Thats Racist ! (Rich old man in LA buys and sells black folks)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I thought this guy was just your run of the mill racist, tough and stubborn, born 150 years late, but wow, that guy is one giant pussy. He sounds like he's almost crying throughout the entire phone call. He's talking to a fucking gold digger and he can't even establish himself as the boss in the relationship. If I ever sounded this pathetic when arguing with my wife, please just shoot me.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Comparing NBA players to plantation slaves is pretty ridiculous too. It's not okay or moral to think of the NBA players on your team as property, but let's not diminish what it meant to be a slave on a plantation.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Comparing NBA players to plantation slaves is pretty ridiculous too. It's not okay or moral to think of the NBA players on your team as property, but let's not diminish what it meant to be a slave on a plantation.
They're absolutely not slaves. Not even close.

The only similarity they have to slaves in my mind is actually the one consideration the NBA and the players union should have foremost in their concerns given that it's unlikely that Sterling can be forced out; the relationship between ownership/management and labor in the NBA, like in all of the professional sports leagues, is not one of free association. Minority players who don't want to work for the man cannot simply leave and play for another team (unless they're free agents). Players entering the league that are drafted by the Clippers don't even have their previous financial earnings to live on should they want to wait out the expiration of their draft rights

Should Sterling dig in his heels and hold on to the team, I hope they address that. The league could strip the team of their lottery selections (out of consideration to new players) and nullify all of the Clippers existing contracts (for the current ones) but then you're talking about crippling the franchise in a major way. I don't know if there's a good solution to that particular problem.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Comparing NBA players to plantation slaves is pretty ridiculous too. It's not okay or moral to think of the NBA players on your team as property, but let's not diminish what it meant to be a slave on a plantation.
Truth. This ain't the NCAA.


Ssraeszha Raider
I don't think the slave/plantation analogy was being extended beyond the way Sterling views himself. Just look at that quote in the Slate article fanaskin linked:

Stiviano: Do you know that you have a whole team that's black, that plays for you?

Sterling: You just, do I know? I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them? ? Who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game? Is there 30 owners that created the league?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
tumblr logic. Written by Trollface:

"NBA is like watching slavery all over again. You know how I know? All these kids are brain washed into thinking that they are going to be big shit in the end. Playing basketball, playing football, playing any sport will get you fame, money, and bitches. White people don't need to push for slavery no more. They can just teach them to be their servants for life. You know how this servants come to be? turn their culture into something that will serve white people's needs. And that is always their entertainment.

Who benefits from black people's love for sports? white managers. And there are a lot of white managers at the top, making sure that black people follow their indoctrinated dreams although there is like 1% chance of success. It's cheap too! Inner city kids don't need any massive investments. It's not like white people sports, like hockey which requires a lot of investments. Basketball is a cheap tool of population oppression via black people.

NBA I believe exists to oppress black people. "


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I don't think the slave/plantation analogy was being extended beyond the way Sterling views himself. Just look at that quote in the Slate article fanaskin linked:

Stiviano: Do you know that you have a whole team that's black, that plays for you?

Sterling: You just, do I know? I support them and give them food, and clothes, and cars, and houses. Who gives it to them? Does someone else give it to them? . Who makes the game? Do I make the game, or do they make the game? Is there 30 owners that created the league?
This is a not uncommon self-appraisal amongst those who supply the capitol or financial backing for business ventures. They view labor as a collection of cogs, none particularly distinguishable from another and no individual cog all that valuable in itself. Their money and decision making is what truly drives the success of the business. The fact that the Clippers managed to make Sterling a profit for many years while being utter shit on the court undoubtedly reinforces that in his mind. The disconnect is that he fails to recognize that all those other teams that weren't being run like a bargain basement swap shop were driving the success of the league and contributing to his bottom line in the process.

In truth it is both sound leadership/management and financial backing of a group of highly skilled players that enables a professional sports entity to deliver a entertaining product that fans and sponsors are willing to lay their money down for. You don't think the athletes on the field matter, just ask CBS how much they missed Tiger and Phil Mickelson in the final round of The Masters a few weeks ago.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Draeagaen's the Donald Sterling of ReRolled.

We're just his content creating American Inventors.


He can't go to any games, visit any facilities wrt the clippers, or go to any board meetings. He also can't be involved in any business dealings with players.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Be mad on the internet, and nothing else.
yep. exactly what they did