The Moral Superiority Thread: How much better are Vegans?


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
That the average person does not need to supplement micronutrients to remain healthy.

That's the topic we're discussing that you have failed to address and are desperately trying to change the topic away from with this post by you.

To remain healthy? Eh, I guess that depends on what your definition of "healthy" is.
Free of diseases and illness? Yea, supplements aren't going to help you.

Again, I wasn't the one that started that argument by saying vegans need to take supplements to survive. Because they don't.


I've experience positive health results from doing so and appreciate the lesser degree of environmental destruction caused by plant based diets. Those are my reasons and I'm sure you have your reasons for eating what you want. Good on you.
What you feel, and what no scientific data supports. Okay.

Tells us people who eat meat are participating in a practice that destroys the environment which is one reason he does not eat itllmeat, no moralism invovled...


Again, I wasn't the one that started that argument by saying vegans need to take supplements to survive. Because they don't.
You never argued this from the beginning. Your initial argument was that everyone should take a multivitamin supplement


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
There is no "vegan moralism"

I choose not to eat animal products; primarily because I've experience positive health results from doing so

Ah yes, the appeal to anecdote fallacy, the appeal to personal experience canard.

Here's Matt Slick, Christian Apologist and founder of, explaining his reasoning for believing nonsense for no good reason as well by applying the same fallacy of reasoning, the appeal to anecdote and personal experience fallacy.

Matt Slick's Testimony

When I was 17 some high-school friends of mine invited me to a local church to see a film about the rapture. I went. The film scared me with the idea of being left behind. So, when the pastor asked if people would be interested in learning more about Jesus, I raised my hand.

The last thing I wanted to do was go up in front of the church. But to my dismay, he called all of us forward who had raised our hands. Church members had spotted me, so I could not really get out of going forward. Up I went not knowing what to expect.

So, there I was, on my knees along with a bunch of others who had raised their hands. I didn't know about them, but I was stuck, embarrassed, and eagerly waiting for it all to be over.

A man from the congregation, with a huge Bible that had gold pages, was somehow designated to speak to me specifically and to teach me about Jesus so I could receive Him as savior. At this point, we were all kneeling at the front of the church, beneath the pulpit, and each potential convert had been matched to a congregation member. I scoffed under my breath as mine began to recite scripture and blab some religious mumbo-jumbo that I seriously tried to ignore. I wanted desperately to leave.

Then, unexpectedly, a woman about ten feet from me who had also come forward, started to cry. She cried with such depth and feeling that I was shocked. It was weird. This fanatical display was not what I wanted to be a part of, so I just focused on getting through it so I could leave.

Then someone else began to cry the same way and another. I wanted out!

By now, I was nervous. I wasn't sure what to do or to expect, so I looked at the man I had been ignoring and decided to listen to him for just a second and then I'd continue to ignore him. All the while I was wondering how to get out of there. But, in that moment where I paid attention, he asked, "So, do you want to receive Jesus as your Savior?"

Now, I am not the "jump on the band-wagon" kind of a guy, not at all. I wasn't going to fall into this emotional hype sweeping through the church. So, I decided to focus and think logically. I examined this man. I remember very clearly looking at him. He seemed normal enough. Then a thought occurred to me. I realized that this situation might be important and I didn't want to simply scoff at it and ignore it. Maybe there was something to this God stuff. After all, I don't know everything. So, I thought about the options: If I choose God and He is there, I win. If He is not there, it doesn't matter. If He is there and I don't choose Him, I lose. Logically, I should give God a try. It made sense.

I knew that if God was real that I should, at least, manifest some form of sincerity even if it wasn't much. I figured that being flippant with God, if He were real, wouldn't be a good idea. It wouldn't hurt to try and be sincere and these people in the church seemed to have some common purpose and identity. It was, to say the least, interesting. So, I quickly addressed a prayer to God (not knowing if He was there) and said, "God, if you're there, then I'll try and be sincere and accept you. If you're not there, it won't cost me anything."

I looked at the man and said, "Yes."

"Good," he said. "Let's pray," and he led me in the sinner's prayer.

As I started to pray, I tried to manifest a sincere and honest heart. I was "giving God a chance." I followed the man's lead and I began to confess my "sins" to God and to ask Jesus to forgive me... everything was fine until something completely unexpected happened.

(I want to interject something here. I make no claims to being "spiritual" or "special" in any way. But, what follows is what really happened. And please remember that I have never been able to adequately convey the "experience" side of what happened in my soul that night. It is difficult to adequately describe. So, please bear with me.)

As I concluded my prayer, I became aware that someone "other" was there. Someone else was in the room with us and His attention was focused on me. This someone was not a member of that congregation. But I felt His presence dawning like a sunrise. This person was making Himself known to me in my heart. I somehow knew it was God. It was the Holy Spirit. He came to me slowly, gently, and then in a sudden movement, His Holiness overshadowed me with greatness and I became incapacitated. It was indescribable. He permeated my heart, mind, and soul. He washed over me in a burst of holiness and I was utterly undone. His incredibly deep purity shone upon my soul and I was instantaneously made aware of my utter sinfulness before a Holy and Righteous God. It was a supernatural experience of profound and utter depth. It wasn't emotionalism. It wasn't being psyched-out. It was God. I was in the presence of God Himself. I was in the presence of Perfect Holiness....and I knew it!!!

From the very deepest part of my soul, I felt a powerfully new and profound remorse for my sins, for offending God, for being unclean. I was a sinner! My body could not help but let loose a flood of tears of sorrow and guilt. I wept hard. I wept from the depths of my soul in guttural, heaving, moans of confession and brokenness. I was in the presence of incredible Purity, Holiness, and Love.. I was encountering God Himself. and I was a sinner. I could hardly stand to be in the presence of such deeply pure perfection and holiness. It was out of balance and I was profoundly aware of the disparity.

So, there I was, on the ground, sobbing like I've never wept in my life. I was a sinner and I knew it. The Holy Lord had revealed Himself to me and the natural result was to realize my own sinfulness. I kept sobbing and heaving out tears upon the floor. They came like a flood. And then.

This may seem unbelievable, but the only way I can explain it is that Jesus Himself manifested right there next to me. He had come to meet me on my knees. It wasn't as though I could see Him or touch Him. But, He was there. I was aware of His Holy awesome holy presence next to me. It was incredible. It was wonderful and I felt my heart enveloped and lifted by Him. His concern for me was precious and tender. It was marvelous. He enveloped me in His love, His holiness, and His awesome greatness. I knew He was there to forgive me. I knew He loved me. I basked in His presence. I was with Jesus.

Then, while I was kneeling there, utterly absorbed and drifting in the experience of His presence, He moved. He moved toward me and gently entered my heart. Instantly, I physically felt my sin leave me. I felt the sudden and wonderful burst of forgiveness wash over my soul. I was instantly cleansed and born again and with it came the most profound and absolute sense of security of salvation I had ever known. My salvation was in Him. I was forgiven and safe for ever.

As I said, vegan moralism is a religion. Congrats. You're a member of a cult.
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Avatar of War Slayer
yeall need to bow down to the vegans, they are on par with feminists and all that shit.. this is their doctonrine.

no argument valid, you sexist homopohic recist...trump voter!
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Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
What you feel, and what no scientific data supports. Okay.

Tells us people who eat meat are participating in a practice that destroys the environment which is one reason he does not eat itllmeat, no moralism invovled...

Yea, what I feel. You know, like when I go to the doctor and get my health metrics taken and I'm healthier than when I ate differently. Totally feels based, cuntface.


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
Ah yes, the appeal to anecdote fallacy, the appeal to personal experience canard.

Wait, so I shouldn't base what I do with MY body and diet based on MY health and how I feel? Seriously, what the fuck?



Wait, so I shouldn't base what I do with MY body and diet based on MY health and how I feel? Seriously, what the fuck?
No. You shouldn't make false claims based on nothing other than personal anecdotal evidence and tell people to enjoy cancer based on their diet when there is no evidenceto support your stance
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Egg Nazi
This is beautiful. Here it is folks, study it well. The anatomy of a feels based reasoner.

Your "personal experience" is an anecdote. Its basically completely worthless and not even worth bringing up in conversation. Your personal experience is a biased, subjective perception of an uncontrolled and unreplicated experiment. Its literally completely worthless to even bring it up.

If the effect is real, it can be demonstrated in a scientific study. With controls. With replication. With objective measurements. If it cant be demonstrated with a scientific study, the effect isnt real. No, your "personal experience" doesnt even enter into the equation and you should be embarrassed for even bringing it up.
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Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
No. You shouldn't make false claims based on nothing other than personal anecdotal evidence and tell people to enjoy cancer based on their diet when there is no evidenceto support your stance

I provided evidence regarding the cancer claim.


Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
This is beautiful. Here it is folks, study it well. The anatomy of a feels based reasoner.

Your "personal experience" is an anecdote. Its basically completely worthless and not even worth bringing up in conversation. Your personal experience is a biased, subjective perception of an uncontrolled and unreplicated experiment. Its literally completely worthless to even bring it up.

If the effect is real, it can be demonstrated in a scientific study. With controls. With replication. With objective measurements. If it cant be demonstrated with a scientific study, the effect isnt real. No, your "personal experience" doesnt even enter into the equation and you should be embarrassed for even bringing it up.

I'm not going to eat meat because random assholes on the internet call me a faggot. I think it's a much better personal decision for me to base that choice off of my doctor's advice, and yes, personal experience and ethics.


Egg Nazi
I'm not going to eat meat because random assholes on the internet call me a faggot. I think it's a much better personal decision for me to base that choice off of my doctor's advice, and yes, personal experience and ethics.
I dont know anything about your buttsex preferences and have never commented on that. Only pointed out that youre objectively, demonstrably wrong and that "personal experience" is a shitty basis for any argument on measurable things like biochemistry.
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Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
I dont know anything about your buttsex preferences and have never commented on that. Only pointed out that youre objectively, demonstrably wrong and that "personal experience" is a shitty basis for any argument on measurable things like biochemistry.

You think these points are wrong?

  • Animal agriculture contributes to negative environmental factors.
  • Vegans can be as healthy as meat eaters and thrive without consuming animal based products.
If so, OK.
I'm not going to be convinced otherwise.


Karazhan Raider
I'm not going to eat meat because random assholes on the internet call me a faggot. I think it's a much better personal decision for me to base that choice off of my doctor's advice, and yes, personal experience and ethics.
Eat beef and die faggot.
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Low IQ Vegan Pacifist
<Gold Donor>
Shitfing your stance I see from vegans are healthier and meat eaters have higher risk of cancer.

There's quite a bit of evidence suggesting eating meat increases the risk of cancer (and other diseases), but we've been down that road already.

So yes, I'm "shifting my position" to "eat whatever the fuck you want and so will I. Good luck with your health."