Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Azraell is trolling right?



SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
When I was in high school I'd sit in my boring classes, doodle various fantasy weapons and create lore for them. I wish I had known then that was all I needed to start an MMO company. I could have toppled EQ at the time!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Silly fanboys, nobody gives a shit about lore on an item, it's all about the stats. I'm convinced that Brad could put a picture of a turd and call that an item and those people would go nuts.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Forged by the great apprentice developer Groupdolf in the depths of Mount Grouparia from the rare material Grouptanium the Legendary Piece of Shit would become well for lack of a better word legendary.
Wielded by the legendary hero Groupcules the Legendary Piece of Shit was used to lay waste to all evil in the land. Now for only a 4 easy payments of $99.99 this legendary sword can be yours impress your friends while you group when Group Quest hits shelves in Fall of 2082.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Unreal engine game would suck for a MMO it's way to hardware intensive. I don't support stuff like Cry engine or UE3+ on mmos, look at how Vanguard was unplayable on most home comps, ditto for EQ2 and I think Age of Conan at release also....

Look at ESO, looks gorgeous even on my shitty computers while also playing smooth. Thats the way to do mmo graphics/

Shame Star Citizen is using Cryengine, how many of those backers will be unable to play it at launch?

As for PJP, I still hope against hope it gets miraculously funded and launches. Simply because I think it's our last hope of seeing a true successor to EQ. It's hard for me to not dislike the (mostly) warranted hate on this forum as it makes the odds of it getting made even smaller.
Archage which uses cryengine 3 runs fantastic on a 4 year old laptop with a 460m.


Reading the short facebook repsonses just posted made me slightly nauseous. I'm positive reading theChampion Apprentice Developerforums would make me vomit with great force.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Forged by the great apprentice developer Groupdolf in the depths of Mount Grouparia from the rare material Grouptanium the Legendary Piece of Shit would become well for lack of a better word legendary.
Wielded by the legendary hero Groupcules the Legendary Piece of Shit was used to lay waste to all evil in the land. Now for only a 4 easy payments of $99.99 this legendary sword can be yours impress your friends while you group when Group Quest hits shelves in Fall of 2082.
More concept art than Pantheon. I'm sold.


Blackwing Lair Raider
He's currently gaining around 2k a week. At this rate we'll see this game shortly after Blizzard releases Titan.
I see now why they don't want to go with KS again, it would be a bigger embarrassment to only raise a 3rd of what you raised the first time.


He's currently gaining around 2k a week. At this rate we'll see this game shortly after Blizzard releases Titan.
We should see an increase each month when the sheep get sheared of their armchair developer dues. Probably be able to determine how many of them actually exist with some simple math after a couple of months, by watching the sudden monthly jumps in total amount, subtracting from previous amount, and dividing the result by 15. Unless they stagger the reported increases to make it seem like a steady flow.


Ok, here's my question.If I subscribe to this deal, can I build a multiplayer game without knowing code? Will I have all the tools I need to set one up from the ground up?

I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to the technical aspects of this stuff- I just remember something Denault said about Unity only being a portion of what you need to make a good multiplayer game (something about network code maybe?). Does Unreal have the same limitations?
It worked for Sigil and Vanguard....

It's really not that hard to code if you have any sort of analytical skill. If you want to make a game, why not learn how? You'll never be John Carmack, but you can create decent stuff being self taught without a ton of experience, especially with the amazing amount of free source code out there.


Musty Nester
Its a lot of work. I think that's the thing that a typical dabbler isn't prepared for. The sheer volume of minutae involved*. You have to love every part of the process or else what you become is a "big picture idea guy".

Entirely relevant to the thread. Any asshole can be a big picture idea guy. Sure, there are good ideas and bad ideas but it is the implementation of those ideas that creates a reality. If you are unwilling or unable to implement the ideas then you literally have nothing. Not even an idea. What you have is an idea for an idea, and anyone with even a passing familiarity of the creative process/project management (it does not have to be specific to vidja games) can easily identify exactly how full of shit you are and why.

*It's not specific to game development but general to any prolonged, complex, creative process. The fact it is a communal process only makes this aspect more severe.

At the end of it you won't even be proud of your game/track/story/whatever. You don't have that in you anymore. Simply making something kills that sort of pride. You will be proud that you managed to live through it and that it came out as something which resembles what you set out to do. One aspect of mastery is how closely what you set out to do compares to what you actually did.

If you want to dabble, in any artistic enterprise, I highly encourage it. It's hard and will teach you how to hate yourself in the right way.


Trump's Staff
That was spot on. The main focus of my job is to develop menus and beverage programs for restaurants. I'm quite good at it, but I've never been fully satisfied with any product I have put out.

Working in any creative industry is really really rough. I can only imagine how people working on multi-million dollar projects feel.



This song makes me think of Brad. After a long day of emailing as many angel investors as he can he sits by the phone waiting for the calls to start pouring in.


That was spot on. The main focus of my job is to develop menus and beverage programs for restaurants. I'm quite good at it, but I've never been fully satisfied with any product I have put out.

Working in any creative industry is really really rough. I can only imagine how people working on multi-million dollar projects feel.
This actually sounds much cooler than it probably is. Do you tell them, "You need a BLT and a cheeseburger - oh and a salad for all those faggots and women"? Do you choose what craft beer places get?


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>

Fantastic post. Excellent point of just what has happened to Brad(and many others).


So you're the asshole that has screwed up the fantastic menu at McDonalds huh? Getting rid of my pink slime and transfat. Actually sounds fairly interesting based on my viewing of Restaurant Impossible and British version of Kitchen Nightmares.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I assumed that by "menu and beverage programs" he means point of sale systems and software, not actually picking stuff that goes on the menu.

*edit* Also, Zzeris, the menu at McDonald's has been far too big for far too long. They've removed some of the bloat but there are still a dozen or more items they could easily get rid of. Burgers, fries, shakes, and sodas. THAT is fucking fast food.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It worked for Sigil and Vanguard....

It's really not that hard to code if you have any sort of analytical skill. If you want to make a game, why not learn how? You'll never be John Carmack, but you can create decent stuff being self taught without a ton of experience, especially with the amazing amount of free source code out there.
I'm not opposed to learning and I do tend to think analytically. I'm also not too concerned about investing a lot of effort into it. Frankly, I just wouldn't know where to begin or what to focus on. I've asked around a few times and there doesn't seem to be a very organized method of learning that type of thing. Most people I know who do it picked it up as a hobby when they were in HS or college. I missed that boat so I would need a much more succinct method of acquiring those skills.