The Moral Superiority Thread: How much better are Vegans?


When they can make delicious lab-grown beef, I will stop eating cow beef.

Till then GTFO with your vegan faggotry.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Just jogged my memory when we went through this months ago on rerolled and he was saying that everyone needs to take vitamins to be healthy. Which has been completely proven bunk. ugh


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
You've shifted over primarly to only the environmental aspect pretty quickly, which is smart because there are arguements to be made. On the health aspects, you are a full of shit know nothing holier than though, lying, low information soft headed queef fart.

I still maintain there are numerous health benefits to being vegan and that humans are fully capable of thriving on a plant based diet.

And the source I cited cites multiple government agencies whose entire responsibility is public health oversight.

Part of the problem with food in our country is big-ag having a corrupting influence over the government.


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
Just jogged my memory when we went through this months ago on rerolled and he was saying that everyone needs to take vitamins to be healthy. Which has been completely proven bunk. ugh

The average person has nutritional deficiencies that multivitamins can help supplement.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Part of the problem with food in our country is big-ag having a corrupting influence over the government.

With all due respect, this is the same form of erroneous and baseless charge leveled by most quacks, frauds, con artists, snake oil salesmen, homeopaths and peddlers of pseudoscience: “There’s a conspiracy to suppress my ideas, therefore they are right. Why would you trust these so-called experts, they’re biased!” Every climate change denier, every Ken Ham and Kent Hovind trailer park diploma waggling young Earth creationist with evidence for dinosaurs living alongside man, every Deepak Chopra with his claims to quantum vibrations and their relationship to preventing type 2 diabetes, and every Vani Hari peddling products filled with chemicals that she decries as profoundly fatal if ingested proclaim, upon the first and most mildest of criticism leveled against them, that their critics are paid character assassins, working for evil corporations, or the government, or the reptilian lizard people. It’s a delusional rebuttal devoid of substance, and a strong indicator of a crank trying to make a quick buck.

Wrote that in my final paper before I got my bachelor's degree in response to racial realists, and it works in pretty much every situation where a retard like yourself wants to cry conspiracy at the first sign of contradictory evidence to their horseshit claims.

The average person has nutritional deficiencies that multivitamins can help supplement.

Citation required.


Buzzfeed Editor

From the first source within that study.

Within the United States, agriculture is responsible for approximately 6 percentof GHG emissions. Beyond U.S. borders, the links between agriculture and land management and climate change are more striking. On a global scale, agriculture is responsible for 30 percent of GHG emissions, including emissions caused by deforestation and land use change.

Effectively, most Western nations aren't too affected because of of a high mass of available grazing and crop land, as well as extreme efficient farming techniques. Yes, we could sequester more by turning the land that can be changed into forest, but the fact is, much of it is grassland because it can't support forests, we don't have a ton that we could 'reforest', and our logging industry has already grown the forested area of the U.S. a significant amount in the last century, and those "harvestable forests" are an excellent source of long term sequestration by turning the CO2 into long term structures and then planting young forests for new sequestration. (The only argument here is for biodiversity of older forests).

It's third world nations, like I spoke about, where forests are clear cut to grow crops (And feed cows) where the bulk of the green house cycle is actually affected in a negative way--but unlike fossil fuels, it's completely reversible fairly easily--the only issue is telling poor people they can't grow crops.

However, looking at Western beef production as being a primary culprit behind climate change is ridiculous. The issue is removing sequestered long term carbon from the ground and using it for energy--not continuing a cycle of sequestrate/energy that humanities epoch has had stable. The problem is we're changing the cycle with those outside sources, the actual cycle itself isn't the problem. And measuring cow farts, which will cycle back down into grass for more cow farts? Is simply measuring the cycle, that carbon wasn't pulled from a sequestered source.

The biggest issue with livestock, by far, is not carbon emissions--it's water usage. It requires an enormous amount of water that is affected our water tables and the water is subsidized by the government. But the carbon angle is dumb outside of looking at deforestation in third world countries. Sorry to ruin cowspiracy for you.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
I still maintain there are numerous health benefits to being vegan and that humans are fully capable of thriving on a plant based diet.

Platitudes. If we compare a person with a healthy diet that includes meat, vs a vegan, the meat eater is healthier on average (all things being equal). If we compare the diet of a shitbag eating meat based junk, compared to a vegan eating vegan based junk, the shitbag eating meat based junk will be healthier on average (all things being equal).

I'll give you this though, you can eat a vegan diet and not die. That's as far as i'll go.


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
With all due respect, this is the same form of erroneous and baseless charge leveled by most quacks, frauds, con artists, snake oil salesmen, homeopaths and peddlers of pseudoscience: “There’s a conspiracy to suppress my ideas, therefore they are right. Why would you trust these so-called experts, they’re biased!”

I'm sure agriculture companies are giving money to politicians and actively working for government agencies because they're genuinely good friends.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Without fatty acids from meats, our brains would never have developed as large as they are, and instead we'd look just like our cousins, the gorillas, whose intestines are miles longer than ours because they have to digest tough plant materials and they spend the vast majority of their day just eating.

Congrats, Vegans, you just condemned humanity to falling back to the level of our primate cousins.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm sure agriculture companies are giving money to politicians and actively working for government agencies because they're genuinely good friends.

I'm sure when all you've got are baseless conspiracy theories that you've already ceded the debate.

(Pretending Harvard isn't getting billions from agri-business when its far easier to fund the universities directly and work hand in hand with the scientists, rather than bribing the Feds)

Basically, you're dumb, bad at this, and demonstrably wrong. Enjoy that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Any diet that requires a multitude of supplements to not be malnourished is 100% fucking fail.

I had a GF who was super into being Vegan when we met. She was legitimately malnourished because of it. Year later I convinced her to eat meat somehow and tada! She was much healthier in no time.
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Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You don't need to supplement as a vegan, if you do, you're a bad vegan and retarded and need to stfu and stop pretending you know shit about nutrition.

All you need to have a proper balance as a vegan is to mix beans and rice with every meal. That way you receive a proper balance of amino acids for protein synthesis.

Most vegans are retards. Nevergone is one of them.


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
...It's third world nations, like I spoke about, where forests are clear cut to grow crops (And feed cows) where the bulk of the green house cycle is actually affected in a negative way--but unlike fossil fuels, it's completely reversible fairly easily--the only issue is telling poor people they can't grow crops...

...The biggest issue with livestock, by far, is not carbon emissions--it's water usage. It requires an enormous amount of water that is affected our water tables and the water is subsidized by the government. But the carbon angle is dumb outside of looking at deforestation in third world countries. Sorry to ruin cowspiracy for you.

I never intended to only talk about domestic meat consumption and agriculture. A big issue has to do with the developing world becoming economically empowered and growing meat consumption in those countries, along with their haphazard production methods. "It's completely reversible fairly easily" doesn't mean shit because it's -not- being reversed. It's getting worse.

Thanks for bringing up the additional problematic component of animal agriculture. Water pollution is another serious concern; the run off, chemical/pharmaceutical contamination.


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
You don't need to supplement as a vegan, if you do, you're a bad vegan and retarded and need to stfu and stop pretending you know shit about nutrition.

All you need to have a proper balance as a vegan is to mix beans and rice with every meal. That way you receive a proper balance of amino acids for protein synthesis.

Most vegans are retards. Nevergone is one of them.

You're an idiot. I said the average person doesn't get the necessary micronutrients from their average diet.
People who have the desire to learn how to nourish themselves, do. That is not the average person, however.

I literally have an entire cupboard full of rice and beans, by the way. Nutritional yeast too, for B12.
Fuck your dick.