Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)


<Gold Donor>
Oh yeah, now that you mention it, one of the other things I absolutely loved was that the Vulture suit had weight to it. Like, you could almost feel how heavy it was every time he landed and the supports took the weight. I fucking loved that, because it made it seem more realistic, for something that is obviously completely unrealistic. Instead of a cringy old bald dude with shitty looking wings, we got Michael Fucking Keaton with the most badass set of wings I've ever seen.

Not to mention, I want to say that the jacket they had him wear a lot, with the fur trim, was a throwback to the Vulture's shitty ass costume. I mean, look how crappy this fuck looks!

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Trakanon Raider
Not top tier, but a fun movie over all. Only real complaint is with the big final set piece battle; solid concept, but didn't quite nail the execution. Aside from that, focusing on the whole "a teenager has superpowers and wants to be an Avenger; let's see how that pans out," angle was very entertaining.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
surprised none of your top 10 lists have Wonder Woman.

i rewatched it for the second time tonight and i think its exceptionally good, certainly better than most of the movies listed in your top 10s like antman, dr strange, winter soldier, civil war, etc.
  • 2Picard
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Ssraeszha Raider
hulk is literally the strongest character in the marvel universe i'm not sure why the fuck other characters are continuously compared to him and "hulk strong" is just like, the entry level strength of the mega bad asses or something.

Hulk's strength is literally limitless.

If Hulk survives long enough to the next Big Crunch he could hop on Galactus' back, if he's angry enough he could turn around, grab all matter and energy of existence which is now shrunk down to the size of a marble and then beat galactus to death with it.

His strength is not limited to whatever pussy ass writer decides to limit his strength to. It is literally limitless.
stop comparing any other comic book character's strength to the Hulk.

Most of that was nonsensical and there are many characters much stronger than Hulk.


Potato del Grande
Don't mind the diversity as long as nobody in the film goes on about race or gender issues (Ghostbusters) and it's an appropriate percentage of all films (20-30%?) considering the actual makeup of English speaking countries and it's not showing up in historical films (fuck off BBC).

MJ did stand out as a good character even when she was unnamed, and has a model bodytype (tall/thin/bony) so it may turn out fine - does every love interest have to be prom queen? She can blossom later. I also liked how the nerdy quiz society kids also seemed to be the cool kids in that school and Peter still managed to be on the sidelines of everything.

Peter WAS the bad guy really and Vulture was awesome, but that's Peter's character. He kept interfering to his own detriment because he plays things as straight as possible having a kids sense of black/white right and wrong and no empathy for dad's problems as kids do.

Peter was VERY likeable, approaching deadpool levels of jokes though he did turn it off when things needed to be serious... great acting all around.

Plot twist #1 was really unexpected and fun. Plot twist #2 is why is Gweneth Paltro back?

Only question is how did Tony Stark develop so many modes into Spiderman's Suit in the 24 hour period of Civil War he was recruited in? Had he been watching Peter for a while before that? Would be fun if he can't upgrade the Iron Man suit much more so he has a room full of Iron costumes for other heroes he may want to work with one day.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
On MJ. She's literally a model/musician. Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be gorgeous when she's a central character. (As long as you can get over the mulatto skin color - I assume, she'll dye her hair red for the rest now that the surprise reveal is done)

Hell, she was the cover of Vogue recently.


Potato del Grande
What the fuck is mulatto? Mixed race?

People like that often have really good genes and look great, because the different races cancel out each other's inbred bad genes. They can also look awful too and be the opposite, but they won't be in movies :)

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
What the fuck is mulatto? Mixed race?

People like that often have really good genes and look great, because the different races cancel out each other's inbred bad genes. They can also look awful too and be the opposite, but they won't be in movies :)

Is your general knowledge of how genetics work come entirely from watching this Spider-man movie?
  • 3Worf
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Tranny Chaser
It was nice to see the Iron Man supporting cast get some love in this film. Especially Jon Favreau as he pretty much launched the MCU


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
What the fuck is mulatto? Mixed race?

People like that often have really good genes and look great, because the different races cancel out each other's inbred bad genes. They can also look awful too and be the opposite, but they won't be in movies :)

Has the term fallen out of favor now? Black-white mixed parentage = mulatto. Unless I've been using it wrong for years. And I think she's perfectly fine looking in her modeling work (her hair in this flick helped her play down her beauty though) - even though she's not to my preferences. [I'm a dark hair, pale skin guy]


Tranny Chaser
I also like the character building they do with the Vulture. Michael Keaton does a great job with the role and having him be a literal scavenger was a very nice touch.
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Buzzfeed Editor
That's all very insightful. I guess you never see him quite as often with people you think are as powerful as you do with his group of villains. You don't think of Sandman, Scorpion, or Vulture quite like you perceive Black Panther, Cap, or even people like Fantastic 4. I remember growing up, the Marvel (I believe 1991) power cards, TV shows, etc. always kinda shafted Spiderman in his rankings but he seemed, as you guys said, in crossovers seemed to hold his own with just about anyone.

Spiderman chooses to deal with burglars, robbers, thugs, etc. so I guess it's easy to low-ball his abilities but he steps into other universes and messes people up.

Thanks for the info folks!

Yeah, spider-man is one of those heroes that flips between street level and global level, and he belongs in the later, he's just in the former because he's usually young or is a really grounded character (Being his super hero persona is more a burden than anything.) It's why a general theme of Spider-man running into other groups of super heroes, when they inevitably have their brawl, is that he's a lot stronger than they expect, because he's always throttling his powers due to fighting street crime. In the "official" Marvel power ranks, Spiderman is a rank 4 (Of 7) strength super hero--or "Super human", which is any hero that can lift from 800lbs to 25 tons. Spider man is usually considered between class 10 to 20, so between 10 to 20 tons. (But take that with a grain of salt, because what Keg said is 100% true. It depends on the writer, there are big variances in each iteration, and story line, and even as he matures; older Peter Parker is stronger than high school Peter Parker. Sometimes though, a writer is just like "he needs to be able to lift this--so he does. The 'scales' are just kinds of averages of their feats.)

In so far as how tough he is--toughness in comics is always weird. Like characters can survive being thrown through a concrete building or a fucking bus slamming into them, but then a small 9mm bullet will absolute wreck their shit. It's a trope in comics that bullets, or 'piercing' weapons are ultra deadly, while fists/blunt impact, energy, fire (ect), even if its enough to level a building (And thus a fuck ton more energy that the dinky bullet) can be 'tolerated' by toughness. Spider-man is like wonder-woman where sometimes his toughness extends to bullets, and sometimes it doesn't, it depends on the writer (On the rare occasion he gets hit.) But you can see below, bulletproof is a huge deal for Marvel; a character that can survive a building falling on them might not survive a hand gun. :p


But overall, he's about a 3 or 4 "normally" (Depending on the writer a great deal). So he's just pretty tough, can handle most things that wouldn't pierce his skin, unless it's something like a damn train impact, and can heal more efficiently than a normal human; but nothing crazy like wolverine, fractures will be gone in days rather than weeks (ect). Usually a bullet will ruin his day if he gets hit by it, or a sword. The thing to remember though is that in the MCU--all the characters got their powers homogenized. Thor and Iron man are actually a lot stronger in the comics, while Captain America and Bucky are not as strong as they show in the movies--that was intentional. They kept their relative ranks the same (So Thor is stronger than Iron Man, Iron Man stronger than Cap ect) but they tightened up the gaps, which I think was smart.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Mid tier movie for sure, hate that they seem to have written him at a much lower power level and sans spidey sense but whatever I guess. Also, really questioned the casting choice for MJ and how they wrote the character.

Well, two things I think they stressed were, first--he's just 15. Supposedly they even filmed him at odd angles to make him look shorter so he can look 'older' as the movies roll out (Forgot where I read this, but Tom Holland is just as tall as RDJ, and they make him look significantly shorter). Like in Civil War, they make it a point to show his powers aren't developed yet in terms of control, he actively tries to ignore his spider sense because it's too much and he can't focus. But I think they did a good job showing small progressions in the film. I have a feeling he's going to get stronger as the films go on. Marvel has been really great in doing this throughout the MCU.

It's subtle, but its there..the most obvious are Iron Man's upgrades, each new suit has more and more (Like he used to only be able to do the big laser once, by ultron he could do it multiple times.) Even like Captain America, he now has that magnetic grip on his shield, and the boomerang shit with it has gotten more extreme as he's learned, and his capability, how he uses his powers, has progressed--Winter Soldier Cap was a ton stronger than his intro movie. (Black Widow, too, her new batons, or shock cuffs--I think it's been cool as shit seeing stark tech proliferate.)

Secondly though is that Marvel homogenized all the characters in the MCU. As I said above, Thor and Hulk and Iron man are a lot weaker in terms of raw strength, while Captain and Bucky seem quite a bit stronger. Like Cap in the comics could never have pulled a chopper like that, but Cap in the movies looks like a couple tons is within his range. They wanted interpersonal conflict to not feel stupid or totally one sided. The relative ranks are all the same, Thor is still stronger than Iron Man, for example, and Iron Man stronger than Cap, but its' not a total blow out in raw strength. I think they placed Spider Man well, when he caught Bucky's arm, they showed he's clearly stronger than most of them--but probably not as strong as the comics to keep him within the spectrum they have in mind.


<Gold Donor>
MJ did stand out as a good character even when she was unnamed, and has a model bodytype (tall/thin/bony) so it may turn out fine - does every love interest have to be prom queen? She can blossom later.
See this is where I disagree. I don't care about what she looks like, as we all know they "uglied" her up for this movie. My problem is that I didn't think she was a good character at all. She was the quintessential mini-SJW that so many teenagers have been for far longer than SJW was a term. Which you'll say, "but you just said tons of teenagers are like that!!" Yeah, and I've hated every fucking one of them, and so has almost everyone else. It is a phase they have to get through, and while they are they are practically insufferable. We just happen to live in an age where kids don't have to grow out of that stage because the world is telling them it is acceptable to be that way. But that's not my point. You'll all focus on me being anti-SJW. I am, but that's not why I hate her character. I hate her character because she's literally unlikable at this stage. Outside of other kids exactly like her, who the fuck wants to go on a school field trip and be lectured about how the Washington Monument was built by slaves? They just want to sneak out into the hotel pool and do horny teenager shit. Even Academic Decathlete nerds.

She is the buzzkill in a group of fucking mega-nerds (which I was one of, so I can say that). Think about that.

However, I fully expect she won't be anywhere near that annoying in the future. But for right now? I just can't see how people feel she's a good character. She's a cliche. And barely had any screen time to develop that character to boot.
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<Bronze Donator>
Most of that was nonsensical and there are many characters much stronger than Hulk.
uh what the fuck are you talking about? Hulk's strength is limitless, as described by Stan Lee himself. The madder he gets, the stronger he gets, period. He has no max strength. His "baseline" strength is in the incalculable/100+ ton category. Writers have put "stubbed his toe" angry hulk vs other characters in non direct "competition" to show a character being stronger than the hulk in that moment and they've also had "bruce banner subconsciously "soothing" the hulk and trying to limit the damage he will inflict but in direct conflict with any character in a battle of strength the hulk will always overcome his opponent because he just gets angrier and thus stronger.

The hulk is a fucking dimwit there's plenty of characters who can defeat him by simply outsmarting him, but in a straight up brawl the hulk will always win because his strength is a positive feedback loop with no limit, if he isn't strong enough to defeat you it pisses him off until he is strong enough to defeat you.

i mean this is kind of a dumb argument in general cus comic books lol, but Hulk's strength is infinity. You are saying "oh yeah well XYZ is infinity +1"

My initial point remains, the Hulk's strength level is the worst possible character to use as a gauge to measure the strength of other characters. The hulk's strength varies on emotion (mostly anger) and the hulk has no maximum strength level.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Has the term fallen out of favor now? Black-white mixed parentage = mulatto. Unless I've been using it wrong for years. And I think she's perfectly fine looking in her modeling work (her hair in this flick helped her play down her beauty though) - even though she's not to my preferences. [I'm a dark hair, pale skin guy]
No,you're not...it's also how portuguese speaking countries refer to black-white mixed people.


Molten Core Raider
Iunno, was really happy with everything even if I went in with some rose tints. I can only feel it getting better. It had that same feeling with the early mcu movies where it felt there was always easter eggs, or something pointing to future installments but actually executed in a way it wasn't forced down your throw ie avengers 2.

Like I lost my shit at a lot of them. Even if it wasn't their actual intention, but my own assumption.

Seeing Shocker, even though it was pretty prob common knowledge prerelease.. I wasn't aware and excited at seeing it.

The possibility of Kingpins tower in the old stark/avenger tower.

Miles Morales drop, even if never happens.. It just still has a mention, plus glovers character felt like some people I know.

Scorpion and the possibility sinister six can still be a thing.

Also loved Hannibal Buress

Saw it in imax 2d, and my only real complaint was sometimes the cgi had this play dough look that kinda took me out. It was just super noticeable a lot of times on Spiderman specifically. But vulture prob has to be the best villain portrayal in the MCU imo.


Potato del Grande
We don't really have a lot of mixed race people in the UK (at least outside of london) so we don't have all these different words for it. It's just "mixed race" but I think people are more likely to be called black.

I was really surprised to find out in Suits that Prince Harry's girlfriend is half black.

yeah so I liked MJ...


Life's a Dream
It looks like she has done the red hair thing in the past.


And... she only has a single name of Zendaya. What, is she Sting? That's strange.