The King Henry Tapes (By Me!)


Golden Squire
It's also about volume.Someonewill like your book as long as it doesn't make a proofreader's eyes bleed. If they like one book, they'll likely want to read another one. And so on. One sale can turn into many, as long as you have the product for them to consume. That's the true secret to success as a writer, though you still need enough talent to make it feasible. The mythical one-book bestseller is probably harder to land than the Powerball lottery, it's largely a product of luck.

Doing good there Neb, keep it up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well, for a while anyway, you were ranked higher than either Sanderson or King in the "dark fantasy" category of Amazon, I think your burst sales worked, hope it gets you some extra sales and it keeps you motivated.


Golden Squire
Future Stuff:

So, FM5 is out, everyone at the very least enjoyed it, if not was ecstatic about it, and now we move into the Next Novel phase of the writer-fan-please-stop-threatening-me relationship. Only, that novel isn't going to be FM6. At least not right away.

For three reasons.


As the most self-published of Indie authors on the planet, I'm the only guy who really works on this stuff and I've been letting the writing part of that job push everything else to the side. It's paid off. My sales doubled last year. They look like they might double this year too, or at least come close. But, there have been problems and "chores" if you will that I've kept pushing off to the side.

"New material, new material, forget about everything else" has created a backlog of writer garbage if you will, that fans really don't think about much. I've got my own files for all the information in the series and they haven't been updated since FM2. So I need to take the time to work my way through FM3-FM5 and update them. This way I can look at the information files, instead of trying to skim through every book trying to remember what the damn name of the European mancer school is or if Catherine Hayes had blue or green eyes or just millions of little continuity questions that pop up as you're writing.

It has also meant that everything I've written is still only digital because I've never taken the time to go through the Createspace process of making Print-on-Demand versions of the KHT. So that's also on the list.

Third, I've been asked quite a few times to take all the King Henry Shorts and combine them together in a single anthology. Especially now with "Meet the Bonnies" I have about 60k words in shorts and feel now is a good time to do so. So formatting and editing KING HENRY SHORT PACK ONE and making some kind of cover of course is on the radar as well, probably August/September.

Chores: Update Concordance Info, Format and Edit Short Pack One, and at least start the process of getting print-on-demand versions of the books done.


I'm fucking exhausted after FM5.

I always knew it was a bridge novel to get us to FM6, always knew it was the novel to move King Henry from college kid to actual adult, but I didn't expect it would take so much out of me or that it would be such a large book. FM6 I know is going to be insane, knew from when I started the series was going to be insane, but if any novel in the series was going to be accused of being "filler" (aka: character stuff and not explosions) it would be FM5. For some reason, in my head I connected "bridge" with "short" and...nope, not at all. Was SO MUCH to get done and set up and resolve.

So the King Henry Price part of my brain is just wasted at the moment. So wasted I had to take a break to write "Meet the Bonnies" WHILE WRITING FM5 or instead of finishing when I did I would currently be running naked through the streets screaming about shapeshifters. So wasted that the King Henry Price part of my brain needs even more of a break.

Which is why the plan isn't to start in with FM6 right away, but to pick up on my other projects. GUSH which I've already talked about, another shortish Fantasy/Spec-Fic novel called WHERE DO DREAMERS GO TO DIE? which is also set in the "Prisoners Cycle" overworld but just like GUSH and SKY-ISLAND will be stand-alone, and KING HENRY SHORT PACK TWO. No more shorts by themselves. Not sure how many short packs I'll be doing, but I'm going to do this one for sure.

It's kind of FM5.5 and all three novellas in it will be taking place on the same day, two weeks after events in FM5. One will be a T-Bone story called "Driving Miss Vicky" (that's racist!) about T-Bone and Vicky visiting the Coyote Compound. "Shadow Running" will involve Evelyn Strange and the Lady performing some high level stuff to bring Eva out of the coma, complete with flashbacks to the night in question. Last, a novella I'm currently calling "No Man's Land" from King Henry's third person view like "Griefing" was, it will be about him visiting the Asylum and particularly with Plutarch, but maybe with some other people too.

I don't have A PLAN for which of these three books I'm putting priority on, probably GUSH if I was forced to pick one. But mostly picking one would defeat the "take a working break" thing I'm trying to do here. In fact, outside of SHORT PACK TWO coming out sometime before FM6, I have no expectations on any of these novels. It's not a "write these three THEN get to FM6" scenario, so don't freak out that you're three or four or so years from FM6. It's a "take four or five months to work on this stuff and recharge" scenario.

Because I'm going to need to be recharged. FM6. Man. Need to be 110% percent for that one. Probably start writing it in November or December. Looking to get it out to your guys late 2016, very early 2017 (it's called the Long Wait, not the Non-Existent Wait!)


Jury Duty in July. Booo!


I hope you're all understanding on why I need to clear out the chores and also need recharged after three years of constant writing and ya know...blame the judicial system too. Maybe I'll get a case about a guy having sex with a barnyard animal? Here's hoping!

Trust me, the Long Wait for FM6 will be worth...the wait.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Enjoy the stale donuts.

I know why you consider FM5 to be filler material, but that shit cracks me up.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So as long as your sales double every year, at some point in about 10 years you'll be richer than bill gates?


Golden Squire
My kinda-sorta-not-Steampunk novel is free from the 3rd to the 7th on Amazon for anyone that's interested in trying it out:Sky-Island 1827-E

Other than that, writing Gush, working half-assed on getting Print-On-Demand versions of the Foul Mouth books done, and watching unhealthy amounts of Dota 2 in the next week.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
All caught up now on KH. Fun stuff as usual

Will queue up the other books!


Golden Squire
Just stepping in to say I'm still alive. "Vacation" is over and working on King Henry Short Pack Two, about halfway done. Should start FM6 in the next couple months. Still faffing about on Gush too.


Golden Squire
FM5.5 (King Henry Short Pack Two) will be going through a beta read in January and will be released on Feb 1st. So send me an email or a message if you want in! Started working on FM6 last month, going to be awhile before that one is published.


<Gold Donor>
Just grabbed Book One of your King Henry Series for my Kindle, I will be reading it soon.

Also, is that your real name or a Pen Name? Because it is an awesome name for an author, easy to remember and rolls of the tongue. If you were born with that name you were meant to do this, if you made it up then that is a good sign I will like your books.


<Gold Donor>
I started reading Book 1 today, but since I just finished reading about Kvothe I feel like I am projecting negative feelings toward King Henry. I realize this is totally unfair, just because both protagonists come off as young rebellious types does not mean they are the same at all. None the less I think I need a palette cleanse before diving into more fantasy. I think it is would be only fair to judge this book off this book alone and not allow a Kvothe Hangover to impair my judgement.

I am going to read The Big Short and then come back to this. So give me a week or two and I will be back with a review.


Golden Squire
I don't know if I should be happy you compared me to a huge bestseller like Rothfuss or be hurt you compared King Henry to the Super Gary Stu that is Kvothe...I guess they both do have the magic school sorta-Harry Potter vibe going for them, even if they take it in different directions.

Definitely give "The Big Short" a read though, great book by Lewis. If you like it then try "Flash Boys" too.


Guarding the guardians
Stumbled in here today as I was looking for something to read on the commute train. Came across this thread. Was intrigued and skeptical. Fetched Book 1. Read the first two chapters.

Can't wait to read more. I'm thoroughly impressed.


<Gold Donor>
The difference between Kvothe and King Henry is that at no point in time do you wish King Henry would die in a fire. Or any of the female characters for that matter, which I have to assume you wished many times while reading Rothfuss. I actually want to see more of the female characters in KH (Neb probably can't count the number of times I've asked about a few of them), which is the exact opposite of Rothfuss.