The RPG Thread


I couldn't finish it. Automated grinding is an interesting mechanic, but the flow of combat seemed designed for automation and thus clunky as fuck when you fought manually. I loved the job system, though.


Avatar of War Slayer
Are there any good RPGs for PC that are similar to Final Fantasy Tactics in combat mechanics?
been discussed. But almost none. tactics games have been almost exclusive to ps2-3, and handhelds(ds and 3ds) for years now.
you can emulate some of them.

Disgaea 1 was just ported to PC a week ago.

not sure exactly where it stands. I barely had time to play. just 5-10min or so..

Disgaea PC on Steamsteam reviews NOW are overwhelmingly positive... however, at launch major shitstorm and bad reviews of shitty port. bugs, unplayable. etc...
Positive reviews could be fans, trying to defend the original game, and not the port itself really.

I am not sure what is correct.
This is a 2003 game remember as well. first in the series of now 5 Disgaeas. This is a PC port of the PSP remake/port of the ps2 game..


Karazhan Raider
So I read dude's review. Then looked at his "review" list. Guy's a FPS player, not an RPG player. Fucking IGN has fallen to the same problem of having people who don't know the genre review it as the rest of the shit game reviewing media. Not surprised with their other reviews, but jesus.

Not to mention, the reviewer mentions how it doesn't hold up to the previous story. Not sure what game that dude played, but Bravely Default's story was pretty crap unless you did all the side missions and understood the variance between the worlds. Reviewer also didn't play with all the classes and still gave it a 7.1, because he doesn't JRPG.

I would -highly- question this dude's opinion of the game. He's clearly not the target audience (the audience that played the first game) and didn't do his due vigilance in regards to the job system at all.
Plot and voice acting are cross genre. You don't need to be an RPG aficionado in order to see shitty writing and acting.

If he was criticizing then combat and game play then you might have a point. The only criticism he had on the game play is that it would take an immense amount of time to max jobs. That's something that a reader can decide whether they like or not


been discussed. But almost none. tactics games have been almost exclusive to ps2-3, and handhelds(ds and 3ds) for years now.
you can emulate some of them.

Disgaea 1 was just ported to PC a week ago.

not sure exactly where it stands. I barely had time to play. just 5-10min or so..

Disgaea PC on Steamsteam reviews NOW are overwhelmingly positive... however, at launch major shitstorm and bad reviews of shitty port. bugs, unplayable. etc...
Positive reviews could be fans, trying to defend the original game, and not the port itself really.

I am not sure what is correct.
This is a 2003 game remember as well. first in the series of now 5 Disgaeas. This is a PC port of the PSP remake/port of the ps2 game..
Looking at thepatch notes, they're putting a lot of bugfixes through fairly fast, so it might just be that itisworking better now.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I am having a hard time getting used to Disgaea on PC. I'm just SO USED to console disgaea. Using the keyboard and stuff is nice, but you can tell that while its not "just a simple port" a lot of things ARE just a port.

It's things like using WASD to move, why cant it run? I have to use the mouse to make it run. Maybe there's a setting for it but I couldn't find it. Etc. Stuff like that.

It's not bad, but so far I'm not seeing anything special about it being on the pc other than.. well, it's on PC.


Wow I just seen that it's available now i read it will be sometime in the near future but had no idea it would be this quick and only 20 bucks ?!! for a guy with no hand held but final fantasy tactics being in my top 3 games of all times this is most likely a must buy for me correct guys ? I have read good good things about the Disgaea series and am super pumped to try it hopefully controls aren't too shit I lost my xbox controller.


Vyemm Raider
I loved the Tactics games (yes even the Advance ones) and I absolutely hated Disgaea 5. That's the only one I've played, but if it's indicative of the rest of the series then I for sure will never play another Disgaea game.


Avatar of War Slayer
Disgaea is a bit weird.

FF tactics revolves around the plot. The mechanics are good. But its still mostly a plot driven game.
Disgaea's plot is a joke. Its a tactic game that is ALL about the game systems.

Disgaea PC is Disgaea 1. As I said earlier, a 2003 game. Do consider that. So its a bit rough by todays standards, and the standards of disgaea 3-5. It is lacking some of the gameplay improvements of later versions.
D1 is considered the best story. But even then it is very very very silly. and very very very anime/japanese. if you are not familiar with anime tropes, etc. you might not quite get it. it does not take itself seriously at all.

Much of Disgaea mechanics is, its a tactic rpg, with tons of procedural generation.
Its a game were you have 9999 character levels, and beat the "endboss" at level 80-90.

your party is freeform. you recruit members, level them up to level 9999.. then reincarnate them back to level 1, so they have levels+, then again for levels ++..
Every item in the game, can be leveled up as well. you enter an item, play levels 1-99 of that item, leveling it up, grabbing souls out of it.

to quote kotaku
So it's like a Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics?

Sure, it's along those same lines, only it's not quite as casual


There are three common opinions of Disgaea.

1) People looking for a good story hate it.

2) People who love really, really corny and imo patently unfunny dialogue love it.

3) People (like me) who just skip the story and enjoy the games for what they are - exquisite srpg grindfests. I got about a hundred hours out of D5.

I hear that Disgaea 1 and 2 are really dated, though. 3 looks terrible but plays well. 4 and up look good and play well.


Karazhan Raider
It is a super grind fest. I admit I didn't get very far (the third world maybe?), but every battle seemed to be "generic_map_and_enemies01", "generic_map_and_enemies02", etc. the combat was decent but again, very grindy.

The story, voice acting, and characters are all super cringe-y


Vyemm Raider
I love disgaea games, have put countless hours into the series. likely over 1,000 hrs all told.

tip: if you want some challenge while playing the story, use inferior weapons. Like, the starting tier weapons. Only upgrade when things are really tough and actual strategy is just not working.


Well that answers my question I have actually gotten to a point in life where the less story the better I'm just going to spam click next and get on with the game, if I want story I'll lay on the sofa and watch TV tbh. So seems like disgaea may be right up my alley, thanks guys.

EDIT: Also, I'm so down for the grind I come from a family of gamer's programmers etc.. and even they have always poked fun at my gaming habits. I'm the guy that was in inner caverns of valor for 4 days straight and no it wasn't a bot, my dad would wake up like damn Keef still at it huh (father being a gamer and programmer himself thought it funny).


Mr. Poopybutthole
It really comes down to what you are looking for in a srpg. If you want pure mechanics, I would imagine that the Disgaea games are pretty awesome. I've only played 3 of them (1-3, specifically, at times of release) and I personally want a little more meat to my srpg than just mechanics. The story was crap; the writing was crap; the humor was hilariously crap. Those are obviously opinions, btw. It's a pretty shitty presentation of a debate-ably awesome subset of systems. In the end, I suppose it simply wasn't written for me, and I am an anime-whore. Just not meme-type anime.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
If you can find a copy of it La Pucelle Tactics wasn't quite as meme-y, if i temember, but still had pretty good tactical play. There is a character that was in Disgea umm.. all of them in one way or another, Priere


Vyemm Raider
Soul Nomad and the World Eaters had the absolute best story, when you finished it and played the evil path new game+.