Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Heard that too. I can't imagine what set them off unless they think boyega is supposed to be han an leia's kid.
What sets them off is the fact that characters like Luke and Han were heroes in a great many young imaginations 35 years ago. Probably even in their own. The thought of young white kids of today having such a prominent hero played by a black guy or god forbid pretending to be the black guy when they're mock saber fighting with friends in the back yard, that's just more than they can bear.


Molten Core Raider
I'm not bothered one bit by either a female protagonist nor a black one. I might be bothered if it was a black chick tho, I dunno.

I'm not a racist, but I'm definitely not a saint. I love a good stereotype. But seriously, I can't be the only one not bothered at all by the casting choices. Unless the actor/actress sucks at the role or is totally inappropriate I can root for a gay African retard if the script and actor is good.

edit: My point is I think you must be a genuine ready to burn crosses on lawns racist if this shit bugs you. Luke was annoying as fuck when he started whining all the time about the bitches at Toshi Station and never getting outta here, now he's a fucking icon. This kid will be too. Fuck the haters.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
In a movie involving a galaxy filled with almost infinite possiblities of races and gender combinations, to be enraged by a male black or caucasian female lead really makes the earthbound racists stand out more than usual. Now if it was a female Ithorian lead, then I would lose my fucking shit. Death to Hammerheads!


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
In a movie involving a galaxy filled with almost infinite possiblities of races and gender combinations, to be enraged by a male black or caucasian female lead really makes the earthbound racists stand out more than usual. Now if it was a female Ithorian lead, then I would lose my fucking shit. Death to Hammerheads!
I'll admit that I was initially very offput by the casting (I'm a young 30's white male). I wasn't upset with the casting so much as what I perceived to be the politics of it. Everywhere you look you'll see examples of SJWs successfully co-opting the culture and forcing shit down our throats in an attempt to assuage their feelings of personal guilt.

But, when I realized I'd fallen into the SJW trap of caring about a person's skin tone, I got over it - because I don't care. I just hate being told that I should care (and that I should feel guilty for being born).

I can't speak for my fellow forum bros who say they don't like the casting, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that their sentiments are similar to my own and they just haven't expressed themselves fully (ie they're not racist, just tired of SJW bullshit).


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Heard that too. I can't imagine what set them off unless they think boyega is supposed to be han an leia's kid.

Oh you mean like it did for hamil and fisher? (I heard ford was already pretty well known)
Ford was literally building sets for American Graffiti as a carpenter when he got his break.


Buzzfeed Editor
But, when I realized I'd fallen into the SJW trap of caring about a person's skin tone, I got over it - because I don't care. I just hate being told that I should care (and that I should feel guilty for being born).

Yeah, this was my feeling too. I was annoyed mainly because the SJW harpies on twitter had harassed the movie before it even began casting about a female/PoC lead, and I was just mad because it felt like a capitulation. I also had just got done arguing with an idiot who was outraged that only 10% of speaking parks were for black which showed racism! Of course, obviously discounting the racial population domestically where the movie is cast if it uses the Hollywood guild is 88% non-black. All other things being equal, only about 10% of the characters you see on screen should be black, if you see more than that, there is a bias.

But then I realized, as long as the dude is a good actor I don't give a fuck. =-/ I hate how these jerk offs have made me wonder about whether a black dude in a movie is there because he's a good actor or because they forced it. Before when I saw a movie with a black person in it it NEVER crossed my mind they were only there due to some SJW douche, and I hate that. Between that shit, cultural appropriation being used to separate ethnic cultures and safe spaces being used to divide public spaces based on racial lines--lol, part of me thinks SJWs are deep cover racists.

But yeah, he's got to be better than Luke's annoying ass in New Hope lol, or Anakin. Just want to see a cool main character Jedi.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I never noticed or cared until you faggots started talking about it.
Neither did I and I still don't care about anything beyond how good any of them are in their roles. Though this has made me thankful that I haven't let the SJW's crawl so far up under my skin that when I see a black or female lead in a non-traditional role I immediately begin parsing whether or not they were cast to advance someone's social agenda.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Of course people are complaining, everyone complains about something these days, that's why our society is so fucked and hardly anything positive can come out of it. People can't just shut the fuck up and move on from things, they gotta go on the internet and make a big deal about it until they get attention.

Running Dog_sl

Neither did I and I still don't care about anything beyond how good any of them are in their roles. Though this has made me thankful that I haven't let the SJW's crawl so far up under my skin that when I see a black or female lead in a non-traditional role I immediately begin parsing whether or not they were cast to advance someone's social agenda.
Boyega was in a film called Attack the Block which I didn't much care for but he was good in it.

Jive Turkey

I'm more worried about Adam Driver as a casting choice. Something about a relatively young main antagonist feels a bit off to me. Hopefully we don't ever see his face. The casting of the two main leads seems pretty good to me


Registered Hutt
Ford was literally building sets for American Graffiti as a carpenter when he got his break.
Yea, Ford had two kids and wife, and he was getting shit parts, so he became a carpenter and built stuff around LA. For Star Wars he was just a guy reading lines for the actors that were auditioning for parts. He was hired as casting help, not "be Solo dude", but Lucas liked his performance so he offered the role of Solo to him.


<Prior Amod>
I never noticed or cared until you faggots started talking about it.
Just like black Johnny Storm, the FF have been a comic family for over 50 years, and white. To suddenly make one of em black just feels like Affirmative Action or Pandering to SJWs. Then ppl got past that, b/c the movie just sucked so much ass (i haven't seen it, b/c i won't pay for a ticket to give FOX money), but from reviews it seems like black Johnny Storm was a rare highlight, so theres that.

Hopefully we're all praying that VII is just so kick ass, who the fuck cares if he's a black storm trooper.

Plus we should hope that he succeeds as a black actor too, lord knows there aren't any young black established actors, which are only limited to black rappers who can't act, and Will Smiths son.


Just like black Johnny Storm, the FF have been a comic family for over 50 years, and white. To suddenly make one of em black just feels like Affirmative Action or Pandering to SJWs. Then ppl got past that, b/c the movie just sucked so much ass (i haven't seen it, b/c i won't pay for a ticket to give FOX money), but from reviews it seems like black Johnny Storm was a rare highlight, so theres that.

Hopefully we're all praying that VII is just so kick ass, who the fuck cares if he's a black storm trooper.

Plus we should hope that he succeeds as a black actor too, lord knows there aren't any young black established actors, which are only limited to black rappers who can't act, and Will Smiths son.
If you aint bothered with swedish subtitles

FF4 can be seen here for free:

It can either be streamed or downloaded, "titta nu" means watch now


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Lol why are so many of you salty as fuck about casting? If people are good in the role, then who cares?

SJW shit has nothing to do with any casting type stuff. You know what does? MONEY. Guess which demographics are growing in terms of theater attendance? Guess which demographic is more likely to just pirate the shit online?

You brought this on yourself you cheapasses


2 Minutes Hate
You can correlate the people who are talking about or were concerned about the whole sjw angle on this to the amount of posts they have in the gamergate thread.

Hint: not many people give a shit. Leave your bubble.


Massive Spoilers, Entire plot of the movie including the ending.

Movie has two plots. Plot 1 is a larger republic versus empire plot and Plot 2 is a Kylo Ren Searching for the Lightsaber of Annikan Skywalker. Black guy is a stormtrooper who deserts from the empire and crash lands on a planet. He finds the lightsaber and meets up with the girl who is living alone as a scavenger, Stormtroopers looking for black guy and Kylo Ren Looking for the lightsaber both head to the planet causing them to try and flee, surprise surprise they meet up with Han and Chewie who save them from the bad guys.

They meet up with the republic and find out the Empire has some new super weapon and they have to stop it. So they go down and fight the bad guys Han is sad because he knows his son is Kylo Ren and he eventually confronts him only to get lightsabered to death, Girl lead finds out Han is also his dad and she's sad. Kylo Ren finds black guy and they have a one sided lightsaber duel and he gets BTFO only to be saved by an enraged Chewie in the millenium falcon. They save the day from the super weapon by lower it's shields allowing leia to blow it up from space and at the end Black guy joins the republic and Girl gets a vision and takes the light saber and leaves. End of the movie she finds Luke Skywalker who explains he was the reason the movie had 1000 really convenient meet ups and they begin training.

That is the overview I got before the trailer started, and the trailer basically confirmed a lot of the locations and dialogue so I'm taking it as truth. Maybe not though.
It shows that the girl is the Jedi not the black guy and the whole trailer of him holding the lightsaber is to generate hype/publicity. He will be the Han solo to luke.


Trakanon Raider
Massive Spoilers, Entire plot of the movie including the ending.

Movie has two plots. Plot 1 is a larger republic versus empire plot and Plot 2 is a Kylo Ren Searching for the Lightsaber of Annikan Skywalker. Black guy is a stormtrooper who deserts from the empire and crash lands on a planet. He finds the lightsaber and meets up with the girl who is living alone as a scavenger, Stormtroopers looking for black guy and Kylo Ren Looking for the lightsaber both head to the planet causing them to try and flee, surprise surprise they meet up with Han and Chewie who save them from the bad guys.

They meet up with the republic and find out the Empire has some new super weapon and they have to stop it. So they go down and fight the bad guys Han is sad because he knows his son is Kylo Ren and he eventually confronts him only to get lightsabered to death, Girl lead finds out Han is also his dad and she's sad. Kylo Ren finds black guy and they have a one sided lightsaber duel and he gets BTFO only to be saved by an enraged Chewie in the millenium falcon. They save the day from the super weapon by lower it's shields allowing leia to blow it up from space and at the end Black guy joins the republic and Girl gets a vision and takes the light saber and leaves. End of the movie she finds Luke Skywalker who explains he was the reason the movie had 1000 really convenient meet ups and they begin training.

That is the overview I got before the trailer started, and the trailer basically confirmed a lot of the locations and dialogue so I'm taking it as truth. Maybe not though.
It shows that the girl is the Jedi not the black guy and the whole trailer of him holding the lightsaber is to generate hype/publicity. He will be the Han solo to luke.
I can see a lot of that... curious to where you received your spoiler?