The Magicians


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
But by that reasoning, all the timelines would be in the underworld. Seems more likely each timeline would have its own underworld vs. all timelines/universes funneling into one singular underworld.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah. I was happy with this one. And Penny is suddenly not such a cunt, even if it means he's stuck for a billion years.

He finally chose to stop running I am curious how that works out for him.
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Life's a Dream
I'm sure they do all have their own unique timeline. But now that There are 2 Penny's in the same timeline, they (might) be able to swap places.
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<Bronze Donator>
Other then that, is Josh going to have to kill all the other Josh's from other timelines? I mean, the 'Quickening'? "There can be only one" Highlander style, Quickening?

Yeah I was wondering the same thing. Is there going to be a timeline battle royal? Except for timeline 40 did everyone die?
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Trakanon Raider
But by that reasoning, all the timelines would be in the underworld. Seems more likely each timeline would have its own underworld vs. all timelines/universes funneling into one singular underworld.

Why? There weren't alternate timelines until Jane Chatwin created them. Dean Fogg lives through/remembers each of them. Jane has a time bubble that exists in all of them, the Old Gods and/or Hades can't connect to them as well?

Not saying you are wrong, just that there's been nothing in the show that says the Underworld doesn't exist as the same thing for them all. It can be infinitely large, or just so big that there is plenty of room to keep different timeline people apart. Or, it could be the 'beyond' part that they don't explain is connected and she comes back through. i.e. 'omg, no one has ever done that before! You guys are clearly destiny's chosen people..'. Or... (another) Julia being God Touched lets her break some of the rules. Who knows? They've got plenty of room to write whatever explanation they want to reunite Penny23 with his Julia somehow.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
But why haven't they run into their souls? For instance, when Quentin and Julia went down there, wouldn't they have been potentially recognized as having already been there like 39 previous times?

I mean it could potentially explain Alice "Cassandra", but it seems unlikely that it is a shared underworld.
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Tranny Chaser
Good episode again this week. I feel bad for poor Dean Fogg having to live through all those timelines... Then again he's a pretty terrible teacher
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
I havent watched in a while, any new huge chested chicks on this show?
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Good episode and definitely back on track for a great season. Enjoyed the "twist" with Q for this one but agree it's going to get pretty complicated with multiple Penny's unless they merge somehow or trade places.

Technically in multi universe theory, every unique universe would also have its own version of the underworld; they exist completely independently of each other. Honestly who the fuck knows how they're going to deal with it. Time shit always gets dumb.

Can't believe there are only two episodes left...
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I have a feeling the writers are going to nerf Julia. The entire season has been her building up to god level power. In the preview for next week, you see the Librarian woman give Alice some device and Alice protests saying it could kill her. I'm guessing that maybe it is something that could steal or drain Julia's power. It was clear the Librarians were using powdered fairy to keep magic going and the McAllisters are now all but destroyed, so no more fairy dust supply (for now). But if they are hungry for magic, they could start getting more aggressive in seeking out alternative sources of power.

But in any event, if you make Julia a god, they will either a) remove her from the group so she isn't a literal Deus Ex Machina that can solve their problems b) Introduce something that makes her power nerfed/muted (beast released by finishing the key quest?) c) something robs her of the power d) she progresses to the point where she is having trouble relating to her friends and has to spend more time with the gods/demigods.
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Trakanon Raider
But why haven't they run into their souls? For instance, when Quentin and Julia went down there, wouldn't they have been potentially recognized as having already been there like 39 previous times?

I mean it could potentially explain Alice "Cassandra", but it seems unlikely that it is a shared underworld.

The underworld was a bureaucratic mess. Didn't they even pretend to be other people while down there previously? It's not like they are beyond making mistakes or somehow all-knowing. Some random paper pusher doesn't know every single soul in the underworld. It's a huge organization.

What I'm saying is possible, is that certain Gods/Entities could exist outside the alternate timelines themselves. If time manipulation is a form of magic, and the 'Old Gods' can turn magic off/on, why are they then subject to the alternate timelines at all? The underworld was something potentially created by those same gods, we don't really know, they've not gone into detail on these things (for good reason). I'm just saying it's all completely speculative and there isn't any hard evidence for or against it. If the writers want to go that direction, the door is open for them to do it.

Also, my theory on Cassandra is that it IS Alice in the future. So, she's still working on her 'Unified Magic Theory' that she started as Niffin. I think, she eventually gets it together and it turns out to be the key to being 'God'. Capital G, king of the Gods, big daddy God. If you have a full understanding and complete control over all magic, that would make you omnipotent. He doesn't like that some mortal has figured out the first steps towards becoming as all-powerful as him. So, he curses her to that state and sends her back to the beginning of time (or however far back they said she'd been there). But, this will also be some kind of alternate timeline that they prevent Alice40 from going down somehow. Likely, it ends up related to next season's arc with Julia unleashing the 'Monster' in Q's vision.
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Tranny Chaser
With magic being 'off' this whole season I find myself really missing the complex finger tutting we saw extensively in season one especially for casting spells. Really only Julia has been doing any of it and nothing near as complex as what Quentin did in S1.
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Trakanon Raider
I'm not quite done with tonight's episode, but the political campaign montage was pretty LOL.
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Vyemm Raider
The look of sheer horror on Margot's face when she realized her entire platform was just bestiality :emoji_thumbsup:
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I know, such a bummer. This is pretty much the only show I really look forward to every week.

Julia is pretty much a literal god at this point. For the finale, I either see her getting nerfed (either because of a betrayal or the thing in the castle), or she progresses to the point where she won't directly intervene with her friends anymore because she has pretty much moved to a different plane. I hope it is the last one, because they could use her as the audience's surrogate in interaction with the gods (she is basically the noob god and they have to show her the ropes/etc). It is clear the gods didn't want whatever it is in the castle to get lose, so that could mean we see a much more invested involvement by them to solve it.
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