Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
i don't even think he's hit 1/4 Rescorla yet.
It's still really early.

Some may think that taking almost a year to get a solid website up is a real accomplishment. When I think of accomplishments by a small team, I look at Project Gorgon or something like that. Or at successful kickstarters like CU, Crowfall, and Shroud. You have to show real improvements at a decent pace. Having your classes and races up to see should be pretty rudimentary but hey, progress! Is it a step forward? Sure, but is anyone going to high five these guys for finally having a decent website up with planned classes and races?


<Bronze Donator>
There was an update. I felt like it needed more. Not as big as I hoped.

I won't crucify them over it tho. I think they are doing fine for the amount of people they have and the project is actually looking much more professional. I hope they roll some content out on a regular basis.
Where? where was this update? I've been asking this for like 5 pages now.


The Scientific Shitlord
It's still really early.

Some may think that taking almost a year to get a solid website up is a real accomplishment. When I think of accomplishments by a small team, I look at Project Gorgon or something like that. Or at successful kickstarters like CU, Crowfall, and Shroud. You have to show real improvements at a decent pace. Having your classes and races up to see should be pretty rudimentary but hey, progress! Is it a step forward? Sure, but is anyone going to high five these guys for finally have a decent website up with planned classes and races?
Convo is ready to fellate every one of them every day. Why? I don't know, but the blind devotion and gushing praise for such shitty and slow work is... something.


Trump's Staff
I don't know


Trump's Staff
It's still really early.

Som may think that taking almost a year to get a solid website up is a real accomplishment. When I think of accomplishments by a small team, I look at Project Gorgon or something like that. Or at successful kickstarters like CU, Crowfall, and Shroud. You have to show real improvements at a decent pace. Having your classes and races up to see should be pretty rudimentary but hey, progress! Is it a step forward? Sure, but is anyone going to high five these guys for finally have a decent website up with planned classes and races?
Sadly a decent website with races and classes is more than EQNext has right now lmfao.


Molten Core Raider
The $100 pledge isn't too bad assuming the game ever comes out. 2 digital copies of the game and aplha/beta access isn't bad. And for an extra $20 you can name an in game item Brad's Cock of Norrath.

But I think I may go with the Cohort's Pledge ($500) which allows you to design a quest. Quest giver Brad: "Score me some opiates" objective get drugs for brad. Reward 16 silver and a ROCKIN buff


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Sadly a decent website with races and classes is more than EQNext has right now lmfao.
Sad, isn't it? I think we all knew that after Sony dropped their allowance, inheritance, and free ride, Daybreak would suffer. They started a ridiculously lofty and extravagant development cycle after an indecisive period of wasting resources. When Daddy Warbucks left, they lost all the new toys and probably have no idea where the finish line is much less how to get there.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Pretty sure Convo didn't just say update, but that there would be a video with gameplay at the end of this month. And then alpha or pre alpha by the end of the year.

I think we can all say with certainty there won't be a pre-alpha/alpha by the end of the year.


<Bronze Donator>
As I have 0 bucks in this I could give 2 fucks, but please let me know when they post an update that proves that this thing is a real thing and not some horribly laughable scam. Even the haters are giving this too much credit, thinking that it's a real (shitty) attempt at an indie game with a real dev team working for a pittance to produce a product that will most likely fail. again that is far too much credit.

So far we've seen a failed attempted a KS scam, brad stealing 45k from retards who gave him money directly after the failed KS, and some junior high school + religious nutcases fucking around in unity without being paid while brad was AWOL out looking for drug money.

Then Brad comes back, sells a dirtbike, uses that money to put together a 2006 era website showcasing the same rofllore and a handful of fuzzytroll era unity screenshots all so he can con people in to believing that this is still actually a thing? for reals.

Seriously, is there a single shred of evidence that this is a real thing yet? or that it was ever going to be a real thing? and not just a hilarious bad con job?

Let me know when there is an update that shows a game is in development by real people (professional or not). Nothing in that "update" proves that this isn't still an obvious scam.