The Evelys Apology

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But I am really a girl!
Here is a pict of me as proof


I really need loot badly guys





Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Hell, thanks to Fedor I don't even believe it when a girl tells me face-to-face that she's a chick anymore.
Fucking A'. After 7 beers, even trannies start looking like 7's and 8's.


I'm With HER ♀
The best part about it is he knew all about the database, he should have known he would be outed. Didn't he create that web site that shows you where you are on a map and started telling people where they were after they had clicked no it and a bit more information?
There was a thread where we had FoHers collecting en masse on Facebook in the pursuit of great justice. Gotta admit it was a bit pucker-inducing when Foler started making inquiries about the people who were posting on there..on FoH.

Aychamo BanBan

millie hated mini milk, i think most of us liked her.
Probably because mini actually had a vagina, as nasty as that pale mask face girl was.


I feel for a mangina once too, during EQ, like around 2001 when I was a pathetic piece of shit, had gained 20 lbs, was just pathetic. We dated in game or something. The retard had posted some pic of herself(himself!) as a cute asian, and her(his!) RL friend gave me the number, and I called, and I think the shithead put his little sister on the phone. I don't know. The person sounded retarded literally. Haha! I FEEL SO DISGUSTING EVEN WRITING THIS!!!


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I don't care that Jeffyls has a dick. The only thing that pissed me off was the nuking the site with out giving us a heads up. Even doing that though he returned all of our donations so while I am pissed off it's not worth permanent expulsion. Long as he doesn't mind the taunting he will likely get I don't care if he comes back. He better not have anything to do with this site though.


Hey, we all make mistakes. It takes a big man to admit to fucking up and sincerely apologize.

You gotta give Evelys props formanning up.


On a more serious note, this forum design is hideous. Are the ones in charge planning to go back to the classic FoH look?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
On a more serious note, this forum design is hideous. Are the ones in charge planning to go back to the classic FoH look?
Agreed. I say we let Stevelys back long enough to code in links at the bottom and such to "pay" for the bullshit. Then he can piss off back to tranny land or continue posting, his choice.


All I can say is, who gives a flying fuck, all I want is a place where I can go and gamble if Fedor's spoiler is a cat or dick chick!


Molten Core Raider
Probably because mini actually had a vagina, as nasty as that pale mask face girl was.


I feel for a mangina once too, during EQ, like around 2001 when I was a pathetic piece of shit, had gained 20 lbs, was just pathetic. We dated in game or something. The retard had posted some pic of herself(himself!) as a cute asian, and her(his!) RL friend gave me the number, and I called, and I think the shithead put his little sister on the phone. I don't know. The person sounded retarded literally. Haha! I FEEL SO DISGUSTING EVEN WRITING THIS!!!
Long time lurker here, rerolled is the first time I've posted on any foh forum or any foh spinoff site. Anyway, since it seems like some people are having dr. phil moments I figured I'd chime in with my own interesting and embarrassing story, even though nobody will actually give a shit.

In the early days of vanilla WoW I fell for a mangina that was a guy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a guy. As in, to anyone not in the guild or to new people in the guild he would present himself as a male. Then when you became friends or got close or whatever, he would 'reveal' his 'big secret" that he is actually a girl pretending to be a guy and playing a male character because 'she' doesn't want to be an attention whore. He was also the GM of the guild. Well I ended up falling for him/her only to the point where I told his/her 'cousin' (an actual real life female) that I was developing feelings for her cousin and I wanted her opinion. The only thing that she gave me was "that's cute".

Luckily before I got to the point where I did anything to make myself look like a complete fool I found out the truth from another person in the guild, the main tank, who was good friends with both of them IRL. He was really a guy pretending to be a girl that was pretending to be a guy, as I mentioned. His "cousin" wasn't really his cousin at all, but his wife. At first I was infuriated that this guy put on this big charade for seemingly no reason other than his own enjoyment. It turns out the real reason he wanted people in the guild to believe he was a female and that the other woman was his cousin is because he didn't want the guild to know they were a married couple and then have it cause people to perceive favoritism that wasn't there, which is really wasn't. So I just kind of said well that's shitty but it makes sense. The person who ended up being a worthless bitch was the wife, who as it turned out was a total whore. During the course of the vanilla wow she drove to the house of and slept with the main tank I mentioned earlier, multiple times. Eventually the mangina husband found out, confronted her, they separated, she ran away to live with the main tank and all 3 quit the guild and disappeared effectively killing it right in the middle of Naxxramas before we got to the really good stuff. The mangina ended up being the only person worth a shit out of the 3 of them, and even though he quit the guild and disappeared from the game I ended up knowing and talking to him occasionally for 3 or 4 years after that.

And now, back to lurking. Edited for awful spelling and grammar.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Tits aren't enough man. From FoH tranny forums that's like the first thing they do when they start the change... take estrogen and get fake boobs. Hell Jerle has fake tits iirc. Would you fuck Jerle?

Also, wtf jerked off to trannies from FoH? Even when I was single and extremely hard up now and then I never, EVER jerked off or even TRIED to cyber some known or unknown tranny off the board...


Trakanon Raider
Long time lurker here, rerolled is the first time I've posted on any foh forum or any foh spinoff site. Anyway, since it seems like some people are having dr. phil moments I figured I'd chime in with my own interesting and embarrassing story, even though nobody will actually give a shit.

In the early days of vanilla WoW I fell for a mangina that was a guy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a guy. As in, to anyone not in the guild or to new people in the guild he would present himself as a male. Then when you became friends or got close or whatever, he would 'reveal' his 'big secret" that he is actually a girl pretending to be a guy and playing a male character because 'she' doesn't want to be an attention whore. He was also the GM of the guild. Well I ended up falling for him/her only to the point where I told his/her 'cousin' (an actual real life female) that I was developing feelings for her cousin and I wanted her opinion. The only thing that she gave me was "that's cute".

Luckily before I got to the point where I did anything to make myself look like a complete fool I found out the truth from another person in the guild, the main tank, who was good friends with both of them IRL. He was really a guy pretending to be a girl that was pretending to be a guy, as I mentioned. His "cousin" wasn't really his cousin at all, but his wife. At first I was infuriated that this guy put on this big charade for seemingly no reason other than his own enjoyment. It turns out the real reason he wanted people in the guild to believe he was a female and that the other woman was his cousin is because he didn't want the guild to know they were a married couple and then have it cause people to perceive favoritism that wasn't there, which is really wasn't. So I just kind of said well that's shitty but it makes sense. The person who ended up being a worthless bitch was the wife, who as it turned out was a total whore. During the course of the vanilla wow she drove to the house of and slept with the main tank I mentioned earlier, multiple times. Eventually the mangina husband found out, confronted her, they separated, she ran away to live with the main tank and all 3 quit the guild and disappeared effectively killing it right in the middle of Naxxramas before we got to the really good stuff. The mangina ended up being the only person worth a shit out of the 3 of them, and even though he quit the guild and disappeared from the game I ended up knowing and talking to him occasionally for 3 or 4 years after that.

And now, back to lurking. Edited for awful spelling and grammar.
You know you have been on the internet for too long when you are pretty sure you read this story before.

Anyway, can someone give me a quick TLDR of what happened or how it happened ? People figured out the admin of morenetz was a guy so he reacted by killing the site ?

I don't really care which site stays, I'm mostly replying to myself in SC2 threads anyway.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Anyway, can someone give me a quick TLDR of what happened or how it happened ? People figured out the admin of morenetz was a guy so he reacted by killing the site ?
Basically. There's like 40 fucking threads discussing the topic already. If you can't figure out what the hell happened by now, I don't know what to tell you.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Too forgiving pussies here willing to forgive the extreme amount of faggotry and trolling that crazy Fuck did.


Buzzfeed Editor
I met my wife on EQ.....I was young and apparently, incredibly fucking lucky finding the one woman, actually played by a woman. It wasn't until I grew older that I realized my luck was akin to Forest Gump's where I did something dumb, that should have gotten me in huge trouble, but instead it worked out incredibly well for me.

As for Evelys...

You really can't forgive the shittiness of shutting the site down like that. But the apology was a decent thing to do.

The really sad part is, if he had opened the board with a picture of Bill Nye holding up a sign saying "You don't need Science to know Evelys is a man" (Even if it was Photoshopped) and then posted his real life picture and laughed at all the people who hit on him, he would have been heralded as the the Prince of the Internets for the lulz.
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