
When I had that problem I had to do a consistency check from the steam menu for the game, then it worked properly.

Right click Skyrim from the steam library, go to properties, then click the local files tab. From there, click the Verify Integrity of Game Cache and let it run (that is, if your game was dled from Steam. If not, don't know what to advise you on).

EDIT and Warning: Doing that may affect your installed mods, and you may need to reinstall your mods (if they weren't the cause of your issue) after doing that.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>

Sweet Roll.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I had all my stuff lined up just fine but decided to install Dragonborn, and now it crashes before the main menu. I ran BOSS, I uninstalled all my change. I haven't really seen any discussion about problems with Dragonborn, so I guess I just got unlucky? I'm kinda reticent to reinstall everything just because I don't know what would change. Anyone have problems?
If you are running mod manager then you need to run BOSS from inside it as well as execute SKSE from inside it. I don't know if you need to do the same if you as using WYRE instead.
Just a link for those who are wanting to go beyond "the Nexus" for mods. A lot of stuff there is NSFW and some things there may offend you (or turn you on, you decide). I've downloaded a couple mods from there. Given the user-base of this board, some might find some stuff there to be interesting. A lot of great modders there that you've probably seen on Nexus, but their more controversial stuff can't be posted there.


A nice asshole.
Just a link for those who are wanting to go beyond "the Nexus" for mods. A lot of stuff there is NSFW and some things there may offend you (or turn you on, you decide). I've downloaded a couple mods from there. Given the user-base of this board, some might find some stuff there to be interesting. A lot of great modders there that you've probably seen on Nexus, but their more controversial stuff can't be posted there.
Some really good armor mods but that japanese site is fucked up, can mod your skyrim into a porn game to include all the fucked up variations of such... Fucking Japan.
Never did visit the Japanese site to see what it had. Think I read the first page of the post about it and didn't care to read further. The only mod I currently use from the LL site is the Celestial Transformation one, and I'm beginning to contemplate disabling it. Was fun to use for a bit, but it's starting to lose it's novelty. Kinda like being a werewolf or vampire. I've played both sides on that and really don't care for them anymore.

The only thing going for the Celestial mod is that I don't need to use crafting to get my character into some stuff where I feel powerful without having to do the whole crafting BS (I hate crafting with a passion. Guess you could say that I do "crafting" in RL given my job, and would really not care to do that in a game). Since I use Deadly Dragons and Deadly Monsters mods, I'm not trying to breeze through the game being invincible. I could do that naked using the TGM console command. Hell, died 7 times during a 3-dragon assault last time I loaded in. Was fun though, trying to use terrain to avoid that. Had to reload and readjust the difficulty though so I could get past it. I'm not top level yet and don't have all of my skill points allocated.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Started using Deadly Dragons this weekend, it's great. I love the dragons in skyrim but they just needed more variation.
Started using Deadly Dragons this weekend, it's great. I love the dragons in skyrim but they just needed more variation.
Try Deadly Mobs as well (comes with the Deadly Dragons mod). Customize not only dragon encounters, but everything else you face.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'll take a look at it. I opted out of it the first time because it seemed to do stuff SkyRe and a few other mods already did.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Can anyone give some advice on mage-ing in Skyrim? I'm currently using SkyRe but even when I played Vanilla I always stopped doing mage stuff because it got incredibly weak incredibly fast. Never mind mana issues, the damage just doesn't seem to be there. When I imagine a Mage in an open world game like this, I imagine a dude that lights one enemy on fire, causing him to panic, and freezes another in place, then paralyzes a third with lightning....some sort of control. Here, I just feel like a faggot wearing a robe holding his hands out in front of him hoping the gay fire will kill one enemy before having to retreat and wait 90 seconds on mana to recharge.

I remember some discussion that Destruction only got decent in Vanilla after getting that perk that makes you stagger enemies, but even that doesn't sound like very engaging gameplay. Are there any mods that make magic useful and interesting from the get-go?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Skyre nerfed the stagger effect anyway. On my current playthrough I'm doing the all-purpose character (Only sklls I'm not leveling are heavy armor, two handed and illusion). And yeah, destruction is still underpowered, though if I really focused on it I think I could make it work.

My recommendation would be the following:
1. Look at the different magic mods out there. I can give a list when I get home.
2. Minimize skill gains that are not in destruction or restoration. If you really want to you can throw in conjuration in there and enchanting, but it's unlikely to improve you more than just having destruction/restoration. This strat goes out the window if you have any mods that give static levels to any boss mobs.


Golden Squire
I played a mage in vanilla and it was fine. After.. I don't know, ten levels? I didn't have any trouble with mobs anymore. You do spend a fuckton of time running backwards, but things die quickly. I need to try it with some mods, I guess.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I played a mage in vanilla and it was fine. After.. I don't know, ten levels? I didn't have any trouble with mobs anymore. You do spend a fuckton of time running backwards, but things die quickly. I need to try it with some mods, I guess.
What difficulty?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So the latest hi res texture pack they put out maxes out my 1.2gb of vid memory. The previous patch only pushed me to about 900mb. I just bought a new vid card last year. This is balls I say!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Skyre nerfed the stagger effect anyway. On my current playthrough I'm doing the all-purpose character (Only sklls I'm not leveling are heavy armor, two handed and illusion). And yeah, destruction is still underpowered, though if I really focused on it I think I could make it work.

My recommendation would be the following:
1. Look at the different magic mods out there. I can give a list when I get home.
2. Minimize skill gains that are not in destruction or restoration. If you really want to you can throw in conjuration in there and enchanting, but it's unlikely to improve you more than just having destruction/restoration. This strat goes out the window if you have any mods that give static levels to any boss mobs.
A high alteration is really what makes casters work, not to mention enchanting. Imo enchanting is really the only way to make a strong caster -- the downside is enchanting just reduces costs not increase spell power.

I would try looking at magic specific mods or spell packs (Midas or Apocalypse). When I did try tofixmagic usage, I remember having a really hard time finding something exactly like I wanted, so if you can learn to mod yourself, the results can be really rewarding (this isn't as hard as it sounds).


Golden Squire
Normal. Pretty sure I would have been fine turning it up to hard after a while, though. Like I said, just get ready to run backwards a lot.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Budos, what does a high alteration do?

Nuday, I think just about everything works well on normal difficulty. Odds are that if you had the same amount of focus on using weapons as you did magic you'd just be running around two shotting everything.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Can anyone give some advice on mage-ing in Skyrim? I'm currently using SkyRe but even when I played Vanilla I always stopped doing mage stuff because it got incredibly weak incredibly fast. Never mind mana issues, the damage just doesn't seem to be there. When I imagine a Mage in an open world game like this, I imagine a dude that lights one enemy on fire, causing him to panic, and freezes another in place, then paralyzes a third with lightning....some sort of control. Here, I just feel like a faggot wearing a robe holding his hands out in front of him hoping the gay fire will kill one enemy before having to retreat and wait 90 seconds on mana to recharge.

I remember some discussion that Destruction only got decent in Vanilla after getting that perk that makes you stagger enemies, but even that doesn't sound like very engaging gameplay. Are there any mods that make magic useful and interesting from the get-go?
You can do this with Skyre if you also use your quick spell switch slots but don't expect to be a walking god until level 40 or 50. One of things Skyre did was to make enemies smarter and more aggressive based on their group size and makeup vs your group size. If you wade into a battle solo vs a bandit chief and his 3 friends then fire off two spells you can expect his pole arm halfway up your asshole before you get the fourth off.

As a peice of advice make sure your running with a companion or two if using multiple companions mods. Don't do master difficulty in skyre unless you want to be fighting for your life every battle.
A Mage in Skyre needs tons of mana unlike vanilla where you could reduce the cost of spells.
Gold matters as its harder to get and you definitely want to pump destruction skill points so invest in speech craft early and often.
Hint: dark elf companion with natural fire resist plus some fire resist gear means you can go to town with aoe fire spells.

If you are playing a sneaky character be prepared to invest HEAVILY into sneak and pump sneak points at every opportunity.

Skyre is not for this who want to roflstomp everything after 10 levels.