Rate Movies You've Recently Watched.


Karazhan Raider
If only I could remember the most recent ones I've watched. I don't make enough time to watch all the movies/shows I'd like to, or else I'd post more. Still waiting to see Force Awakens. I've had that dvd sitting on a shelf for weeks.

Uh, let's see

Guardians of the Galaxy - 9/10 tons of fun
Age of Ultron- 7/10 first one was better
Man of Steel - 5/10 Cavill looks the part but it was fairly convoluted
Kill the Messenger - 7/10 interesting movie
I caught Ted 2 on HBO. Never seen Ted 1. It was funny. 2/10
Snatch - 10/10 I've watched it several times but hot dang is that a classic

Can't remember any others.


<Gold Donor>
I just watched "The Whole Truth" staring Keanu Reeves and Renee Zellweger.

What in the actual fuck? First up, appearances. Renee is supposed to be 46-47 right now. She looks mid 50's at least. Terrible.
As far as the movie is concerned, it's a lawyer film. Think of it like watching The Devil's Advocate spliced with Sixth Sense. I don't think anyone alive could have imagined that left turn. Talk about a "what the hell just happened?" moment.

Let's take a moment to rewrite Six Sense. Now imagine that the entire movie plays out, but Bruce Willis isn't dead the entire time. Not only is he not dead, but he's actually a "higher being". The whole movie takes place just to fuck with the little kid and completely ruin his mind and make him crazy.

That's what this movie is. The acting was good, don't get me wrong. But the end was such a change of pace.

Ok, You're watching Jaws. After all is said and done, they kill the shark and right when they dock the boat back at the Marina, an Islamic guy runs up, shouting Allahu Akbar, wiping out the survivors..
We're in Ferguson, Missouri. Michael Brown actually did shout "Don't Shoot!" while his hands were up. Oh, and him saying that is on video for the world to see. For some reason, Michael Brown's own father destroys the only piece of evidence, just to help Officer Darren Wilson go free. It doesn't make sense.
First, I watched this entire movie without realizing that was Renee Zellweger. And I've even seen the "WTF" pictures of her recently. Had no idea that was her.

Second, I think you're being way too critical of the "left turn." I mean, nine times out of ten a trial movie like this ends with it being something besides the obvious outcome(s), because otherwise why would anyone care? Sure, once in a great while you get such a stellar cast that it is all about the actors (like say Primal Fear, even without the ending), but even then most people want something a little extra (like Primal Fear with the ending). Much as I love Keanu, this wasn't one of those situations. If you weren't watching this movie expecting something besides the two obvious endings, I'm not sure what you were expecting. It would have been pretty mundane and boring if it had ended up one of those results. I'm not saying a reasonable person could have predicted this ending so much, just that what would have been the point of even making it if it didn't have something extra to it?

I don't agree with The Devil's Advocate spliced with Sixth Sense either, that implies some sort of supernatural element. There is nothing supernatural at all about this. It is literally just a courtroom movie with a (mundane) twist, one of hundreds like it. And viewed from knowing the end result, it isn't even really a very outrageous twist. They simply didn't imply it at all during the course of the movie, which is fine because there was no reason for us to be shown any of the implications because every memory was from the perspective of the person being questioned, not an omniscient viewer. I daresay that might have even been the "artistic point" of the movie.

I enjoyed it, 6/10 perhaps.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ex Machina - 8/10

Holy shit. Such a fucked up movie but really enjoyed it. I was not really expecting one particular thing in the end though.
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Karazhan Raider
That's one of the ones I forgot.

Ex Machina - 8/10 as well. Great movie.

Have not seen The Whole Truth.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Watched Everest the other night.

Solid 8.5/10

Being that it's based on real events, really hammers home how messed up it all was. Certainly makes me NEVER want to climb a mountain.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Bronze Donator>
Finally got around to watching Spotlight this weekend. 9/10. Scary real life situation similar to The Big Short. Loved the pacing but could have used a bit more explanation of what happened to all the past reports.


La tour Montparnasse infernale (2001): 4/10. French comedy film written and performed by a duo of stand-up comedians (Eric & Ramzy). A sort of Die Hard spoof, except the heroes are two very dumb window washers (and the hostage takers about as dumb as them). A lot of not very funny improv', but a couple good jokes (notable a scene where the characters are in medieval armors a bit reminiscent of the - much funnier - scene in Mel Brooks' Silent Movie).

Silver Streak (1976): 6/10 Wilder/Pryor vehicle (though Pryor only enters the story half way through) in the form of a sort of action comedy with a dash of murder mystery on a train. Not unpleasant, but nothing special. Through the movie I felt like I saw it allready, but then I realized that it shared some story element with Jacques Tourneur's Berlin Express (1948) that I saw earlier in the year.

Instead of checking the TV guide and see semi-random stuff, I really should work on my DVD backlog...


Vyemm Raider
Just saw 'Florence Foster Jenkins'. Funniest movie I've seen in years. I'm not a fan of Meyrl Streep but after watching this, I can see why so many people are. She is amazing. Her singing, dancing, facial expressions couldn't have been better. I rate this movie 9.5/10, because it's not my favorite movie, but I can't think of a movie I've seen recently that I enjoyed more.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Everybody Wants Some!! - 7/10

Dazed and Confused is one of my favorite movies of all-time, so I was pumped to finally catch Linklater's Everybody Wants Some!! I think if I hadn't heard that it was a "spiritual sequel" to D&C I probably would have liked it more. I guess my expectations were a little too high. It's a fun and occasionally poignant look into college life, but a lot of the preachier philosophical moments felt a little too forced. I know Linklater likes his monologues, but I was hoping he'd tone it down a bit here. I also think Jake, the lead, was a little too "perfect" -- if he had some of his own foibles it may have helped some of the other characters feel less like caricatures.

With that being said, it's an eminently watchable movie with plenty of hilarious moments. Also, if you played sports growing up, were part of a serious team, or are a competitive person, this movie will really hit home.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The martian 5/10
Pretty predictable. Cliche characters and the story idem.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Bad Moms - 2/10

Holy shit, what a waste of talent. I had semi high hopes coming in for this. Guess I missed the signs, because this movie is miserable. But a lot of people in the theater clapped after about 5 different parts, so what do I know?


<Prior Amod>
First, I watched this entire movie without realizing that was Renee Zellweger. And I've even seen the "WTF" pictures of her recently. Had no idea that was her.

Second, I think you're being way too critical of the "left turn." I mean, nine times out of ten a trial movie like this ends with it being something besides the obvious outcome(s), because otherwise why would anyone care? Sure, once in a great while you get such a stellar cast that it is all about the actors (like say Primal Fear, even without the ending), but even then most people want something a little extra (like Primal Fear with the ending). Much as I love Keanu, this wasn't one of those situations. If you weren't watching this movie expecting something besides the two obvious endings, I'm not sure what you were expecting. It would have been pretty mundane and boring if it had ended up one of those results. I'm not saying a reasonable person could have predicted this ending so much, just that what would have been the point of even making it if it didn't have something extra to it?

I don't agree with The Devil's Advocate spliced with Sixth Sense either, that implies some sort of supernatural element. There is nothing supernatural at all about this. It is literally just a courtroom movie with a (mundane) twist, one of hundreds like it. And viewed from knowing the end result, it isn't even really a very outrageous twist. They simply didn't imply it at all during the course of the movie, which is fine because there was no reason for us to be shown any of the implications because every memory was from the perspective of the person being questioned, not an omniscient viewer. I daresay that might have even been the "artistic point" of the movie.

I enjoyed it, 6/10 perhaps.
Pretty much agree, these types of movies have two left turns, one in the middle, then the "realization" turn, you pretty much knew there was only going to be two outcomes.


Life's a Dream
The Intern - I'm glad this wasn't another bullshit DeNiro comedy movie. In fact, this wasn't a comedy at all. It was a drama, and it was actually pretty good. I liked the story. I suggest it for anyone that wants something good to watch.
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<Gold Donor>
Blood Father with Mel Gibson

Decent, straight-forward movie. If you watched the trailer you know what kind of movie you're getting into. Short and to the point pretty much. I liked it. 7/10.


Karazhan Raider
Ex Machina - 7/10

It was ok. Kind of creepy towards the end. It certainly wasn't the be all end all that some people were making it out to be. The way the robot just went into a closet at the end and just slapped some skin onto itself just seemed retarded and someone jarring. Also, doesn't this thing's battery have to be recharged periodically? How is it going to do this now that it has escaped into the world? Just go sit on a light socket? Good acting by Oscar Isaac though.

The Raid - Redemption - 5/10

I'd kept hearing for a long time how awesome and revolutionary this movie was supposed to be. And I guess it would have been.....had it been released in its proper decade the 1980's. Meh.

The Big Short - 8/10

Pretty good overall movie. Had some parts that I felt were pretty realistic. I wish they didn't have to dumb down the terminology so much for the average viewer though. Also they could have done without the political commentary at the end and just let it speak for itself. Surprisingly good acting by Steve Carell.

Sinister - 7/10

Not bad for a horror flick. Most horror movies I find to be cheesy, predictable, and cheap but this one held my attention. Although the end was still somewhat predictable, I liked that they did not back off from killing off Ethan Hawke's character.
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Life's a Dream
I saw War Dogs on Tuesday. The local theater's $6 tuesday deal helps out. It was really good. It was Lord of War meets The Big Short. Good stuff. Jonah Hill got REALLY fucking big though. He's currently the biggest I've ever seen him.

Here's from 2011 (a little after moneyball)

And here's from War Dogs.
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Life's a Dream
I saw the new Mechanic movie last night. Actually watched the 1st one on Sunday. Anyway, I left the theater neither pleased nor displeased. The new one definitely isn't as good as the first one was. The bad guy doesn't really learn anything during the movie, so he's "gotten" twice the same way. Seeing Jessica Alba was nice. She's a good looking broad. The events and planning behind each event was also nice. But something about the movie didn't click the way the first one did. Oh well, it was still entertaining enough. Worth a download for sure once it's pirated.