same way every day? Maybe I'm feeling social one day, and I'm not the next? A far more reasonable situation would be if the best rewards come from areas of higher risk, and that risk is most easily mitigated by player cooperation. The solo player should be able to progress their power even if they don't want to socialize that day.

There's room for solo 'tests of skill' that result in equally impressive rewards for the solo player. I loved the experiences of getting Benediction on my Priest and Rhok'delar on my Hunter in WoW just as much as any that I had on a raid with my bros in EQ.


ResetEra Staff Member

Did someone say Unity? :p


Musty Nester
It's starting to come up millhouse!

Since SOE isn't a real thing anymore, the time for EQBrowser has arrived. There is no one left to shut you down.


Log Wizard
Forced Grouping is not a term being used by VRI, Group focused or Group orientated are what they say...Solo'ing will not be discouraged but as they design the world, encounters and classes they are focusing on interdependence between the players...IF players find ways to solo (Fear Kiting, Root Rot etc) through emergent game play they will not look to nerf that unless it is truly game breaking (Bards soloing entire zones). The thinking is that the group focus on content will help build a stronger community, where name and reputation means something.


Molten Core Raider
Forced Grouping is not a term being used by VRI, Group focused or Group orientated are what they say...Solo'ing will not be discouraged but as they design the world, encounters and classes they are focusing on interdependence between the players...IF players find ways to solo (Fear Kiting, Root Rot etc) through emergent game play they will not look to nerf that unless it is truly game breaking (Bards soloing entire zones). The thinking is that the group focus on content will help build a stronger community, where name and reputation means something.
That's all fine and dandy, but what kind of gameplay are we really going to see that's going to encourage this? There are no design docs that have been shared with the backers yet we are supposed to have an alpha at the end of the year. I have been following this game from day 1 but truly know less about their intended design and mechanics than i do of Crowfall's, a game i have little interest in and haven't been following.

I am not sure i have faith in Brad's Vision(TM) of what Pantheon is going to be. Brad has some ideas that are incredibly right, people do want an old style MMO, the new EQ1 TLPs show there is a market for a game like this. However, some of his other comments make me shake my head in wonder. While Brad has stated that the game isn't going to be quest oriented ala WoW or VG -which is great, he has also made comments on not want players sitting at one camp grinding. I know he wants people exploring, traveling, moving around "doing" dungeons. Why is he trying to reinvent the wheel again, he needs to stop trying to be creative, he is just going to fuck it up. He needs to make a game with gameplay similar to EQ and then he can slowly start to incorporate some of his new ideas through expansions.