The Elder Scrolls Online


Lord Nagafen Raider
I havent played this yet so Ill reserve judgment. But i just wanted to say that with each generation of new mmo coming out we keep wishing that this is it with the wow clones, but yet there is no end in sight it seems like.

Maybe EQ Next will finally be the thing that breaks the mold so all these publishers have another thing to chase rather than a 10 yr old game that still laughs at all these petty clones.
It's because WoW still generates 2+ billion dollars a month even though it's on a downturn/slow day. Everyone want's a piece of that pie and think they can get it with their own quick and easy WoW clone.


Vyemm Raider
This is far from a wow clone. And I mean that in the most insulting way possible.

It's like calling Call of Duty a WoW clone because you play it online with other people. It just makes no sense. The only context I can imagine it working is "I don't like wow, and I don't like ESO, therefore ESO is a clone of wow!"

The games aren't even remotely alike. And in this case, that's a bad thing. The only MMO I would even call a WOW clone is Rift and probably Wildstar (but that's just an assumption based on, well, everything)


Trump's Staff
There's a lot of WoW clones besides Rift and W*. They just fucking suck and nobody plays them (Allods online, Runes of Magic, Lost Titans, Order & Chaos, Alganon, 4 story etc etc)


Vyemm Raider
What was the one where they copied every single detail of the UI and art? Oh Alganon, you listed it. God what a laugh that was. And then are tons of china ones that aren't playable here.

UI: Not like wow
Art: Not like wow
Combat: Not like wow
Factions: Not like wow
Progression: Not like wow
Classes: Not like wow
Skills: Not like wow
Quests: There are quests in the game



The reasons it is bad are just so stupid though. No combat feedback, at all. I have absolutely no idea how effective my spells are vs just charging up a power attack. I have no idea if using a spell to reduce enemy armor is any more useful than just using a spell that does more damage. I have no idea if an enemy is resistant to certain types of damage. And how are you supposed to have any idea what your teammates are doing?
ESO will support player made addons that provide you with that combat information you are missing.

Apparently that was a design decision to not make it a basic part of the UI. The addons already exist unfortunately the weekend beta testers don't have access to them.


What was the one where they copied every single detail of the UI and art? Oh Alganon, you listed it. God what a laugh that was. And then are tons of china ones that aren't playable here.
Runes of Magic was pretty close, also. This one has issues, but even so the interface is good, the combat is much improved, and it's easy to play. They did keep a lot of the Skyrim feel which will appeal to people, and it's easy mode similar to WOW at the early levels.

Nothing really super, but mildly amusing. It's not as bad at the early levels as Ut is saying. I'd like to know what the higher levels will be, but the combat with the first person is cleaned up enough to make it playable and something fresh. Last year it was just unplayable.


You didn't read what he said. There isn't ainy reporting. There isn't any feedback, and even if combat was actually even mediocre as you say (It isn't. Combat is fucking horrendous) you still cannot check to see if any of the abilities you are given even work correctly. Given the state of this game, I don't think a lot work as intended anyway.
I thought you said you were in the closed beta? If so, you should know how simple in is to resolve the issue of no combat feedback.


It's because WoW still generates 2+ billion dollars a month even though it's on a downturn/slow day. Everyone want's a piece of that pie and think they can get it with their own quick and easy WoW clone.
2 Billion per month?

Current subs: 7,800,000 x 15 = 117,000,00

Figure maybe half of that for server/faction/race/pet store and your still way short of even 1 billion per month......what am I missing?


Vyemm Raider
ESO will support player made addons that provide you with that combat information you are missing.

Apparently that was a design decision to not make it a basic part of the UI. The addons already exist unfortunately the weekend beta testers don't have access to them.
What does it look like? A combat log? Scrolling Combat Text? Can you see health numbers on enemies and allies?

Do they expect their player base to be so fucking pants on head retarded that they would be mystified by the presence of numbers?


Trump's Staff
2 Billion per month?

Current subs: 7,800,000 x 15 = 117,000,00

Figure maybe half of that for server/faction/race/pet store and your still way short of even 1 billion per month......what am I missing?
Pretty sure he meant annually, and his Engrish was just b0rked.


Ssraeszha Raider
2 Billion per month?

Current subs: 7,800,000 x 15 = 117,000,00

Figure maybe half of that for server/faction/race/pet store and your still way short of even 1 billion per month......what am I missing?
Microtransactions. People love silly hats!


What does it look like? A combat log? Scrolling Combat Text? Can you see health numbers on enemies and allies?

Do they expect their player base to be so fucking pants on head retarded that they would be mystified by the presence of numbers?
Yes to all of those.

My understanding is they want the basic UI to function like Skyrim/Oblivion so that the players of the single player games will be familiar with everything while at the same time allowing player made addons to satisfy the MMO crowd.


FPS noob
so I finally got into the pvp zone, its pretty huge. for anyone who has played gw2, its probably about the same size as the wvw maps there and feels very, very similar to that. Running around like a noob, finding the zerg, and then massive zerg v zerg battles (like 100+ on each side) in keeps and shit with siege weapons, castle walls, all that jazz. could be cool if you are into that stuff - have to capture castles, if you capture enough your leader (guy with highest score?) becomes emperor.

didn't really seem to get much XP, and pretty much died instantly like an asshole at level 11 against any NPC (dont think any level scaling happens like GW2), and sadly its super buggy with everyone including me crashing constantly to desktop with 5-15 min load screens after. If you could level solely via the campaign and you played with friends I could see it maybe being fun, if they got it to work but I'm not sure why you'd play this instead of GW2, which has no sub.


<Gold Donor>
Blizzard reported like 4.5 billion for all of 2013, and lets not forget CoD and Skylanders which earned way fucking more than WoW.


The last couple patch notes seem to indicate that you don't know shit.
You could stop being an asswipe shill if you like now. I know that I played two weekends and there were more bugs the 2nd weekend compared to the first. I haven't been able to get on yet because of a queue that continuously grows upwards in time.

Oh yes, and there were no added zones and no real content added between those weekends other than trade skills. Maybe more people will get to see some more PvP this weekend but we all already know the lock-on targeting will hurt the game as a whole. Did I mention they "took down" PvP during the second weekend? Grow up.

If you honestly think this game's large scale pvp will be any better than GW2's RvR (which in my opinion was pretty underwhelming) then good luck to you!