Star Citizen Online - The search for more money


In my head , it's like a PTW game in reverse.Lets get everyone to throw dosh at us & we'll promise the world .

The glass is more than half full , but I'm not sure what I'm drinking.


What do you want? This is what open development looks like. Yeah it's not for everyone. Neither is buying a game on a fucking trailer and a dozen screenshots that aren't even in the final game. Watchdogs comes to mind and so so many others.
How about a trailer showing whatisin game?



How about a trailer showing whatisin game?

I'm not sure if that's the trailer or another one that was put out which was missleading but a lot of ED players were up in arms over one of those a while back. I don't follow ED and don't play it so I don't really know but you could have tried to find any other game without any controversy that actually delivered what was in a 3min trailer. There are lots of those too.

So what's your point? That some developers and publishers put out a trailer, a blog and some screenshots that are actually in game? Horrible example. The games that let you play the first level are by far a better example of giving players an idea of what they are spending their money on. Very few of those around but they exist, just not typically at the AAA title level.

My point was that the trailer/screenshot gibberish we are used to is the new standard by which people are expected to part with their money and that's largely the case. I never said it was every single game ever made other than SC which is something you are implying. If not maybe try and get to a point so we don't have to guess.


All that trailer shows me is how that they could have used some preschoolers I know to do their ship design for them.

That was cringe worthy to watch.
Tch, kids these days.



Molten Core Raider
I think I see where you are coming from. You've been following this game off and on since it was announced, probably. I imagine there have been years worth of "plans" and not a lot to show for it up until rather recently. To me, it seems like there is a shit load of data, design docs, videos, images, interviews, etc. It's like a fucking treasure trove of information, and I'm loving it. It's so different from the big studios and their fucking veils of silence.


Yeah, I know I sound like a hopeless shill/fanboy. I tend to do this. I was really excited and stupid about ESO, too. You guys know that. For what it's worth, these are pretty damn different projects, and what burned me on Zenimax and ESO is exactly what's drawing me to SC. We really need this game to succeed if we want the big MMO landscape to change. I want to be a part of putting the big publishers out of business. This project is the poster child for crowd-funding and I really want it to be awesome for the sake of rubbing it in the faces of the big publishing houses who are producing vanilla, lowest common denominator bullshit.
The reluctance you're seeing has a lot to do with the fact that many posters here have been around so long, and seen so many "amazing promises and goals" not met that it's hard to look at Star Citizen and not be skeptical as well. There have been so many games in the past that promised so much and had such a great vision, but the final product never fully formed or did so in a way that was so subpar in quality as to not be worth playing for long.

I don't see how anyone can deny that The Vision? for Star Citizen looks great. Like Mist said, it's essentially what we've all wanted from an MMO since the early days. The ideas are cool, what videos they have shown look nice, and the openness of development is a refreshing change from how past games have been made. But that doesn't mean the final product will be good, and past experience says to not get so overhyped that this game will be the second coming of Jesus.

If Star Citizen ships and everything comes together the way Chris Roberts wants it to, then it will be a game changer; everyone will want to play it. But we're still nowhere near being able to tell whether that will actually happen.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And yet the very same posters fall for the latest MMO hype and beg devs to put up a kickstarter to pre alpha throw money at them hardcore hopium style.
Yet even worse they fucking still preorder the latest EA & Ubisoft abortion 'cause theres nothing else to feed the addiction.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I would rather send money to a game that has an actual idea of what it wants to be then Crowfall where the answer to everything is being dicated by polls and popular opinion. This game actually has the money to be made, Crowfall isn't anywhere close.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Does this game have a locked feature set yet or are they still adding to it? I don't stay up to date on it but it seems like feature creep is killing them.


Does this game have a locked feature set yet or are they still adding to it? I don't stay up to date on it but it seems like feature creep is killing them.
My understanding is that at around 66 million they stopped doing stretch goals, which I think is where the feature creep was coming from, right? They're at 75M now.


New trailer dropped today at SXSW.

Watching it, you can see the PU stuff is way pre-alpha. The character models have a lot of work to do - I don't think they've integrated the models with the musculature systems and mo-cap that Ilfonic has done on the FPS into the PU stuff yet. There's like two models - a guy with hair and without, lol. Still, some neat stuff. You can see a guy's mobi-glass working etc. You can start to get an idea how it's all going to come together, though. Hopefully.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Video looks amazing. Did they just give up on making stretch goals after 65m?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Am I reading that page right? 75mil+ purely from crowd funding? I mean doesn't that just blow every other crowd funded venture ever, out of the water? That's nuts they got enough money to make a AAA title (assuming non schilling / mcquaid management) purely from joe gamer. So there's not a single VC or other large funding source involved?


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Well they have 827k backers, so 75mill is commensurate.

I'd be interested to see how much money they'd have if they removed all the funds from people who put in $500, but I think they'd still have a ton of money to make this game. This is 100% the biggest crowd funded game and whether it makes sense or not I think its success or failure will alter the trust people have in crowdfunding.


Video looks amazing. Did they just give up on making stretch goals after 65m?
Yeah all of the relatively minor stuff, like ships, was stopped at that point as it was getting ridiculous even for Chris. He could no longer put time aside for those items for the release or even early post release. There are a number of items that he has previously said were great ideas and wanted to add that will not make it into the game until post release if at all. That's typical of any game development. If we get 2/3 of what's promised I think people will be happy so long as that 2/3 is super polished.

That said he has mentioned that he may add something there for us to vote on as a stretch goal if they manage to clear what they already have on their plate. I find that unlikely. I still think the game will not launch in the state people think it should for up to 12 months past the current posted release date of end of 2016. Will see if I'm proven wrong but Chris seems to want it to be done right and they take player feedback seriously. I keep comparing them to what happened to Witcher 3 but IMO that's a good thing. Sometimes games just need more time in the oven until they are good.


That new Star Citizen trailer is basically Chris Roberts way of saying " Here's your feature creep BITCH!"