The Division 2


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Long story short, it's basically Division 1 in its current state, with all the extra end game shit they added over the last couple years, an extra special ability slot, on top of the original two with slightly modified enhancements
It seems more like Division 1 without DLC or any of the stuff they added after 1.6 (WSP/GEs/etc.) but I assume that kind of stuff will get added over time. There's an extra special ability slot, but it comes at the cost of the ultimate ability we had before. Supposedly it will be easier in the open beta to gain ammo for those abilities, so maybe they won't completely suck ass like they did in private beta, but I still think the whole concept is dumb. It's basically magic bullets that you start empty and gain them by performing special feats like headshots or killing enemies with explosions or while they have a status effect. I know Division isn't exactly realistic, but that shit's just straight up retarded.

Enemies and abilities were poorly balanced in the last beta, but that's not a concern given things were pretty well balanced in the first one (for an RPG, bullet sponge type shooter).
I'm glad they listened to feedback and fixed the most ridiculous stuff enemies could do in private beta (skill and grenade spam, especially). I'm still extremely concerned about our abilities though. The core design is terrible compared to skills in Div 1.

All but one of the turrets requires you to aim for it, and the turret itself is about as durable as wet cardboard. They'd have to add another 0 to both its hp and damage to make any of them worth using over just shooting your guns. The one that does autoaim deals pathetic damage and also dies more or less instantly if an enemy notices it.

Drones weren't much better; only the armor repair one was useful and even that was just a trickle of healing (and you needed to hide around a corner to use it, since enemies will kill it as fast as a turret if you're only behind cover).

Seeker mine was the worst of all, especially for me as I play Tactician at least 90% of the time in Div 1 and seeker mine is godly.

On top of all that the cooldown on everything is ungodly long. I know I'm repeating myself here, but the point is I don't see how they can ever fix player skills without a complete rebuild from the ground up. If I wanted to play a game where I spend almost all my time shooting enemies and not using fun skills, I'd be playing Ghost Recon instead of Division since every single thing about that game's weapons and gunplay is superior. (Sadly everything else about GR:W is much, much worse.)

Granted, there's a bunch more skills we haven't seen yet but I'm not very optimistic because of the cooldown issue. I'm also wondering what stuff such as ballistic shield is going to be like? Will it be like the basic shield skill in Div 1 (garbage) or will it be comparable to the shield with full D3 gear (awesome)?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So I think Open beta is live right now?

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
So I think Open beta is live right now?




Toilet of the Mod Elect
No problems so far on a 8700k 2070gfx, looks pretty awesome on wide screen. Just a few minor bugs but nothing seems super fucked up yet.

There are aome pretty weird lighting issues when walking into somewhere thats nearly pitch black that takes a few seconds to get normal. Floating objects, weird rag doll physics are the major ones so far.

If you have a lower end machine they made this chart to lower some stuff.



<Silver Donator>
During the tech test that happened between beta's the only thing I ran into was some wierd audio glitches. FWIW Div2 seems to have (at least on nvidia) GPU overclocking so if you have weird crashes and have OC'd your card try setting it back to default. Div1 had that issue for me as well.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
A lot of people are still saying the errors are from third party programs (msi afterbhrner etc) and over clocking.
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<Gold Donor>
Anyone playing this can compare to the original? I'll jump in this evening and see - I'm mainly interested in knowing how "bullet sponge-y" the mobs are vs. 1, as that was one of my biggest complaints. The PVP focus end-game was annoying as well, but the journey there was pretty fun from what I remember


<Silver Donator>
Anyone playing this can compare to the original? I'll jump in this evening and see - I'm mainly interested in knowing how "bullet sponge-y" the mobs are vs. 1, as that was one of my biggest complaints. The PVP focus end-game was annoying as well, but the journey there was pretty fun from what I remember
Bullet sponge mechanics went away latter in DIV 1 and enemys now can have armor (body/specific parts) that can be knocked off creating weak points. Even then the armored enemies dont feel like bullet sponges.
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Molten Core Raider
Just getting this game set up. Already the load times are annoying me. I'm running an Evo 970 =/

crashed three times so far, haven't even made the first check point in the tutorial...

now an anti-cheat integrity violation boots me from the
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Things feel better this time around, but it could be that I hooked up with a buddy in Discord, and we just started grinding out all the missions and story? That's probably it. Lol
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Bullet sponge isn't a problem when solo except for the robot dogs in the high level mission (might new fixed in this beta, but want mentioned specifically). Some people on reddit claimed that it was worse with 4 man scaling though.

Load times and texture steaming are still horrible though. Last time the texture pop-in improved as my sshd got its cache set up (I assume that's what it was anyway). Haven't been able to play enough to see an improvement this time.


Potato del Grande
What time is this over? Stupid video card isn't getting here until Monday, maybe I'll give this a go on ps4 so I can compare, looks like I won't be able to play with my PC in time.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
What time is this over? Stupid video card isn't getting here until Monday, maybe I'll give this a go on ps4 so I can compare, looks like I won't be able to play with my PC in time.

It will be over by monday.

Do PS4 ;)