Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

You know there is no doubt why this site and foh before ran off every developer with even an ounce of talent. The level of duchebaggery in this thread is epic. Honestly, the only purpose this thread serves now is for Brad to come back ***IF*** his game works out, and say suck it fuckers.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Enjoy your $15 a month sub to some "everyone sucks up to the developers" forums there Bilbo! :p


Trump's Staff
You know there is no doubt why this site and foh before ran off every developer with even an ounce of talent. The level of duchebaggery in this thread is epic. Honestly, the only purpose this thread serves now is for Brad to come back ***IF*** his game works out, and say suck it fuckers.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nothing wrong with a little neckbeard heaven!

Don't let them get you down Bilbo. This project would have a lot of dubious people no matter what. This game will have to make it out, be fun and stable, before Brad gets any real credit. Situation he put himself in and he's aware of it. That's the reason he is talking about VG so much.

Lost Ranger_sl

Let's be really honest, I have no game development experience. After seeing this thread, I played around with some free tools. Except for the concept art work that was done 2 years ago for another project, I could of produced everything you've read and seen in the last month in a single weekend.
I dont doubt this at all. I haven't seen a single screenshot that required a professional to make. If you have a very basic understanding of the tools, and some art assets you can easily make something similar. This is like using the Skyrim tools to make pretty landscape shots and then taking all the credit. 90% of the work was done for them already.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Honestly, the only purpose this thread serves now is for Brad to come back ***IF*** his game works out, and say suck it fuckers.

Feel free to come back any time. We'll be here at the amazing price of 0.00 per month.


I'm Amod too!
You know there is no doubt why this site and foh before ran off every developer with even an ounce of talent. The level of duchebaggery in this thread is epic. Honestly, the only purpose this thread serves now is for Brad to come back ***IF*** his game works out, and say suck it fuckers.

Bwhahaha, 10 minutes after rage post and still online. Pretty bad at leaving.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You know there is no doubt why this site and foh before ran off every developer with even an ounce of talent. The level of duchebaggery in this thread is epic. Honestly, the only purpose this thread serves now is for Brad to come back ***IF*** his game works out, and say suck it fuckers.

You're as delusional as the KS backers. Good luck following vaporware.

Lost Ranger_sl

You know there is no doubt why this site and foh before ran off every developer with even an ounce of talent. The level of duchebaggery in this thread is epic. Honestly, the only purpose this thread serves now is for Brad to come back ***IF*** his game works out, and say suck it fuckers.

Wrong. We have never run anyone off that didn't completely deserve it. Scott Hartsman has always been treated fairly, and has always come off as a cool guy. He still posts here about Rift and Archage. Brad and Curt have been torn to pieces over the years. Both of them fucking asked for it by being dishonest assholes. If they want to run away let them. Nothing of value is lost.

Edit: Grave is another one who gets treated well. He was even part of the 38 studios disaster and he doesn't get shit on daily. Come here and post like you are one of the guys and you get treated with respect. Lie your ass off, or only post to sell your product though and you get what you deserve.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
You know you'll be there under a different name. Half these people will. They just wont admit it!
Yeah, you don't know me at all. I haven't even been to the site, let alone pondered paying for forum access to a game that won't happen.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I accidentally copied him on a response to Boogie on Twitter and I retweeted Tom from Myspace's post about the Kickstarter. I'm pretty sure those are the only Twitter interactions I've had with it.

Don't confuse me with having an interest in and, as I said very early on, a desire to see this succeed as me actually wanting to play it or spend my money on it. I loved EQ and would like nothing more than for Brad to make a success of this, but I don't really want to play the game that people here want.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I accidentally copied him on a response to Boogie on Twitter and I retweeted Tom from Myspace's post about the Kickstarter. I'm pretty sure those are the only Twitter interactions I've had with it.

Don't confuse me with having an interest in and, as I said very early on, a desire to see this succeed as me actually wanting to play it or spend my money on it. I loved EQ and would like nothing more than for Brad to make a success of this, but I don't really want to play the game that people here want.
so maybe


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Put me in the "highly doubtful" column, adjusted closer to the "never" column.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
You know what Biblo Fagget is right, in fact all the fanboy's here are, so much so that I have seen the light. More games like these need to be made and so much so that everyone should throw money at them. That's why in a few days time I am going to release my own kickstarter.

Introducing a new Old School Grouping MMO called GroupQuest, in Group quest you can quest in a group. GroupQuest will have the very best generic high fantasy lore you have come to love and expect, only with an added emphasis on grouping. You want Rangers, Mages, Wizards, Warriors, and more then look no further than GroupQuest. Is slow ass retarded as fuck combat your thing? Then you will love GroupQuest, we made combat slow so you have to group to kill things. What's that you don't like slow ass combat, LFR, instancing, or any other plethora of things? Well don't worry at GroupQuest our goal is to bend to whatever the community thinks they want as long as it gets us money. Those of you who pitch in cash first will get an extra bonus of an ingame title (the Cash Giver ) guaranteed to make you the envy of the other people you will be grouping with.


We will even have our own Website in which you our GroupQuest supports can help us. Our free basic forums will allow you to post directly into the delete bin. For only $3.99 you will have access to other GroupQuest patrons who share your opinion in that GroupQuest is the bestest game ever and you can all high five one another. Our Champion Tier at $14.99 a month will allow direct access to our developer team where you can tongue our assholes and tell us how great we are to help stave off our depression and assure us that we are in fact awesome sauce. Remember the Kickstarter will be up soon so donate early and often, your first quest in GroupQuest is to tell your friends about GroupQuest and Group up and Donate.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So how many are in the, no way this ever sees the day of light column!? I'd like history to be clear!
You know there is no doubt why this site and foh before ran off every developer with even an ounce of talent. The level of duchebaggery in this thread is epic. Honestly, the only purpose this thread serves now is for Brad to come back ***IF*** his game works out, and say suck it fuckers.

Rampant Ass-hattery is what redeems the FoH/Rerolled forums. Otherwise this place would be just any old generic gaming forum filled with faggots and trannies.