

Big brother has a notorius guy doing this, swore on his wife kids and, gasp the bible, his cross. Did it work? Not only did he win but the second time around he got second, he plaiyed a better game but was up against spencer, basically, nerdy underdog.

Those who believe are dumb.
He got a girl to vote out her own boyfriend. It was amazing.


<Prior Amod>
yea shes pretty much the BB posterchild goat, just like all of boston robs tribe except the crazy black guy.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
dont' forget parvati is also top 3 if not top as a physical player as well. she's one of the few girls that could actually swim well, and then have the endurance to do it over and over (probably from being a boxer). the other spot is def candance for physical, she also looks good but is godawful in social gaming. if we had another season with RC, i'd say she'd be number 3.

i mean there are other strong females like denise stahple (winner), but we're talking really hot and physical players right?
Reading this reminded me of something and it was when Tony said he couldn't swim during the first immunity challenge of the night. How does a cop not know how to swim? I figure that would be a requirement to be one. My mind was blown when he said that.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Big brother has a notorius guy doing this, swore on his wife kids and, gasp the bible, his cross. Did it work? Not only did he win but the second time around he got second, he plaiyed a better game but was up against spencer, basically, nerdy underdog.

Those who believe are dumb.
Dan Gheesling is the guy.

Dr. Will on Big Brother told everyone to vote him out and he wasn't voted out.



<Prior Amod>
Reading this reminded me of something and it was when Tony said he couldn't swim during the first immunity challenge of the night. How does a cop not know how to swim? I figure that would be a requirement to be one. My mind was blown when he said that.
i don't think he meant he couldn't swim, just not well, cuz thats a 15ft dive. hes probably not comfortable diving that high.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
blood vs water again... meh
BvW is amazing ... as long as they stop with the redemption island bullshit. I'd take a special magic immunity idol over redemption island any day of the week.

God, Kass was such a terrible player.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Didn't Amanda rope him in during a reward challenge and then seal the deal later with a blowjob or something
I think her part was more in chewing Erik out at the tribal council to reinforce the idea that he needed to do something to win over the jury, but it wasn't really a plan she played a major part in.

About the final tribal question during the reunion: Jeff HAS to ask that because it's so relevant and fresh in everyone's mind. It's the question everyone will be asking, anyway, so he might as well get out in front of it.
I know people are going to ask it. In fact, one of the first things I said after Tony won was that I wondered if Woo would've beaten Kass. But it would just be better left as a "what-if", because we don't know how it would've gone. It just seems a little callous for Jeff to ask, but I suppose I'm not too broken up about it if it served to rub in Kass's face how unlikeable she really is. Though, she'll probably just continue to tell herself that's all just because she has a vagina.

So, I do not mind seeing this Blood vs Water 2 as it will be a dynamic we haven't exactly seen. If they go the original route, it will have the loved ones in their own tribe and could really have an interesting impact on alliances and votes. I'm willing to give it a shot.
I was saying a few days ago that if they did Blood vs. Water again (which I never thought would be this soon), I'd like to see it starting out with loved ones being together. We really didn't get to see much of that dynamic the first time around since the only pairs that made it far after the merge were Tina and Laura and their daughters, and they didn't even really play together much since Tina and Laura spent most of their time on Redemption Island.

BvW is amazing ... as long as they stop with the redemption island bullshit. I'd take a special magic immunity idol over redemption island any day of the week.
BvW is the only season I didn't mind Redemption Island too much. Having someone watch their loved one compete to stay in the game added some drama, and it appeared to have an actual impact on the remaining players as you had certain players already gunning for others at the merge due to their loved one being voted out. It was a little better than in past seasons where you had an alliance vote someone out, he gets back in the game, and then the alliance immediately vote him out again. Given the choice, I'd rather not have it at all, but BvW at least gave it more of a purpose than just ensuring a returning player doesn't get sent home too soon.

They are going to have to do something different about the immunity idol clue though, or we're likely to just see them getting thrown in the fire repeatedly.


<Prior Amod>
fuck it just bring back BvW and redemption island and exile island

hell exile island is where yul found not only the tyler perry idol, but the most difficult one, did you see the trigonometry he had to pull off to to get it and just dig and hope. then it was used as fun punishment for candice.

then it got stupid when they were able to choose to find the idol or stay in the fruit hut.

they always get stupid when they just keep on adding more shit.

also these idols are too easy to find, i want them to like bury an idol 20 ft out in the sea and 20ft down. i mean i know they spend hours and even days trying to find it and they only cherry pick the few minutes when someone finds it after hours of edited footage.

but still, they should be tearing the island up finding this thing.

also woo's interview is up, but it's so hard to watch asian fabio talk, it really hurts my ears, i won't put a link, it's too embarrassing to asians!


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Or 10 seconds.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Well, thankfully it was a good finish to a great season - probably one of the 5-7 best. I knew Tony had the game mostly locked up, but I'm still confused as to why he played a final 4 only idol at 5, yet tried to "bluff" with the special idol. It literally made 0 sense, unless I misunderstood the confessionals about it.

Like I said weeks prior, Tony had Trish and Woo completely around his finger. I knew it as soon as LJ was voted out and theyimmediatelybought his line of bullshit. I predicted Kass would be his biggest threat still left in the game. I was extremely nervous she'd ruin it after she suddenly started competing at challenges and after he axed Trish. But, as soon as he gave Woo the "honor" spiel, I said aloud, "Well, Tony just won" to my wife. I literally started clapping when Tony said, "Yes" to all of Trish's bullshit.

Tony played a great game, but he wasextremelyimpulsive/sporadic. He's a paranoid dude as it is (shocker that he's a cop..), but you could see his game completely breaking down at the end. He had very little idea what was going on and he even started to become timid. The tribal where Spencer was voted out was a glaring example of this, when he seemed completely dumfounded by Kass saying she wouldn't take him to the end.

With all of that said, y'all Wakandans be trippin'. Alexis is the hottest Survivor since Andrea. Morgan looked hideous at final tribal when she was giving her completely predictable, "Guys do whatever I want!" speech to Tony. Her facial expressions..yikes.

Anyhow, enjoy your avatar, Adam..



Molten Core Raider
You son of a bitch!

Really though, I was going to give you either Colton or Chet, so I guess it's more than fair.

Edit: Yeah, top 5 for me for sure. Maybe I'll rank the seasons or something now that Survivor is gone, the semester is over, and I don't have shit to do on Wednesday nights. Yes, Alexis > Morgan. When they showed her crying after her blindside in the opening montage I wanted to go club a baby seal.


<Prior Amod>
1 Survivor: Borneo
2 Survivor: The Australian Outback
3 Survivor: Africa
4 Survivor: Marquesas
5 Survivor: Thailand
6 Survivor: The Amazon
7 Survivor: Pearl Islands
8 Survivor: All-Stars
9 Survivor: Vanuatu
10 Survivor: Palau
11 Survivor: Guatemala
12 Survivor: Panama
13 Survivor: Cook Islands
14 Survivor: Fiji
15 Survivor: China
16 Survivor: Micronesia
17 Survivor: Gabon
18 Survivor: Tocantins
19 Survivor: Samoa
20 Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains
21 Survivor: Nicaragua
22 Survivor: Redemption Island
23 Survivor: South Pacific
24 Survivor: One World
25 Survivor: Philippines
26 Survivor: Caramoan
27 Survivor: Blood vs. Water
28 Survivor: Cagayan

here you guys go, you can easily copy and paste.

Top 5 Best Season:
Top 5 Worst Season:
Top 5 Best Player:
Top 5 Worst Player:
Top 5 Hottest Player:

think that's all good categories?


<Prior Amod>
Top 5 Best Season:
13 Survivor: Cook Islands
19 Survivor: Samoa
20 Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains
12 Survivor: Panama
25 Survivor: Philippines

Top 5 Worst Season:
14 Survivor: Fiji
22 Survivor: Redemption Island
3 Survivor: Africa
5 Survivor: Thailand
24 Survivor: One World

Top 5 Best Player:
Yul Kwon
Russell Hantz
Parvati Shallow
Cirie Fields (if she lost 100lbs and won stuff, but great at social)
(finding it difficult to say the last 1)

Top 5 Worst Player:
Erik Reichenbach
Chet Welch
Rafe Judkins
James Clement
Yung "Woo" Hwang

Top 5 Hottest Player:
Andrea Boehlke
Chelsea Meissner
Parvati Shallow (younger cook islands version, without makeup)
Eliza Orlins (it's the eyes)
Brenda Lowe

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Where's that blonde girl (can't remember her name, sorry)from a few seasons ago who literally could not dive below the surface of the water because of her titties?