The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown


<Gold Donor>

You know damn well the unacknowledged special access projects are always going to plausibly deniable for anyone that can be held accountable (elected officials.) That's the entire point of the supposed cabal. Maybe we get a slow drip of info as sort of a soft disclosure, but still gonna take a long damn time.


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
You know damn well the unacknowledged special access projects are always going to plausibly deniable for anyone that can be held accountable (elected officials.) That's the entire point of the supposed cabal. Maybe we get a slow drip of info as sort of a soft disclosure, but still gonna take a long damn time.
From what the research shows, the soft disclosure is well under way, so maybe not as far off as we think.
The group that is all for declass on these seems to have high clout than the other side.

Did anyone have a chance to watch EP2 for Unidentified on History?


<Gold Donor>
Help a brother out here. Is this gonna be disclosure of actual alien spacecraft and/or contact with aliens and reverse engineering of their tech? Or is this going to be "yeah, we have all this cool tech that we've been hiding from you for years, but we came up with it entirely on our own, there is zero evidence of actual aliens"?

Just to be clear, I don't expect either one of those, because I think there is a logical explanation for even the most outrageous claims that doesn't involve crazy tech or aliens. I may not know what that explanation is right now, but I feel there is one. But I'm interested to hear what all of you think it will be if/when the truth ever comes out.


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Help a brother out here. Is this gonna be disclosure of actual alien spacecraft and/or contact with aliens and reverse engineering of their tech? Or is this going to be "yeah, we have all this cool tech that we've been hiding from you for years, but we came up with it entirely on our own, there is zero evidence of actual aliens"?

Just to be clear, I don't expect either one of those, because I think there is a logical explanation for even the most outrageous claims that doesn't involve crazy tech or aliens. I may not know what that explanation is right now, but I feel there is one. But I'm interested to hear what all of you think it will be if/when the truth ever comes out.
You tell me.
The UFOs the navy is encountering, and has been for decades, have fleets off our coastlines, move at speeds that defy our current understanding of physics, react to us(seemingly piloted, not drones), are flying through our airspace and the navy admitted they have zero ability to stop them from entering our air space.

It certainly sounds like they view these as a threat and are opening up about it.
This is no longer in the realm of speculation.
We need to figure out how they work, etc so we can respond if they become a threat.

If we made them, we have had zero point energy kept from us. As well as the rest of all the things that go along with this tech.

It comes down to what's most logical.
Us? That's gotta be a firm checkmark.
Cause the alternative is....


Potato del Grande
You tell me.
The UFOs the navy is encountering, and has been for decades, have fleets off our coastlines, move at speeds that defy our current understanding of physics, react to us(seemingly piloted, not drones), are flying through our airspace and the navy admitted they have zero ability to stop them from entering our air space.

It certainly sounds like they view these as a threat and are opening up about it.
This is no longer in the realm of speculation.
We need to figure out how they work, etc so we can respond if they become a threat.

If we made them, we have had zero point energy kept from us. As well as the rest of all the things that go along with this tech.

It comes down to what's most logical.
Us? That's gotta be a firm checkmark.
Cause the alternative is....
Where's the evidence?
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<Gold Donor>
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<Gold Donor>
You tell me.
The UFOs the navy is encountering, and has been for decades, have fleets off our coastlines, move at speeds that defy our current understanding of physics, react to us(seemingly piloted, not drones), are flying through our airspace and the navy admitted they have zero ability to stop them from entering our air space.

It certainly sounds like they view these as a threat and are opening up about it.
This is no longer in the realm of speculation.
We need to figure out how they work, etc so we can respond if they become a threat.

If we made them, we have had zero point energy kept from us. As well as the rest of all the things that go along with this tech.

It comes down to what's most logical.
Us? That's gotta be a firm checkmark.
Cause the alternative is....
As I said, even if I don't know what it is, I believe there is a logical explanation for everything. Logical meaning doesn't involve zero-point energy, anti-grav technology, etc. invented by humans and somehow kept from us despite the vast amount of congruent technologies that would have HAD to be invented for all of those things to work (let alone the human inability to keep secrets very well). And also meaning no aliens or alien tech.

I also believe that there are many different explanations, as one "sighting" might be the result of any number of things. In pilots, for example, even a minute lowering of the oxygen to their brain can cause hallucinations, even if they seem otherwise completely fine. In the cases of pilots that actually record things via cameras or instruments, while I am certainly not an expert, I know that not knowing all of the variables can lead to people jumping to conclusions. Something spotted in the distance that the instruments say is 10 miles away, might actually be much closer but something is interfering with the range finder or radar, making it seemingly go much, much faster than it really is. Or vice versa. Instruments give bad readings all the time, that's why there are multiple ways to calculate things in aircraft or radar stations or whatever.

Of course I don't have all the answers; if I did, I'd be rich. Or murdered by some Truther for destroying their life. But aside from actual "sightings," I am positive that there are thousands upon thousands of misinterpretations every year, where someone glimpses something or sees a weird reflection and is already predisposed to believe it is a UFO, so they say that it is. Some people almost certainly just straight up lie to get some notoriety. This isn't alien related, but goes towards my point. My coworker's dad died several years ago. He flew back for the funeral, and later that night, sitting in his parent's home at the kitchen table, he is convinced that he saw his dad starting to walk down the stairs. When he looked closer he was gone, but he is convinced it was his dad's ghost appearing to him one final time. I didn't argue with him, because it's his fucking dad and I'm not a heartless monster, but isn't it at least reasonable to think that perhaps he was just exhausted and sad and missing his dad, and in a house where he'd seen his father do that exact thing thousands of times before, he sort of zoned out for a minute and daydreamed back to one of those times? I say that's more likely, a true believer says that is a ghost, and uses it as proof that other ghost sightings are real. I say the same sort of thing happens every single day, people see something they can't immediately explain, and if they are predisposed to believe in UFOs, they see a UFO. Me, I equate it to all the times I've been sitting bored as fuck at my desk here at work and think I see something out of the corner of my eye. There's nothing there, and I probably zoned out because fuck work, but I don't immediately assume it is a ghost or an alien or whatever.

tl;dr There is a logical explanation for every sighting, even if I can't tell you what it is. There are no aliens or crashed spacecraft with advanced technology that we've been keeping hidden for the greater part of the last century. And there is no anti-grav tech or zero-point energy or inertial dampening or anything like that, which we've also kept hidden for over 50 years, give or take. I am certain that there is tech I'm not aware of, and it probably exceeds my guesses as to its capabilities, like advanced drones that can maneuver much differently than any craft that has a squishy and explosive pilot in it. But they aren't flying at Mach 10+ and performing instantaneous maneuvers, they are still subject to the laws of physics and aerodynamics.

I asked though, because I honestly can't tell what you think. You get your jimmies rustled any time I suggest you believe in aliens here on Earth, but if you polled the people in this thread, I am pretty sure almost all of them think you do believe it, and talk all the time as if you do. But you don't? See where I'm confused?
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Millie's Staff Member
As I said, even if I don't know what it is, I believe there is a logical explanation for everything. Logical meaning doesn't involve zero-point energy, anti-grav technology, etc. invented by humans and somehow kept from us despite the vast amount of congruent technologies that would have HAD to be invented for all of those things to work (let alone the human inability to keep secrets very well). And also meaning no aliens or alien tech.

I also believe that there are many different explanations, as one "sighting" might be the result of any number of things. In pilots, for example, even a minute lowering of the oxygen to their brain can cause hallucinations, even if they seem otherwise completely fine. In the cases of pilots that actually record things via cameras or instruments, while I am certainly not an expert, I know that not knowing all of the variables can lead to people jumping to conclusions. Something spotted in the distance that the instruments say is 10 miles away, might actually be much closer but something is interfering with the range finder or radar, making it seemingly go much, much faster than it really is. Or vice versa. Instruments give bad readings all the time, that's why there are multiple ways to calculate things in aircraft or radar stations or whatever.

Of course I don't have all the answers; if I did, I'd be rich. Or murdered by some Truther for destroying their life. But aside from actual "sightings," I am positive that there are thousands upon thousands of misinterpretations every year, where someone glimpses something or sees a weird reflection and is already predisposed to believe it is a UFO, so they say that it is. Some people almost certainly just straight up lie to get some notoriety. This isn't alien related, but goes towards my point. My coworker's dad died several years ago. He flew back for the funeral, and later that night, sitting in his parent's home at the kitchen table, he is convinced that he saw his dad starting to walk down the stairs. When he looked closer he was gone, but he is convinced it was his dad's ghost appearing to him one final time. I didn't argue with him, because it's his fucking dad and I'm not a heartless monster, but isn't it at least reasonable to think that perhaps he was just exhausted and sad and missing his dad, and in a house where he'd seen his father do that exact thing thousands of times before, he sort of zoned out for a minute and daydreamed back to one of those times? I say that's more likely, a true believer says that is a ghost, and uses it as proof that other ghost sightings are real. I say the same sort of thing happens every single day, people see something they can't immediately explain, and if they are predisposed to believe in UFOs, they see a UFO. Me, I equate it to all the times I've been sitting bored as fuck at my desk here at work and think I see something out of the corner of my eye. There's nothing there, and I probably zoned out because fuck work, but I don't immediately assume it is a ghost or an alien or whatever.

tl;dr There is a logical explanation for every sighting, even if I can't tell you what it is. There are no aliens or crashed spacecraft with advanced technology that we've been keeping hidden for the greater part of the last century. And there is no anti-grav tech or zero-point energy or inertial dampening or anything like that, which we've also kept hidden for over 50 years, give or take. I am certain that there is tech I'm not aware of, and it probably exceeds my guesses as to its capabilities, like advanced drones that can maneuver much differently than any craft that has a squishy and explosive pilot in it. But they aren't flying at Mach 10+ and performing instantaneous maneuvers, they are still subject to the laws of physics and aerodynamics.

I asked though, because I honestly can't tell what you think. You get your jimmies rustled any time I suggest you believe in aliens here on Earth, but if you polled the people in this thread, I am pretty sure almost all of them think you do believe it, and talk all the time as if you do. But you don't? See where I'm confused?
man that jogged a memory, when i was a kid and my grandmother died, i went with my dad to visit her grave and on the way back while stopped at a redlight i looked out of the window and i swear i saw my grandmother sitting at a bus stop bench , she waved at me and smiled. later i told me dad what i saw and he said it was just my nerves. i really dont know anymore. i have a memory of a memory now. it was 34 years ago so who knows.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Of course folks would think that I believe in Aliens.
Im sorry, but given the evidence that has come out, especially in the last 2 dont get to refute the dozens (and many more to come) testimonies of Navy Pilots, all combat veterans and most with over a decade experience kicking ass in our jets, well trained oiled machines of reconnaissance, ID checks, the whole 9 yards.
Do you honestly think that these programs and admitted encounters from the DOD, DIA and Pentagon are actually all just bullshit?
That's just a dumb stance to take.
It's not all weather or plasma or a trick of the eyes. These things are real, as is the black budget tech we employ.
Just remember, MFF was right. I expect Kudos when the time comes.


<Gold Donor>
As if there is a source you'd accept? It must be all or nothing right? To what do you attribute these sightings?

I'm not going to go into specifics with all of this, because I spelled out my opinion pretty clearly already, but let's just take one example from that article. One guy got himself to where he should have been right underneath one of the objects, right? It showed on his instruments, but he couldn't see it. My contention is that instruments give false readings occasionally, and there was nothing there. A believer would contend that it might have been a cloaked alien spacecraft, right? That would require me to believe that somehow aliens have mastered invisibility, yet haven't figured out how to evade our primitive radar technology. Or, they were just fucking with us on purpose, going invisible but letting us still spot them. Or if they can't actually go invisible, projecting their radar signature somewhere that they weren't, again just to fuck with us.

You tell me which of those conclusions is more likely.
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<Gold Donor>
The pilots that have come forward have said they could see these objects visually. Where are you getting that there were no visual sightings? This is a decently concise video of the incident(s), hope you can find the time. It is presented pretty matter-of-factly, no crazy personal opinions from what I can remember.

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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
The pilots that have come forward have said they could see these objects visually. Where are you getting that there were no visual sightings? This is a decently concise video of the incident(s), hope you can find the time. It is presented pretty matter-of-factly, no crazy personal opinions from what I can remember.

The first episode of Unidentified even brought in the wingman from that encounter who gave better descriptions and her account of the encounter, what kind of pilot her captain (who is considered on of the top dogs in the Airforce at that time).
Episode 2 had new pilots come forward, describing the objects as exactly same same on the east coast as the west, and divulged the cover up operation employed currently by those that dont want this stuff going public.


<Gold Donor>
Of course folks would think that I believe in Aliens.
Im sorry, but given the evidence that has come out, especially in the last 2 dont get to refute the dozens (and many more to come) testimonies of Navy Pilots, all combat veterans and most with over a decade experience kicking ass in our jets, well trained oiled machines of reconnaissance, ID checks, the whole 9 yards.
Do you honestly think that these programs and admitted encounters from the DOD, DIA and Pentagon are actually all just bullshit?
That's just a dumb stance to take.
It's not all weather or plasma or a trick of the eyes. These things are real, as is the black budget tech we employ.
Just remember, MFF was right. I expect Kudos when the time comes.
I expect that in 10 or 20 years when we still have no information, I'll get the same reply that I get when I ask my coworkers what happened to the Ebola epidemic that was going to destroy the US.

Or the response I get when I ask what happened to the Bird Flu (orchestrated by Obama) that was going to kill 1/3 of the population outright and they were all going to be buried in those FEMA coffins that were all over conspiracy sites years ago, another 1/3 was going to be mind-controlled because by living through the Flu that meant they were susceptible to the Illuminati's methods, and the other 1/3 were going to be imprisoned or outright killed because they were immune to the Flu and thus the mind control.

Or the response I get when I ask what happened to the fucking random person they linked to me on Facebook that gave an hour long speech about the goddamn microscopic metallic fibers that were supposedly growing out of their skin, but no doctors would verify it for them because they were all part of the conspiracy, and they wouldn't let anyone walk up and look at them with a microscope and see for themselves.

Or the alkaline water they swear up and down is healing them. Or the skin cream that is removing wrinkles and cellulite and curing cancer. Or the essential oils that cure literally everything, but only if you buy all of them and combine them in the correct proportions!

In other words, "Well, obviously the (insert globalist group here) didn't want that info released, so they are still covering it up. But it is still coming, just wait!" Or something along those lines.

And for the record, I didn't say that all of the encounters were bullshit. I said there were logical explanations for all of them. I am quite certain that there were actually craft of some sort in some of those sightings. I just believe that the data was misinterpreted or erroneous and it wasn't defying all known capabilities and laws of nature like the claims make them out to be. And yes, a large number of them, I believe, are mistaken or made up or otherwise false.


Vyemm Raider
in terms of ghosts, when my 3rd youngest sister was ~3 years old, we were at my great grandmothers' house for our normal sunday visit, i was in the kitchen with my dad and we were talking with my grandmother and "ma" (great grandmother- we all called her ma) we heard my sister having a conversation in the living sided, so my grandmother went into the room, my sister was facing pa's reclining chair (great grandfather who had died a ~year before) and she- grandmother- asked who heather (sister) was talking too, she said, i am talking to Pa.

when i lived in that apartment (after ma died and my grandparents moved from upstairs - to my current house-) i swear my great grandparents were there...chills at old times and just some weird sounds happening (the 2 family house was built in 1910 soo)...
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<Gold Donor>
The pilots that have come forward have said they could see these objects visually. Where are you getting that there were no visual sightings? This is a decently concise video of the incident(s), hope you can find the time. It is presented pretty matter-of-factly, no crazy personal opinions from what I can remember.

Umm, right in the article you linked?
Lieutenant Accoin said he interacted twice with the objects. The first time, after picking up the object on his radar, he set his plane to merge with it, flying 1,000 feet below it. He said he should have been able to see it with his helmet camera, but could not, even though his radar told him it was there.

A few days later, Lieutenant Accoin said a training missile on his jet locked on the object and his infrared camera picked it up as well. “I knew I had it, I knew it was not a false hit,” he said. But still, “I could not pick it up visually.”
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Potato del Grande
As if there is a source you'd accept? It must be all or nothing right? To what do you attribute these sightings?

Of course I'd accept that source. They are the same thing as the disc shaped craft, the cigar shaped craft and the triangle shaped craft in previous decades. Experimental military projects.

I personally remember a sighting of a triangle shaped craft in the UK in the 90s, in hindsight it was a stealth bomber being tested.

If these things are real craft and not some sort of malfunction then it's a 99% of being military experiment and 1% of being aliens.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
I'm just uploading the first 2 episodes of unidentified to my google drive.
The only problem is the lack of editing, so everytime the show is supposed to be coming back from a break, they repeat shit. I found it to be a bit of a zzz, only because I knew everything they covered, cept for the new wingman.

Unidentified EP1

Unidentified EP2


<Gold Donor>
There are multiple days of incidents with multiple pilots.
You linked the article for Chris and asked him what he attributed those sightings to. I read it, and addressed one of the sightings, and asked which explanation is more likely for that particular incident. I assume that you are implying that all of the sightings as a whole point to a bigger truth that can't be hand-waved away by me questioning one specific sighting. I'm implying that I don't want to take each and every incident in that article and give my opinion of why it isn't an alien spacecraft. I took the most obvious one and did it, to show that it isn't all just black and white. And as I've said many times, I can't explain all of them away. That doesn't mean I'm wrong, it just means that I wasn't there, I don't have all the data, and I am not qualified to even understand all of it if I had it. It also doesn't mean you are wrong. We may never know for certain who is right, but I think I asked a pretty relevant question about which explanation is more likely for one sighting. So what is your answer?


<Gold Donor>
I'm just uploading the first 2 episodes of unidentified to my google drive.
The only problem is the lack of editing, so everytime the show is supposed to be coming back from a break, they repeat shit. I found it to be a bit of a zzz, only because I knew everything they covered, cept for the new wingman.

Unidentified EP1

Unidentified EP2
I googled Dirty Pirate so I could call you that, but now I feel this is an even better response.
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