The Paranormal, UFO's, and Mysteries of the Unknown


Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
One of these photos inspired (or used by? I think they copied these ufos for the design originally) of the classic "I want to believe".
Clearest shots we've ever had. Of course, many have trashed it as bullshit which as you kids know it typical in the field.
Those are the original photos above. A little worn over the years but great detail.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
On vacation in Hawaii and here's a cool one.

The first one here is the Alekoko Fishpond, sometimes called the Menehune Fishpond. It's a very ancient aquaculture and even surviving Oral Tradition the native Hawaiians don't claim to have built it. They attribute it to Hawaiian leprechauns basically. Hawaii has an interesting history. It was subject to colonization by Polynesian and Tahitians over time. Which became what we consider native Hawaiians today.

In their oral stories they claim to have come and killed off the Menehune original inhabitants. Which are called diminutive and weak people. But also fine craftsmen. Some consider this just to be a to the victor go the spoils kind of thing. Those enemies were weak and small and we killed them!


The second one here is an irrigation ditch made used... dressed stone. Native Hawaiians built tons of these. However, they never, not a single time, used dressed fine cut stone to do so. Ever. We know this because we have hundreds of examples of known Hawaiian construction before Western contact.


So the question comes again. Who exactly had this level of engineering skill in ancient pre history long before the Polynesian barbarians came and killed them off? Afterwards a significant drop in technological level is present in the anthropological record. Which as you can see still exists today.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
On vacation in Hawaii and here's a cool one.

The first one here is the Alekoko Fishpond, sometimes called the Menehune Fishpond. It's a very ancient aquaculture and even surviving Oral Tradition the native Hawaiians don't claim to have built it. They attribute it to Hawaiian leprechauns basically. Hawaii has an interesting history. It was subject to colonization by Polynesian and Tahitians over time. Which became what we consider native Hawaiians today.

In their oral stories they claim to have come and killed off the Menehune original inhabitants. Which are called diminutive and weak people. But also fine craftsmen. Some consider this just to be a to the victor go the spoils kind of thing. Those enemies were weak and small and we killed them!

View attachment 236058View attachment 236058

The second one here is an irrigation ditch made used... dressed stone. Native Hawaiians built tons of these. However, they never, not a single time, used dressed fine cut stone to do so. Ever. We know this because we have hundreds of examples of known Hawaiian construction before Western contact.

View attachment 236059View attachment 236058View attachment 236059

So the question comes again. Who exactly had this level of engineering skill in ancient pre history long before the Polynesian barbarians came and killed them off? Afterwards a significant drop in technological level is present in the anthropological record. Which as you can see still exists today.
I know who it wasn't.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
This is another example of out of place history that throws over a century of anthropological foundations into question. It's a prime example of the forces in play to completely shitcan it for good and as quickly as possible. For a variety of reasons.

TL;DR intact skeleton washes up in Oregon on the Columbia river. Initial investigation discovers that it is in fact a 9k+ year old skeleton that very curiously is only distantly related to genetic history of what we consider Native American stock. Which throws human migration theory and native american history into question. So the confederated tribes did everything they could to get it buried without research as quickly as possible and never speak of it again. As its very existence makes their claim to First Nation of North America at best highly questionable. Along with all the Native Americans.

This the kind of stuff that fascinates me. There are tons of examples of this happening. Basque numerals found in British Columbia? Ignore it and handwave it away!
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Egg Nazi
how long does any form of writing last? 3000 years? 5000? 10000? Cuneiform is 5500 years old, which is pretty fucking old, but civilization is already at least double that age thanks to Gobekle Tepe. so, they were already using a form of writing that is now lost to time or they used stone carvings to communicate with each other.
Forgive me for being unclear

What I meant was, all this crap on YouTube videos.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
This is another example of out of place history that throws over a century of anthropological foundations into question. It's a prime example of the forces in play to completely shitcan it for good and as quickly as possible. For a variety of reasons.

TL;DR intact skeleton washes up in Oregon on the Columbia river. Initial investigation discovers that it is in fact a 9k+ year old skeleton that very curiously is only distantly related to genetic history of what we consider Native American stock. Which throws human migration theory and native american history into question. So the confederated tribes did everything they could to get it buried without research as quickly as possible and never speak of it again. As its very existence makes their claim to First Nation of North America at best highly questionable. Along with all the Native Americans.

This the kind of stuff that fascinates me. There are tons of examples of this happening. Basque numerals found in British Columbia? Ignore it and handwave it away!
It's one of those things that contributes to the DNA manipulation theory.
Don't have time to explain it more, sadly.

Ill have to look up the Basque numerals, thats wild. Got a link by chance?
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Richard interviews UFO experiencer Chris Bledsoe, who's story is paradoxically well known within the UFO world, but nevertheless not well understood by many. In large part, this is because there is just so much going on around Chris and his family -- and those who have visited his North Carolina home as well. There isn't simply one story, but many. What has always stood out regarding Chris Bledsoe is the combination of remarkable events around him combined with high credibility of the man himself. Along with this are the numerous witnesses who vouch for what has been going on his property. That's why, to present his story properly, we will need several sessions. But it's important to start with the big case that got him attention in the first place. That is known as the River Incident, and it occurred on January 8, 2007. It involved Chris, his son Chris Jr. (17 years old at the time) and three other men who were fishing with them. A sighting of three large glowing orbs that all of them eventually saw, missing time (for Chris), sightings of beings and a very strange creature, and much more. The event was investigated by MUFON, which still lists his case as unknown.

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<Gold Donor>
One of these photos inspired (or used by? I think they copied these ufos for the design originally) of the classic "I want to believe".
Clearest shots we've ever had. Of course, many have trashed it as bullshit which as you kids know it typical in the field.
Those are the original photos above. A little worn over the years but great detail.
I think it is awesome how UFO technology/aesthetics has kept pace with Earth's. Like, it is super cool that aliens decided to make UFOs have the appearance of something an earthling of that time period would find familiar, instead of some super-advanced futuristic sleek out of this world thing that we couldn't have possibly created at the time, ya know?! That proves to me that they really want to be our friends.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
I think it is awesome how UFO technology/aesthetics has kept pace with Earth's. Like, it is super cool that aliens decided to make UFOs have the appearance of something an earthling of that time period would find familiar, instead of some super-advanced futuristic sleek out of this world thing that we couldn't have possibly created at the time, ya know?! That proves to me that they really want to be our friends.
Earths nothing but a channel on Intergalactic TV.
We are classified as a "Honey Boo Boo" in the cosmos.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
Is that why they communicate via crop circles then? You'd think they could at least use small words for us, right?
As you can tell by the Nazca Lines in South America, they prefer to communicate through kindergarten art. "Let's draw a bird here" "Oh and then a snake here" And to REALLY fuck with them, let's take the top off that mountain there and kill all witnesses. That outta fuck them up in the future. Stupid Monkeys"
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<Gold Donor>
Chuk, MFF and I are having a very serious conversation here! This is no place for your erudite posts, sir!
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