Rocket League - PS4/PC


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've been thinking about picking this up and was probably going to wait for a sale when another friend brought it up so I went against my rule and paid full price for a game, but really having a lot of fun with it. I'm terrible, absolutely, horrendously terrible at the game, but still having fun with it. Very neat how its so easy to pick up, but skill ceiling is ridiculously high.


Molten Core Raider
This game is insanely fun. Im loving it. I was going to get it on PC until i seen it was free on the PS4. Was a no brainer, plus this game is made for a controller. So much replay value in this kind of game. Its insane.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, they recommend using a controller. Kudos to them, my 10 year old logitech worked just fine, didn't even have to worry about running x360ce or anything.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
I am so fucking bad at this game and even though my cousin and I went like 2-10 we had a ton of fun. Games only lasting a few minutes helps. Well worth the $20.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm so fucking addicted to this game. I would say I've been getting very decent after a few games of being at the pro rank. Right around that point is when you start to get used to knowing when you can push, and when you need to fall back. Teammates at the pro rank also make for a ton of fun, as it's no more moments of all 6 people being underneath a ball, and instead generally knowing that two push the ball offensively and one stays halfway back, unless the ball is directly in front of the goal. The games are a perfect length for me if I want to play something but cannot fully commit a big chunk of time to play.


<Bronze Donator>
Absolutely love the game so far. Believe I am definitely better than most, but holy fuck played a couple of "expert" rated guys this morning and it was absolutely brutal. The in air rocket control, and repeated goals were insane.

Extremely well worth the $20!


<Bronze Donator>
Btw, just started ranked play after playing the last week in just normal. What exactly happened? 3v3 ranked was originally solo only? Now it allows party, as well? Any chance we can get any word as whether or not that will be split in to two separate playlists? I know you don't wanna split players too much, but getting obliterated by a party kinda sucks solo lol. Murr?!?!?!

Also curious as to whether or not there is any plan for online season play to be added? Loving the game so far!

3v3 is pretty near to unplayable as possible if you dont have a team. Oh well lol


Vyemm Raider

A few of us from RR are gonna play tonight. Who here is PS4 and who here is Steam? There's no cross-platform partying yet, and if it doesn't get introduced soon, I'll probably buy Rocket League on my PS4 as well.


Vyemm Raider
That video makes me not want to even try and play anymore. Jesus.
That video does nothing but inspire me. I'm totally using the "flip on your back to go reverse faster" trick from now on.

Also I don't play ranked so I don't feel pressured to get that good lol.


FPS noob
i play a single game every night in unranked 3v3 and 4v4 (whichever matches first) on ps4, usually around 80k players total and 15-20k in that selection. i've never noticed an insane mismatch, usually scores are pretty close and its probably 50/50 win-loss. but yeah i'd only play on ps4, there were cheaters and stuff on day 1 on PC and its nice drinking a beer while playing on the couch.

anyone buy the dlc? you just get visual crap right? i haven't even bothered switching from the default car you start the game with.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Ps4 here
im getting lots better with this game. Not as good as woody.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So happy the 3v3 solo ranked option is back. 3v3 ranked without solo basically guarunteed getting matched against a 3 team premade, which killed my desire to play that mode at all if I wanted to play without forming a group. The alternative was playing 3v3 unranked which always resulted in getting matched with rookies and generally not so great players. There's a big difference between 3v3 unranked and 3v3 ranked, with ranked being so much more fun to play. FINALLY hit veteran level, and broke into silver rank in 3v3. I'm also trying out 2v2 ranked which is fun as well, but mostly new to that mode.