The future, what will it hold for us?


Musty Nester
As long as prostitutes are cheaper, sexbots will just be a novelty luxury item.

I mean fleshlights apparently sell. I can see that there would be a business for some femme-bots. But not a take over the world kind of business.

They would lease them in your higher end gentlemans clubs.


<Gold Donor>
On immortality and aging....

If they figure out genes and how to manipulate them, yeah I can see prolonged life. Are they not finding genes that basically control aging? Its like an on/off switch? Sooner they will figure that shit out. How bout replacing our bad shit with mechanical, or even printed organs/tissues? I dont think we can ever become immortal, but shit, ill take an extra 50/100 yrs.


On immortality and aging....

If they figure out genes and how to manipulate them, yeah I can see prolonged life. Are they not finding genes that basically control aging? Its like an on/off switch? Sooner they will figure that shit out. How bout replacing our bad shit with mechanical, or even printed organs/tissues? I dont think we can ever become immortal, but shit, ill take an extra 50/100 yrs.
uh we do already manipulate genes and engineer them? Life is a lot more complex than you think. There seems to be certain genes and degredation of macro genetic structures which are associated with aging, but getting to the point where we can control for these is a way off.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I don't think it's that far off, especially with computers to do the hard work. I wouldn't be surprised if there's children alive today that will live to 200.


<Gold Donor>
Not to mention not far off we will be manipulating genes before kids are even born born, making super humans. Its already happening with the designer babies.


Blackwing Lair Raider
You guys are thinking small potatoes with your human female sex bots. The money is in providing things that do not exist. Aliens, dragons, anthropomorphic animals of all species and colors. The cat girl sales to Japanalonewill make you a king.
If they can make catgirl/cat boy sex robots that look even half decent japan will cease to exist as a country in 50 years due to nobody having any kids any more.


Musty Nester
That shit is seriously over reported. And bear in mind that science reporting outside of professional journals is pretty dodgy to begin with. We're not going to be pushing the lifespan past 130 for a while. I mean generations. There may be babies born today that live that long. That is probably pretty close to a natural upper boundary, and there's no reason to think we'll suddenly become worse at treating disease and disorder. I'd expect rather large advances in those areas which will account for another steady increase in average and exceptional lifespans.

Honestly it's not that the math is hard when it comes to gene manipulation. It's that things don't work that way. To the combined relief and disappointment of many.

We don't actually have designer babies. We do have at least one with 3 parents... which is bizzare (in humans, other mammals do it. You ever see a really fucked up looking cat... he probably has 2 daddies) and they used it to combat a known double recessive. But that's not a made to spec baby. That's just kind of a neat trick.

There is a very long way to go with stem cell research. And we have to, we MUST truly understand the mechanisms before we tinker with them. And you're talking about mastery over the stem cells of stem cells. Even if you knew exactly what to do and exactly how to do it (which no one does), the only way you can MAKE that baby is in a lab in the first few hours of life. The only way you can GROW that baby is in a uterus.

And you can't just pop it into a syringe and squirt it into her belly. That doesn't work very well either.


I don't think it's that far off, especially with computers to do the hard work. I wouldn't be surprised if there's children alive today that will live to 200.
Not to mention not far off we will be manipulating genes before kids are even born born, making super humans. Its already happening with the designer babies.
Again, you two seem to over simplify cellular processes, gene activation and up/down regulation, post translational modifcations, etc... and how these all interplay between different cellular types.

Computers do the hard work? Yes they will help, but we also have to expand our understanding of biochemistry, epigenetcs, and countless protein functions and interactions.

And fuck you Mist, a STEM degree is infinitely more useful than your bullshit one.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I'm just saying, a bunch of cubicle dwelling people who played EQ for a thousands of hours over a decade telling me they know more about human nature is absurd.


I'm just saying, a bunch of cubicle dwelling people who played EQ for a thousands of hours over a decade telling me they know more about human nature is absurd.
Holds zero bearing on someone's knowledge or understanding of human nature. As previously stated it is also fucking ironic coming from yourself.


<Gold Donor>
Well this cubicle dwelling, mmo playing for hundreds of hours, nerd guy is actually married, with teenage kids, that actually socially interacts with other humans on a regular basis, thats not afraid to be raped every time he steps out the front door, so yeah maybe its not that absurd.


Musty Nester
From a sociologist no less! A study of human nature is perhaps the only thing that EverQuest was actually good for.

Granted, a somewhat self-limiting and constricted subset.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Mist, stop shitting up this thread and pretending you're a female. Jefflys already did the "I'm a dude pretending to be a woman and I also have fear of rape" routine.

I work in robotics and automation. Progress is slow in this field and is severely limited by cost. Driverless cars are here, but taxi drivers are cheap. Faux-science journalists and videos like the one in the OP hype up the technological future but the next 30 years are going to be more mundane than you think. Some fields will diminish, others will grow, but it's not going to be some dramatic automation of everything.

Sex bots are already here in various forms, but it's going be a long road up the uncanny valley before we get cheap sex bots you guys are hoping for. And they'll likely be house-servants you can fuck than 'sex bots'.

Also lol @ the idea that because it's possible a technological singularity where AI self-improves all software occurs it's more sound to major in psychology than science.


Silver Knight of the Realm
There was an episode on "Curiosity: Can we live forever", with Adam Savage a few years back that dealt with this very topic. Basically, if memory serves me, there is a problem with the brain and how much it can really hold. I seem to recall it was about 200 years worth of data/memories. It only holds so much. Not to mention it starts to shrink quite rapidly past 160 years or so. It was pretty fascinating.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Also lol @ the idea that because it's possible a technological singularity where AI self-improves all software occurs it's more sound to major in psychology than science.
I said psychology vs IT, not psychology vs science, because psychology IS a science (at least at the postgrad level, I'll admit undergrad psych is fucking LOL, I mean god, they letmeteach those classes.)

IT and programming are pretty horrible occupations for most of the people working in them. The good jobs are good, and the bad ones are soul crushingly bad.

Study Predicts 9% Drop In Salaries of New CS Grads This Year - Slashdot

Psych is a pretty terrible 4 year degree, but once you get through grad school, your earning potential goes way up. Demand for mental health professionals is at an all-time high and I don't see that changing soon.


I'm Amod too!
I'm just saying, a bunch of cubicle dwelling people who played EQ for a thousands of hours over a decade telling me they know more about human nature is absurd.
For someone who's admitted to still being dominated by their mother and generally miserable in life I'm going to have to call pot/kettle on this one.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
For someone who's admitted to still being dominated by their mother and generally miserable in life I'm going to have to call pot/kettle on this one.
Look, I'm not saying any of us have a lot of ground to stand on.