

<Prior Amod>
I bought them, i like the game well enough I may as well get them. Only reason I haven't yet is because I wanted to play the core game for a bit first to make sure I liked it.


<Prior Amod>
guess that was the issue, it's loading now.

Thanks for the help and advice on mods!




I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
dawnguard changes almost nothing of the core game. Basically the only difference I see (besides the couple minor location changes) is that there's a few flying insects in a few insect tunnels. But I guess I don't even know if that's from dawnguard, lol.

You'll know skyui isn't working if your inventory screen is retarded.

Also here's what skyui's inventory screen looks like:


You probably need SKSE to run it. SKSE is like a modder's toolbox that attaches to the game like a mollusk.


<Prior Amod>
I turned off the inventory mod, it was messing up and my load times were really bad.

Load times are still pretty bad, probably will have to find something else to disable too.
Bro do you even SSD?
Heh, this is pretty funny.

I need an SSD but still waiting on prices (yup, I'm stingy with my cash). I'll give it a couple more months. However, I've found that load times are only a real hassle if you have mods that conflict a lot, but still load (if they don't, you'll just freeze). I've over 100 mods going and through trial and error have been able to get my load times down to near-vanilla Skyrim levels without SSD. Someone who is new to modding a game like this will need time to figure some things out. An SSD isn't required to play this once you have the knowledge to load / install things but it's nice anyways.


Golden Squire
Fuck that noise. With an SSD I load anywhere in less than 2 seconds. on my old computer it would take up to 30 seconds. maybe more.
Fuck that noise. With an SSD I load anywhere in less than 2 seconds. on my old computer it would take up to 30 seconds. maybe more.
Absolutely, but I know prices for what I want will come down with time, and I will get all that I can out of what I already have until I feel I really need to upgrade. I DO want an SSD...just weighing when the right time to get one will be, for me.


<Silver Donator>
Absolutely, but I know prices for what I want will come down with time, and I will get all that I can out of what I already have until I feel I really need to upgrade. I DO want an SSD...just weighing when the right time to get one will be, for me.
The problem with this logic in the PC world is there's always going to be something better a few months later and the prices will always go down. It's like waiting to upgrade your GFX, shit never ends. Have to just jump the gun at some point and buy it even though whatever you buy will probably be worth half its cost 6-9months later.

Got a SSD on this computer and it's certainly a big change, for some stuff. Other stuff it barely makes a difference though. Temporary solution would be to use one of these defrag programs where you can specify directories to be put near the center of the disk for faster access(or is it the contrary, not sure). I had something like that before and it worked pretty well, whenever a new game was being released I'd defrag and put it on high priority access overnight then it'd load a fuckton faster.


<Prior Amod>
Tells me to upgrade to SSD and links me to one for a good price

Out of Stock


I'll keep an eye on it for when it's available again. I do need to upgrade eventually, I just got about 9000 other things on the list to spend money on before my computer is one of them. This is the most graphic intense game I play and I'm not going to upgrade just for this when the stock game runs just fine on max settings.






If you have SATAIII:

If you don't have SATAIII:
time to upgrade your entire pc.
The Vertex 1 was petty good but 2 had a really huge failure rate. Enough that OCZ were deleting/banning threads & people from their board for posting about it for a while. I was quite butthurt. Less so now but still felt the compulsive need to try and sway you away from their product. I have no argument to back that up though (not for the Vertex 3 or 4 anyway). I'd still do some research on failure rates before buying from them, if I were you.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah vertex2 was a travesty. Vertex3 was okay but had some issues. From what I've heard vertex4 is great. Intel and Samsung are good too.

A critical piece of this is that SSDs are basically capped at SATAIII speeds so manufacturers can only minimally improve performance, improve reliability and lower costs.


<Prior Amod>
SkyRe stopped working for some reason so I deactivated it and reactivated it and now all my points are gone. It says they are all refunded but none show up as being available to spend. Any idea why?


<Prior Amod>
Actually I disabeled all mods to see what would happen....none of my unspent points are appearing. I'm level 25 and I have zero skills spent and zero skill points to spend, wtf just happened?