The Elder Scrolls Online


Vyemm Raider
The reasons it is bad are just so stupid though. No combat feedback, at all. I have absolutely no idea how effective my spells are vs just charging up a power attack. I have no idea if using a spell to reduce enemy armor is any more useful than just using a spell that does more damage. I have no idea if an enemy is resistant to certain types of damage. And how are you supposed to have any idea what your teammates are doing?

Keybindings that don't let you use modifiers, so your entire keyboard is covered with bindings for every stupid thing. Two different bindings for "interact with object" and "interact with player", fucking seriously?

Why is this even a MMO?


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The reasons it is bad are just so stupid though. No combat feedback, at all. I have absolutely no idea how effective my spells are vs just charging up a power attack. I have no idea if using a spell to reduce enemy armor is any more useful than just using a spell that does more damage. I have no idea if an enemy is resistant to certain types of damage. How are you supposed to have any idea what your teammates are doing?

Keybindings that don't let you use modifiers, so your entire keyboard is covered with bindings for every stupid thing. Two different bindings for "interact with object" and "interact with player", fucking seriously?

Why is this even a MMO?
You're thinking about it more than they expect their target audience to think.


Vyemm Raider
That's really sad.

This game is the worst parts of Elder Scrolls mixed with the worst parts of MMOs. ES combat with MMO quest grinding. Ouch.
Really dont know what it is with this game , there are times i enjoy it for what it is and then there are times when i say to myself why is this trying to be a TES solo game and why am i wasting my time with this.Also what the hell is with these solo item quest rewards. Im a heavy armor user and i get some light armor as a reward in one starter area and i play a different starter area and get some heavy armor and so on. Is it really that hard to add mulitiple items so i can pick one that i plan on using what the hell is with this?

Shit is annoying as fuck , let me feel like im actually moving in power with a quest reward i get to choose and not feel like im gimping myself because i have a piece of light armor and im losing out on that .5% armor =). Stupid ass shit.
I made a fat, balding, hairy Nord named The Hedgehog, but when I try to log in now it just says "Requesting character load" but that load never comes. Just a bug, or is the game trying to win me over with innuendo?
I went and took an old man dump and when I came back I was in Cold Fucking Harbor again... nothing much improved in the intro area other than some of the boxes drop stuff now.


Vyemm Raider
Since supposedly a "dumbed down" MMO is why WoW had 15 million subs, I predict 450 million people will be playing ESO by this time next year.
5 minute loading screens are pretty awesome in a game where you zone into a loading screen every 2 minutes

watching the winter olympics is more fun than playing teso. and less gay.

it will eventually get in when you are at character or zone loading, just alt tab and do something else for a while
I am having more fun reading this board than I am in TESO!


The reasons it is bad are just so stupid though. No combat feedback, at all. I have absolutely no idea how effective my spells are vs just charging up a power attack. I have no idea if using a spell to reduce enemy armor is any more useful than just using a spell that does more damage. I have no idea if an enemy is resistant to certain types of damage. And how are you supposed to have any idea what your teammates are doing?
You can hate the design, graphics, or combat, but this is just silly. Combat abilities are very straightforward. It's easy even at a low level to see what's working and what's not. I can tell how much damage my abilities or what is affecting what in 45 secs. Do you really need exact numbers popped over somethings head to theorycraft after 3 hours in beta?

It sounds like you just want to justify going back to doing dailies in WOW, dude. Nothing wrong with that but your base arguments are pretty nitpicking bullshit here.

So far the game is fine. Nothing super exciting, but not nearly as bad as the Blizzard humpers here make it out to be.
Since supposedly a "dumbed down" MMO is why WoW had 15 million subs, I predict 450 million people will be playing ESO by this time next year.

You knowwww... you make me laugh but... it is midafternoon in a beta and they are serverjammed. I think we may need to up the estimates on release day. Gonna be a lot of people playing this no matter how little they fix.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Log in queues with times that get longer? Went from 10 minutes to 14 to 21 now. Brilliant.

I guess if I were someone likely to buy the game it would just reinforce my decision because it seems to be so darned popular right now!
THey don't seem to understand the login queue concept ... isn't is supposed to go down in time? Mine has gone from 6 minutes to 8 to 13 now.

edit five minutes later up to 15
edit 2: once my queue got to 18 minutes it let me in... pretty sure they don't understand the concept of a countdown.
Log in queues with times that get longer? Went from 10 minutes to 14 to 21 now. Brilliant.

I guess if I were someone likely to buy the game it would just reinforce my decision because it seems to be so darned popular right now!
My login screen has a cool picture of a steam tunnel and a mechanical cockroach so I got that going for me. Lots of cool concept art. I am going to have to say... the problems with this game are not the fault of the concept artist... all the rest... not sure of yet.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah, I never say anything negative about WoW ever, I'm such a fanboy.

According to a complete fucking idiot, maybe.

Anyway, I'm just in awe at how bad it is at first glance is all. But too bored to continue.


<Gold Donor>
I havent played this yet so Ill reserve judgment. But i just wanted to say that with each generation of new mmo coming out we keep wishing that this is it with the wow clones, but yet there is no end in sight it seems like.

Maybe EQ Next will finally be the thing that breaks the mold so all these publishers have another thing to chase rather than a 10 yr old game that still laughs at all these petty clones.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You can hate the design, graphics, or combat, but this is just silly. Combat abilities are very straightforward.
You didn't read what he said. There isn't any reporting. There isn't any feedback, and even if combat was actually even mediocre as you say (It isn't. Combat is fucking horrendous) you still cannot check to see if any of the abilities you are given even work correctly. Given the state of this game, I don't think a lot work as intended anyway.