The Shannara Chronicles


what Suineg set it to
TV channel supposed to be about music television spends tons of money making content to appeal to SJWs and calling all white people racist trash. Makes series made by all white people staring all white people.



Trakanon Raider
Watched first episode. Wasn't terrible. My biggest problem is Wil. He seems useless at this point. In the book he was already a healer so he had some skill at least. Alanon just isn't how I always pictured him, but I do kind of like him. I don't like how they shove the, this is earth down your throat. I remember reading Sword while they are in the mountains with the twisted old building and the mecha-spider and how it was a nice 'oh shit!' moment. They empowered Amberle too much at the start, so when they make he need help it seems forced.

But overall I kind of like it. Going to watch episode 2 and 3 online and decide of its worth putting up with MTV and their obnoxious commercials.


<Silver Donator>
I'm gonna need to re-read the books now to get this travesty out of my brain.


Trakanon Raider
Been a long time since I've read the books so don't remember very much, but I enjoyed the first episodes. I'm sure if I recently read the books whatever changes they made would bother me, like it did for legend of the seeker(sword of truth). They did change up Will's background, his parents were suppose to die earlier, and he was suppose to be trained in healing before meeting up with Allanon. I guess they felt the need to compact his backstory, as with any transition from book to show things will get cut and moved around, even game of thrones has also done it although they try to keep it to a minimum.

Production value looks high for a fantasy tv show, closer to game of thrones than compared to other recent fantasy stuff like legend of the seeker, merlin, and atlantis. Hopefully they didn't blow their load on cgi for the opening episodes. Still a good start to me, and something to fill in until game of thrones is back.


<Gold Donor>
I didn't hate it at least. It wasn't great, but Manu as Allanon is awesome, and Amberle is really fucking hot. I'm not a fan of Wil's actor but I guess he's all right for what they seem to be doing with his character. And yeah, I was impressed with the production value, most of it was pretty high considering what I was expecting. Fortunately it has been forever since I read any of the books, and I only read the first 5'ish, so I don't remember a goddamn thing.


Vyemm Raider
30mins in and i can already tell im going to hate the female.

Eh, shows with teens on mtv always urk me, much like teen wolf. The lore/story seem interesting i just always hate shows revolving around kids/teens -


Blackwing Lair Raider
If this is the one with Amberle and Will, I can't wait for them to introduce the Reaper.


Molten Core Raider
ok the start with elvs in tight jeans sucked and none of em looks anything like elvs and trolls with gas masks
20 mins or so in it gets better though and gets interesting , it aint great but its ok so far


Trakanon Raider
Quickly changing my mind. I had some nitpicks early on, but I'm digging this now. Episodes 3 and 4 snap back into book mode. Except...

who the fuck is this Bandon kid?

Anyway, call me a pussy but I cried when Amberle went into the Ellcrys, knowing what the end is. Her vision at the end... oh boy.

Allanon is pretty damn good. I didn't like him at first but I do now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Really enjoying this show, great casting other than the rover chick. Were they trying to make her not seem like such a midget?

Oh and lol elves everywhere with beards!!


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'd completely forgotten about these books. Not really my favorite books but they were some of the first I read when getting into fantasy, about the time EQ came out, and seeing the names of characters really brought on some good memories/feels. My main for years was named Balinorr.

A lot of the show was dumb, but I'll definitely watch it. Crixus as allanon was distracting at first, but I agree he's pretty awesome. Enjoyed the depiction of the Druid sleep, Shannara Druids controlled my opinion of Druids through all of EQ


A lot of the show was dumb, but I'll definitely watch it. Crixus as allanon was distracting at first, but I agree he's pretty awesome. Enjoyed the depiction of the Druid sleep, Shannara Druids controlled my opinion of Druids through all of EQ
I think the show's makers know what the show is, and that will prevent it from being bad. My proof:

The quick pacing is a good idea for dense material that requires suspension of disbelief. I hope they keep it up.

I like Eretria. She's already better than any of the casted Sand Snakes of Dorne. Maru Bennett is an awesome choice for Allanon (I think he should be a little bit more worn and a little less kind, though).

All in all, a good start to an MTV TV14 show based on fantasy.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dang one of the characters I thought was going to be in the series is actually from Wishsong so its up. Geret Jax.

Annnd a friend just messaged me that he hated it and compared it to Smallvile. I liked Smallville so I imagine i'll be OK with the show.


<Silver Donator>
I enjoyed the premiere, will have to maybe get the energy to go find the other episodes... or just wait for the DVR..

My wife loved these books growing up, and seems to be OK with it, although she was pissed they didn't hold off more on the reveal that this was a future Earth. I'm sure she'll still rage more at some point, which will be half the entertainment value in this for me.


Trakanon Raider
How much do we know about this show as a continuing series? My guess is that it will take two season to tell Elfstones. Do they then move on to Wishsong? It's been a long time since I read book 3 and Heritage right after, but I remember some good characters like the Elf girl and Walker Boh.

Couple years back I read all the prequels starting with Running with the Demon. It's a cool connection from today to the future. Never read anything after Heritage.

Max better be ripping out some Eventine throat soon or I will be pissed. Guessing that huge shadowy knight thing is the Reaper?


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
The show is not perfect, some of the casting and dialogue bother me a bit...but overall I enjoyed it and was entertained...which for me is all that matters.

Definitely going to continue watching it.