The Animal Activism Crazy Thread


A Mod Real Quick
At this point I feel I am being trolled and will not respond to your stupid bleeding heart trending social media articles.


Unelected Mod
Well, maybe they are trolling you. Then again, anyone who doesn't think higher mammals have "real emotions" is probably trolling or stupid also.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
You sound like someone who has no fucking clue what you're talking about here. I don't hunt, but you're doing some ass talking in this post. Hunting is not dangerous, but it is challenging, and the animals "win" (get away) all the time.
Uh, ok. It's good to know that despite being morbidly obese and shitfaced drunk, one can still surmount the "challenge" of hunting, because that pretty much describes a good portion of the hunters around here. My neighbor can barely squeeze his bulk into his F-250 along with his case of PBR and rifle, yet he seems to regularly "win".

Or what about this fine young lass that has managed to throw herself together a trophy room of formerly wild animals in record speed? Mad cheerleader hunting skillz or just hopelessly outgunned wildlife?Texas cheerleader fires back at critics of her big game-hunting pictures - NY Daily News.

Now hunting with a spear/bow, THAT is a challenge.
Uh, ok. It's good to know that despite being morbidly obese and shitfaced drunk, one can still surmount the "challenge" of hunting, because that pretty much describes a good portion of the hunters around here. My neighbor can barely squeeze his bulk into his F-250 along with his case of PBR and rifle, yet he seems to regularly "win".

Or what about this fine young lass that has managed to throw herself together a trophy room of formerly wild animals in record speed? Mad cheerleader hunting skillz or just hopelessly outgunned wildlife?Texas cheerleader fires back at critics of her big game-hunting pictures - NY Daily News.

Now hunting with a spear/bow, THAT is a challenge.
Based on her pictures, she was bow hunting.


Mr. Poopybutthole
She definitely didn't kill a fucking water buffalo with a bow, unless she was wheeling around a fucking siege ballista to hunt with.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
She definitely didn't kill a fucking water buffalo with a bow, unless she was wheeling around a fucking siege ballista to hunt with.
Haha. Not to mention, could a 19 year old girl possess the strength needed to draw back the string (let alone hold it) on a compound bow, which is what you'd pretty much need to use in order to have any hope of killing anything in Africa before it either ran away or bit your head off? Not sure as all I've every fired is some cheap plastic bow at summer camp.


<Prior Amod>

thats the pic most ppl see, her posing with a lion and her compound bow and quiver resting on the lion, her facebook also has her in a silhouette drawing a bow. why doesn't just some bow guy comment on her bow, the draw strength, and can you kill a lion with that? probably not all her other pics are her posing with lots of dead animals and holding some type of firearm.


I just cannot understand seeing a majestic lion and thinking I would really like to kill that. I do not get to worked up over hunters but I also do not buy the whole we are saving the species arguement.


Unelected Mod
I just cannot understand seeing a majestic lion and thinking I would really like to kill that. I do not get to worked up over hunters but I also do not buy the whole we are saving the species arguement.
Yeah, pretty much. That lion picture makes me sad.


Avatar of War Slayer
I just cannot understand seeing a majestic lion and thinking I would really like to kill that. I do not get to worked up over hunters but I also do not buy the whole we are saving the species arguement.
Deer, elk, bison are pretty majestic too. Do you give any fucks about them?
Deer, elk, bison are pretty majestic too. Do you give any fucks about them?
i give a fuck about them, but like i tried to illustrate over previous posts - not all animals are created equally.

i think all of the animals quoted are considered "Ruminants". I am not a biologist but seemingly these creatures are less emotionally developed/less intelligent than big cats, monkeys, dolphins, whales, k9s, people...


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
You can kill some pretty big game with a bow. Honestly, with a 80+lbs draw and the broadheads you see on the market nowadays, you're talking of ridiculous trauma and some serious bleeding. With the biggest game out there, you're likely not looking at a death within seconds, but just about anything will go down, including rhinos and elephants. The problem is how close you have to be when using a bow and if the animal doesn't die within seconds, you're pretty much fucked if it wants to take you down before it dies.

I'm not too hot about killing things you don't plan to eat, but gotta admit, it takes some serious balls to dare killing a lion with a bow.