The Division

Looks alright, too much BS though. Heavily rehearsed, scripted dialogue, makes me sceptical.

They want you to think it's super orsum epic bro dude, when really, it will most likely be a glorified Fallout 3 co-op.


FoH nuclear response team
You are so fucking bitter Qwerty, why do you even post in these forums?


Heavily rehearsed, scripted dialogue, makes me sceptical.
Everything at E3 is heavily scriped and rehearsed. And the couple times when someone goes off script, there's a media outrage (e.g. the supposed rape comment) -- so there's no way they're going to move away from scripting things, no matter how fake they sound.


it will most likely be a glorified Fallout 3 co-op.
Because that would be such a terrible thing. I wish you were a funny troll but you're not


Vyemm Raider
I really don't get why the fact that the dialogue is scripted keeps being brought up in this thread, not to mention being all negative about it. It's a fucking gameplay trailer, of course it's fucking scripted. Would you rather some random mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging clickers showing you how they play the game? Maybe you would, since all some of you seem to do is look for shit to whine about.


I really don't get why the fact that the dialogue is scripted keeps being brought up in this thread, not to mention being all negative about it. It's a fucking gameplay trailer, of course it's fucking scripted. Would you rather some random mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging clickers showing you how they play the game? Maybe you would, since all some of you seem to do is look for shit to whine about.
100 percent agreed. What would they rather "Oi Dragonknight lets rape this slut cunts ass hole" "LMAO that reminds me bra the other night I had a few drinks" "thats what your mum said" "hahaha u da man lets pwn some dick"


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't think a demonstration were someone yells "damn! they got a Wakandan on the rooof!" would go over very well.
Everything at E3 is heavily scriped and rehearsed. And the couple times when someone goes off script, there's a media outrage (e.g. the supposed rape comment) -- so there's no way they're going to move away from scripting things, no matter how fake they sound.
But they tried to pretend it was just a typical group, and that was BS, especially how they acted naturally to things and faked surprise when something happened. I don't react well to being lied to.

Because that would be such a terrible thing. I wish you were a funny troll but you're not
But can't you already get that in Borderlands or something? I'd play a co-op fallout 3 but at least call it like it is. Pretending to be an MMO with lots of random and exciting things happening, is a bunch of bullshit. It's just going to be a series of buildings you raid with a few buddies, and now that they got me all sceptical with their lies, I am assuming that the scripted mob behaviour is exactly the same half the time so it becomes really boring and repetitive very quickly. How many buildings do you think you are going to enjoy this for? 7? 8? Quick dude, place that turret again, like how you placed it on the previous 7 identical fucking buildings.

And just because I don't like something doesn't make me a troll. Grow up.

I really don't get why the fact that the dialogue is scripted keeps being brought up in this thread, not to mention being all negative about it. It's a fucking gameplay trailer, of course it's fucking scripted. Would you rather some random mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging clickers showing you how they play the game? Maybe you would, since all some of you seem to do is look for shit to whine about.
What I would prefer is to see what it's REALLY like for a real player. Not what the dev and his 2 or 3 dev buddies staged to impress you dude bro kiddies.


Vyemm Raider
What I would prefer is to see what it's REALLY like for a real player. Not what the dev and his 2 or 3 dev buddies staged to impress you dude bro kiddies.
Ok, no prob. Play the trailer again, only this time turn the sound off, and pretend that one of your groupmates can't stop hitting his spacebar. Problem solved. You're welcome.

Zombie Thorne_sl

But they tried to pretend it was just a typical group, and that was BS, especially how they acted naturally to things and faked surprise when something happened. I don't react well to being lied to.
I don't even... Do you honestly think they were trying to deceive you with this video? Wow... C'mon man, its simple marketing. They are simulating what their vision of the final product will be, it is over a year from launch anyway. I am sure you will get to see real gameplay at next years E3.

an accordion_sl

But they tried to pretend it was just a typical group, and that was BS, especially how they acted naturally to things and faked surprise when something happened. I don't react well to being lied to.
It's literally impossible to do this when a game is in alpha. People would have to be familiar enough with the skills/gameplay to not be surprised by anything when they show gameplay (otherwise you'd complain that they are bad). A real player doing this would probably have a much more vulgar conversation and a lot more deadair when in a group... not very appropriate for a AAA E3 presentation. Think about what your voicechat conversations are like before saying dumb shit.


Vyemm Raider
Qwerty Doesn't use voice chat. He despises it actually. He is not upset that this voice chat was scripted, he is upset that voice chat exists.

I like to think that QWERTY lives in a Howard Hughes style sealed penthouse suite. He is absolutely and completely revolted by all direct human contact. The last time another human came within close proximity to QWERTY was 12 years ago. A maintenance worker had to enter the vault to replace a faulty air circulator unit. Even then QWERTY stayed in an adjacent room the entire time and never spoke directly to this man. He only ensured that the worker did not steal anything, and promptly sanitized the entire room after he left.

Playing online games is fine for him, so long as the people who play only use the chat interface and never type anything out of character. The moment they reveal themselves to be actual humans, QWERTY is overcome with an agent smith style revulsion at this intrusion into his world, and feels like he has somehow been infected by it.

QWERTY also dislikes music, instead he prefers to listen to the hum of florescent lights and, when he's feeling feisty, will set his metronome to a vigorous tempo.

As for the game, it looks like it could be a lot of fun, but that really depends on how big of an area there is to explore, how "clunky" or smooth the combat is and what kind of loot system they have. I know it is heavily centered around gun fights, but I hope there is some stealth or maybe even melee options.


FoH nuclear response team
But they tried to pretend it was just a typical group, and that was BS, especially how they acted naturally to things and faked surprise when something happened. I don't react well to being lied to.
Well if they wouldn't' have said anything at all I wouldn't have realized it was a co-op game and figured those were NPC's I was running around with. It was cheesy as shit but it got the message across and that's all they were trying to do. It would have been alot less exciting for them to show the video then at the end go "oh btw, that was co-op".
Yeah. Well whatever, I didn't realize it was alpha so it's sort of excusable, I suppose. I still think the people getting super excited about this game are setting themselves up for disappointment. I know you could say that about any MMO, but this just looks like one of those games that pretends to be awesome and talks a good game, and then once you actually play it, Mehhhhhhh.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah. Well whatever, I didn't realize it was alpha so it's sort of excusable, I suppose. I still think the people getting super excited about this game are setting themselves up for disappointment. I know you could say that about any MMO, but this just looks like one of those games that pretends to be awesome and talks a good game, and then once you actually play it, Mehhhhhhh.
So... like your online dating profile?