Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Millie's Staff Member
yeah, it looks almost exactly like a pic sony has on their website from velius or kunark at the time of their release.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How about from the Kult's grand blow-bah himself:

Re-building Pantheon Part 2

Posted by Announcements 10 minutes ago - Filed in Announcement - 15 views

Just a quick update:

I have received over 50 emails (at last count, they keep coming in) from people all over wanting to help out. We are blown away by the response! In fact, I'm a bit overwhelmed going through them all. I've got resumes from designers, programmers, artists, moderators, and lore people. I'm going through them all, but it will take a little time. Just wanted to do a quick update to say thanks and keep 'em coming!


Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Blog View - Re-building Pantheon Part 2

I figure 99% of those are Nigerian rich widow pleas and Russian marriage proposal emails though...
When he says "We are blown away"........who is we?



I posted this over at for corroboration of the image already out there. It seems that some people were claiming the post from Pantheon might have been photoshopped or something.. Good thing I knew he'd delete it and I wanted the proof for posterities sake. Sorry for rehashing it, but I figure some more screen captures of the post would help verify the authenticity.


You answered your own question. They don't cover it because they aregamingsites, notnewssites. Sure they cover gaming "news" but they aren't going to do any hard hitting investigative journalism like the Washington Post, or have the over the top outrage surrounding news events like FOX News. One reason is because their is no upside for them, since they depend on these game publishers as much as they depend on them. The other reason is what Erronius stated, outside of a handful of people, no one gives a shit.
No, there have been at least 2 instances of fucked up kickstarted games that have gotten coverage on multiple sites (neither of which were any bigger than Pantheon), and plenty of other scandals in the gaming industry have been covered as well. They're just lazy as shit, and unless something falls into their lap they don't do anything but regurgitate press releases.


Rail on Brad (deservedly so), but create a narrative of apologetics for the gaming 'journalists'. Hilarious.
Yeah, it's a joke. If you're going to constantly post links to these kickstarter projects you need to do some type of follow up. These people talk out of both sides of their mouths. Massively will post a fucking story about Brad needing volunteers but not that he stole 50k. You guys aren't making sense. If no one cares then why are there so many Pantheon press releases on all of these worthless sites?

And I guarantee you if you asked these sites to describe what they are they would say they are doing Gaming jouranlism. I mean, they obviously aren't for the most part, but they are definitely pretending to be. That's what they will put on their resume's, etc.


Im the one that tipped off Massively on the volunteer part but I've been sending them for 2 weeks now on the financials situation and they've not bitten yet. Today Ive sent them the above with salim talking and as well the article with the incgamer site too. Im hoping that'll be enough to tip the scales to having them write a new one up.


Another site has made an article on the debacle:

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallens financials under scrutiny from community |

Also, yesterdays stuff with Salim, former lead for Pantheon, spelling out the whole of Brad's lies the docs he has proving such seems to have been donehere. Its just the Salim part so its shorter than the whole thing from yesterday.

And I just heard this skit onbradlol.
Did Salim actually post any information, or was it just more vague bullshit?


Im the one that tipped off Massively on the volunteer part but I've been sending them for 2 weeks now on the financials situation and they've not bitten yet. Today Ive sent them the above with salim talking and as well the article with the incgamer site too. Im hoping that'll be enough to tip the scales to having them write a new one up.
I've sent them multiple tips with all the shit that's out there prior to the Salim thing, and they've ignored all of it. Same with Destructoid, Kotaku, Giant Bomb, etc. Although I think Massively is the one that really can't justify ignoring it.


I've sent them multiple tips with all the shit that's out there prior to the Salim thing, and they've ignored all of it. Same with Destructoid, Kotaku, Giant Bomb, etc. Although I think Massively is the one that really can't justify ignoring it.
Same same. I get on one hand various sites not wanting to come across like Inquirer type rags but at the same time none really try to base it in an op-ed manner either except those smaller guys. Its just kinda the nature of such and not limited to game industry news/discussions on the net either.


Same same. I get on one hand various sites not wanting to come across like Inquirer type rags but at the same time none really try to base it in an op-ed manner either except those smaller guys. Its just kinda the nature of such and not limited to game industry news/discussions on the net either.
No, this isn't at all how normal news sites work. All they have to do is call/e-mail Brad and ask him for comment. Say they have a transcript from an interview and a screenshot from a deleted facebook post. Then go and interview Salim and some of the other developers, and post it all in an article and let the people decide for themselves. They don't have to take sides. If they did all that it would be obvious to everyone that Brad stole a bunch of money. That's journalism 101. But these guys aren't journalists, obviously.


Its from the things convo quoted snippets from yesterday: things like Salim saying more than 50% was taken by brad not the 38%/45k junk, if all of it is in there. Salim's intent/goal overall seemed to be that he wanted to warn off those volunteers more than anything and have them contact him, but his saying anything denouncing brad publically helps support the fact of the entirety of the team's exodus and brad's resorting to those vols.

My take on it is that the more and more than things come out the more the mountain piles up and eventually avalanches that much harder.


No, this isn't at all how normal news sites work. All they have to do is call/e-mail Brad and ask him for comment. Say they have a transcript from an interview and a screenshot from a deleted facebook post. Then go and interview Salim and some of the other developers, and post it all in an article and let the people decide for themselves. They don't have to take sides. If they did all that it would be obvious to everyone that Brad stole a bunch of money. That's journalism 101. But these guys aren't journalists, obviously.
Yes lines are blurred on most sites but anything getting out n about is better than nothing imo. "News" sites with commenting enabled too at least give some ability for others like ourselves to add to the info too.