Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
ut will post for 40 pages about how brad is a scam artist from nigeria who secretly works for zenimax and declare all the employees have messaged him offering him the ceo job. his final post will be a short note that because he lost a bet with smed he is investing $100k of his nfl retirement money into pantheon
So accurate and succinct.


Trakanon Raider
Some thoughts on this and I'm not really putting something new out there since Salim touched on it. There is an idea of a 4 or 5 player co-op RPG. They would most likely not look to go the MMO route first. the co-op would allow them to get the IP rolling, it would be a lot cheaper and faster to make. Plus, if it's good, it would get them a fan base. As for a KS? I don't know.. It's a hard one to judge. I think the Pantheon community might get them 100k? But anything more would rely on people outside of all this.

As for the IP of Pantheon, it's with Brad. But again, like Salim said, it wouldn't be hard to come up with a new IP in the spirit of it. They would surely lose the art, lore and in game docs that were created. The early combat stuff, climate and travel along with everything Jason and Vu were doing.
losing the name and the lore would only help their efforts going forward...


Agreed, I made that point to Sal on KTAM. Right now, shedding that name would be a good thing going forward.
There is no going forward. The sooner everyone just accepts this the better. The team is looking for jobs, and Brad is riding around on his motorcycles on the money he scammed from his web site. Pantheon is dead bro. Accept it.


Yea the team is pretty awesome. A lot of us stayed on till 4am and bullshitted. I mostly listened to some of their ideas and industry stories. They are a capable bunch. They just need a leader.
This is what I don't get. Why is everyone letting the developers off the hook? I mean, regardless of how little they got paid vs. how much the industry standard is - they are a team of 11 that has nothing to show for 2-3 months and $160k. I mean, maybe they're all geniuses, but I don't see what evidence there is to prove that.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
This is what I don't get. Why is everyone letting the developers off the hook? I mean, regardless of how little they got paid vs. how much the industry standard is - they are a team of 11 that has nothing to show for 2-3 months and $160k. I mean, maybe they're all geniuses, but I don't see what evidence there is to prove that.
Common symptom when developers actually interact with players, especially directly. They feel special, like an insider.
This is what I don't get. Why is everyone letting the developers off the hook? I mean, regardless of how little they got paid vs. how much the industry standard is - they are a team of 11 that has nothing to show for 2-3 months and $160k. I mean, maybe they're all geniuses, but I don't see what evidence there is to prove that.
I would argue they are pretty fucking stupid to go into a contractor type agreement and have zero details. They obviously did this with nothing on paper and not even ballpark numbers or they would be in court and keeping their mouths shut and not on that abortion of a internet radio show spouting off about it like old women who got scammed from a internet email.

Ill also add this notion that Brad did this all as a scam is pretty fucking stupid as well. He would have to be Corky level retarded to basically flush his career for what amounts to maybe 50k and that might be generous. As has been said by others I think they fudged the donation numbers to make it seem like there were more on the donation train than there really was. That was fucking dumb as well if that was the case but I dont think he was trying to scam and run. Thats career suicide for what amounts to less than what he would make in a year just to go work at some generic game company as a peon.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Honestly, though, could Brad even get a job in the field at this point? Seems like he would be viewed as cancerous and he's surely no longer qualified to do genuine hands on work.


Ill also add this notion that Brad did this all as a scam is pretty fucking stupid as well. He would have to be Corky level retarded to basically flush his career for what amounts to maybe 50k and that might be generous.
Brad was in the group of people who were laid off from Sony so actually, as far as I know, he has been unemployed since. So "flushing his career" isn't possible since he currently has no career with his last know accomplishment being Vanguard, which both Microsoft and Sony took a $30 million dollar bath on.

Whats he got to lose at this point?
I would agree unless you take a look at failed games for the past 10+ years and you will notice a trend of the same names appearing over and over. Many of those names actually going up in position and not down.


Trakanon Raider
Honestly, though, could Brad even get a job in the field at this point? Seems like he would be viewed as cancerous and he's surely no longer qualified to do genuine hands on work.
I'm curious to where Brad goes from here? There's no way he can ride around with this demo and documents in a backpack parading it around to gaming companies. I'm sure people have heard and probably didn't even need to hear another word.

I want to know what really happened at SoE? He was pretty well put back over Everquest. Why didn't he go crazy and bring some glory back to EQ and ride off into the sunset or even try to move up or around within SoE? I've heard probably 5 different stories of what happened happened but it seemed so odd that Brad was welcomed back to SoE, moved to EQ, and then poof he's gone. Next thing you know you have Pantheon and now back to the pits. This guy wears me out even thinking about his roller coaster of a career.
Brad was in the group of people who were laid off from Sony so actually, as far as I know, he has been unemployed since. So "flushing his career" isn't possible since he currently has no career with his last know accomplishment being Vanguard, which both Microsoft and Sony took a $30 million dollar bath on.
Name some game dev's that have not been laid off by a game company? I guarantee its a short fucking list. Everyone likes to talk about the revolving door that is the gaming industry and how do these people keep getting jobsuntil it does not suit their argument....


Name some game dev's that have not been laid off by a game company? I guarantee its a short fucking list. Everyone likes to talk about the revolving door that is the gaming industry and how do these people keep getting jobsuntil it does not suit their argument....
Only, Brads not a developer. Hes not a programmer. Hes not an artist. Hes not an investor. So what exactly does he bring to a game?


I don't know, but I get the vibe he took too much for himself tosustain a certain quality of lifethe rest of his team isn't enjoying.
Maybe he has a really demanding wife he's trying to keep happy. Like Jorah Mormont. Next thing you know, he's in the slave trade and being exiled from his homeland. Just sad. Let her go, Brad. She's not worth it.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Good ole history
Brad McQuaid Abandoned Vanguard, Sigil | The Grouchy Gamer

Brad McQuaid Abandoned Vanguard, Sigil
MAY 14, 2007

This is the blog post that I hoped I would never write. I recently became aware of some ?things? about the internal goings-on at Sigil, but for the sake of the people that I know that work there I?ve kept them to myself. Or should I say ?worked? there. According to, ?at approximately 4:30PM today, Sigil employees were told to meet outside. At which point they were terminated. On the spot.? You can see the article atf13.

I was able to get confirmation on this tonight from a couple of very reliable sources. So the company has now officially been driven into the ground. Here is what most people don?t know, outside of Sigil.

Brad McQuaid has been an absentee manager at Sigil for months. Not only has there been a leadership vacuum at Sigil, with the employees there left twisting in the wind, but I have been able to confirm that Brad hasn?t even bothered to be at the office.

Since last year.

Reliable sources confirmed to me that Brad hasn?t been at the Sigil offices save a couple of brief visits since December of last year. Whether or not he was supposed to be the creative force behind the game as we were lead to believe, he was the leader of Sigil and at a time when the game was under a deadline and his people (many of whom left promising or lucrative positions elsewhere to hitch their wagons to his star) were left to fend for themselves. That?s right. When the shit was hitting the fan, and the game was under crunch, Brad went all Brian Wilson on his people. I?m not sure what the psychology of that was, or whether the producers there didn?t want him around. Whatever the case, he wasn?t able to show the leadership to rally the troops, or even to keep them up out of the dirt. To their credit, the people working at Sigil remained professional even in the face of the lack of professionalism from the top.

As a fansite operator, I can testify that Brad wasn?t around for us either. As a matter of fact, Brad never showed support for the affiliate program. Whether you believe that the Affiliate Program was a good idea or not, the CEO of the company should probably support it. When we challenged Brad on his record of (lack of) support for the program, he let us know that he thought it was better spending his time posting on sites like FOH and MMORPG.COM, to evangelize the program. Evidently that took a lot of time, or it just wasn?t possible to cut into his Hero-Clix schedule.

It would be amusing how fast the denizens of FOH are throwing dirt on Sigil?s grave were it not so tragic for the lives and careers he?s irreparably harmed. Irony at it?s finest.

The bottom line for me is this;

I can?t believe that the CEO of the company can?t make an appearance at his own company for 4 or 5 months if to do nothing more than lend moral support. I have heard that Brad is worthless for anything important, and a lot of people probably found him an irritant. I know that most of my later interaction with Brad wasn?t positive. His fansite presentation at E3 2006 left me cold. Jeff Butler had a ton of energy and told us a lot about his vision for the game, but Brad couldn?t have looked less interested in being there. On one of my visits to Sigil, Brad was overheard telling someone in a customer/community position not to give an answer to a question, and if someone asked why, just to ?tell them I?m eccentric.? The best he had to contribute was dismissive. So Mr. Eccentric, how does it feel to have a mud-hole stomped in you by effing Turbine?

In the interest of full disclosure, I should tell you that I?m pissed that I wasted 2 years on developing a community at my site for a game that is nothing more than a steaming pile of shit. I?m pissed that the good people (and good developers) that I care about at Sigil are now in the street, and Brad still has millions and Jeff Butler a job. I?m also pissed that the game was so badly mismanaged and allowed to get to this point. I?m also pissed that the good people at my site have dedicated so much time to help each other only to see this happen.

I truly hope that all my friends at Sigil will land on their feet.I also sincerely hope that no one ever gives Brad another cent to make a game or to start a company and put other?s livelihoods at risk. It?s evident that Brad lacks the skills, dedication, or maturity to handle that situation.

In the end, this game may someday be good. Tomorrow, when this news is announced a lot of the SOE haters will just jump ship, whether SOE had anything to do with this game failing or not. Fact is, it has (failed.) And fact is, it?s not SOE?s fault. The blame for this one falls squarely at the desk where the buck should stop. The CEO?s office. The empty one in the corner.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Maybe he has a really demanding wife he's trying to keep happy. Like Jorah Mormont. Next thing you know, he's in the slave trade and being exiled from his homeland. Just sad. Let her go, Brad. She's not worth it.
Nice reference. I don't think she's too demanding or his sorry ass would have gotten work quicker after Smed dropped his ass like a AIDS-ridden whore. Imagine...she has to hear the glory years stories over and over while he can't keep steady work. " I'm a top producer with several quality games under my belt. I have lots of exp. and was a gaming god according to PC Gamer!" Blah, blah, blah


Yea the team is pretty awesome. A lot of us stayed on till 4am and bullshitted. I mostly listened to some of their ideas and industry stories. They are a capable bunch. They just need a leader.
I'm just sayin... I have to question how capable they are if they truly were "blindsided" by Brad.
When almost everyone here was pointing out what a crap pile this was and reminding everyone of Brad's history. but none of these experienced MMO industry vets saw it coming?
Hey if I ever start a business, I'll put Brad in charge. That way if it fails, I can just blame him and come out smelling like roses lol


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm just sayin... I have to question how capable they are if they truly were "blindsided" by Brad.
When almost everyone here was pointing out what a crap pile this was and reminding everyone of Brad's history. but none of these experienced MMO industry vets saw it coming?
Hey if I ever start a business, I'll put Brad in charge. That way if it fails, I can just blame him and come out smelling like roses lol
Hey, when you're an unemployed Dev and a person you're friendly with comes to you with an idea for a game, you'd probably consider it too.. Doesn't mean they weren't looking for something more stable as well. they most likely were. Some of them were working other jobs during it. Everyone knew the risk. I don't think they expected it to end the way it did.