Ultima Online Forever - UO Forever - Launches 01/18

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
I know others have replied, but I'll throw my advice into the pot too.

Sorry to noob up the thread but I just started playing for the first time a couple of days ago and I had some questions.

1. I'm mostly warrior with a bit of magery (Mace/Tact/Anat/Mage/Spell Resist/Healing/?). My young player status just dropped off and I'm wondering where I should go next for adventuring. I've spent most of my time in Britain or just outside in the Brit Graveyard/Dungeon but it is off limits now. I have a mount, some platemail from skeleton knights, a number of basic spells including G.Heal/Recall, and around 5-10k. I still have no idea about moongates or runestones though.

2. The Night Sight spell does not seem to be working for me. The dungeon under the Brit graveyard was dark as shit (can't even see the creatures only target markers/names) and there was no change with or without Night Sight. I do notice a difference when casting it above ground at night so I wasn't sure if this intended to only work outdoors or if there is a bug with the dungeon.

3. I read that mounts become bonded after a week so that they can be resurrected if killed. Is this week real time or game days and how often should I be feeding my horse.

4. Is there any crucial advice to avoid getting ganked as soon as I venture away from town? Items I should or should not have with me? For example I read that you should not carry keys to houses or boats as I assume the person who killed you could clean you out.
1) I would recommend hitting up Shame or Covetous. You'll run into PKs pretty much everywhere, so set up a recall macro in Razor to cast recall and target your runebook. You have to set a rune as the "default" rune in your runebook for that to work. I have this macro set to Ctrl-R so that whenever I'm overwhelmed or a bunch of reds come up on me I hit it and I'm very quickly back home safe. Just don't run out of recall runes and you should be mostly safe if you're cautious around players you don't know. Another alternative that you should consider after you've farmed up a bit more is to find a Silver weapon and go kill Liches near Yew. It's in the middle of the forest so you can run away pretty easily and PKs rarely show up except for the local Orc clan. Tons of gold and skill scrolls from these guys if you can handle 'em.

2) You don't need the night sight spell anymore. In Razor on the general tab under Filters check "Light Levels". This will make it always daytime bright everywhere you go, including dungeons.

3) No clue about bonded stuff, but it would be a week real time.

4) See #1 about a recall macro. As long as you have regs you pretty much should not be able to be PK'd. For extra protection carry a small pouch and cast Magic Trap on it. If you get Paralyzed just open the pouch and it will hit you for ~4 points of damage but you will be able to run and hit your recall macro. Definitely do not carry your boat key with you, but you can carry your house key with you as that is blessed.

If you want more help in-game just PM me here or find me in IRC and I'll show you around some nice hunting spots or something. Same goes for anyone else that doesn't know what they're doing.
I have never played UO but I only am interested in emulations of older MMOs.

Is this something to skip if you've never experienced it? I love open world PVP and spend most of time playing a classic EQ PVP server for that reason.

Anyone willing to take me under their wing? Is the learning curve high?
The hardest parts for people I've introduced to the game are interacting with the game and putting up with the clunky graphics system. UO isn't really that complex gameplay-wise (pk can get somewhat technical) once you feel comfortable actually playing the game (using razor is a hurdle for some)... it's just a matter of knowledge and experience.

If pvp and being a badass is your only goal, then yeah, find a mentor and just macro up. But I think UO is a game that you can appreciate better if you experience it sort of holistically, and I'd advise you to look for other newbies and go make some mistakes.


Buzzfeed Editor
Just an FYI. The guild in control of the cities accidentally set the taxes to 300%. So, don't buy regs in the normal towns. Vesper is the base price still, or Jhelom (Vesper's easier). Also, looks like they made a change, ebolt is now on all the vendors. I knew it was funky before, because the vendors had a chance to spawn every other spell outside ebolt. heh, so now every vendor has like 200 ebolt scrolls.

Pseudo Random_sl

If you haven't played on any of the player runUltimaOnlineshards recently, I'll just let you know there's nothing special about this shard over the other shards and don't be mislead by their propaganda.

I admit, they took a great deal of effort to try to advertise their server, but even the video they created has nothing really special about it that wouldn't be in the default open source RunUO shard. The front page is probably violating the copyright of the Imanewbie comic, by stealing their work and pasting "UltimaOnlineForever" on it, as if it was their own work.

A lot of the content of the website is actually copied from another shard (or from other sources illegally), and the shard is just an older shard that has been given a facelift to look like 'a new shard'. Furthermore most of the website is just propaganda to convince you there's something special and different about the shard, when there's not a single thing special about it.

What we really have here is an older shard that failed and now they're trying to make some money off it through the donation service. It's also why they have the donation thread created by a 'player' (lol) days after the shard released.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I thought they announced they were going to have donation stuff before the shard launched?

Either way, like I told ppl posting from other free shards there, I and the vast majority of the ppl playing there don't care. I've played a few other free shards and I'm not still playing there for one reason or another, even if its just something as simple as I got bored. The reason why I'm playing on this free shard is because it is has a big population and more importantly it just launched. I really don't care that some people got their feelings hurt because they put a lot of hard work into something and the guy footing the bill turned around and made it something bigger so he wasn't losing money on it.

It was the same shit on the free shard I was playing on a few years back oh this shard did this or that shard's gm did that. All these free shards are aggressively competing with one another so will continuously run smear campaigns and advertise on other's websites. As long as it doesn't affect my gameplay I don't care.


Yeah they announced the donation stuff before it started. Np with me, just dont donate if you dont want to. It's free and has a large active population.

Some dude loaned me a boat so I am almost gm fishing but stupid serpents are a bitch.


Lord of Guk

Pseudo Random_sl

A no text post with a meme image, seriously?

The front page is probably violating the copyright of the Imanewbie comic, by stealing their work and pasting "UltimaOnlineForever" on it, as if it was their own work.
Looks like they finally took that image down; I guess they're not completely retarded. I don't know how anyone in their right mind would originally think it was okay though.


Id like to recant my earlier statements. It took some adjusting to something polar opposite of the UO i'm used to playing.

What really matters in MMORPG's is the population it seems. The most enjoyable shard isn't exactly the "best" but the most populated.

Being #1 draft pick in football if nobody else plays but you isn't much fun, if you know what I mean :\

UOF is getting some serious heat and I love it. So much h8 going on from their success.

<haters gonna hate>


Buzzfeed Editor
The hardest parts for people I've introduced to the game are interacting with the game and putting up with the clunky graphics system. UO isn't really that complex gameplay-wise (pk can get somewhat technical) once you feel comfortable actually playing the game (using razor is a hurdle for some)... it's just a matter of knowledge and experience.
I'd really love for EA itself to re-make UO and release the version UOF has. They actually have a 3d client, that makes the game look a ton better, but they abandoned it in 2008, I think. If they polish up that client, re-do the UI to include most of Razor's functionality and add a few more sandbox elements, while only keeping this current ruleset (And maybe the lost lands+some extra housing ground...just add a few islands or some extra land mass near Brit).....And I think they could market it as a F2P game pretty effectively, given how much action these private shards see.

I know, just a pipe dream...but I can't imagine it would be that expensive for them to do, if private servers can do this much.


I'd really love for EA itself to re-make UO and release the version UOF has. They actually have a 3d client, that makes the game look a ton better, but they abandoned it in 2008, I think. If they polish up that client, re-do the UI to include most of Razor's functionality and add a few more sandbox elements, while only keeping this current ruleset (And maybe the lost lands+some extra housing ground...just add a few islands or some extra land mass near Brit).....And I think they could market it as a F2P game pretty effectively, given how much action these private shards see.

I know, just a pipe dream...but I can't imagine it would be that expensive for them to do, if private servers can do this much.
I dont know if you remember, but EA/Origin was working on UO2 back in the day and scrapped it. Companies dont make competition for themselves.

And while we think a 500-1000 player shard is a smashing success, that is not even worth pissing on to them.

Pseudo Random_sl

I'd really love for EA itself to re-make UO and release the version UOF has.
And what is special about the version of UO that UOF is running?

There are hundreds of shards out there that run a shard on a very similar era, and even some with hundreds of players.

Honestly, I would rather than EA didn't re-make it, since you know there would be even more micro-transaction crap we've seen in more recent F2P MMOs. Furthermore, EA has been terrible at adding content in a reasonable amount of time

Pseudo Random_sl

And while we think a 500-1000 player shard is a smashing success, that is not even worth pissing on to them.
I'll be honest, I think those are very good numbers for a single shard for OSI. I don't even know how many shards they have anymore (I know it's easy to look up, it's a rhetorical question).


Buzzfeed Editor
And what is special about the version of UO that UOF is running?
Dude...There is nothing special about it. Yes, we ALL know other shards have come along with the same rule-set (IE pre-trammel faggotry). But people will reference UOF...because this thread is about UOF. Stop trying to convince us how these people are terrible, none of us care (They very well may be). I don't give a shit if the UOF guys broke into some other shard owners house, raped his wife, killed his dog and stole the super-secret sauce to his shard. All I care about is playing the game. And all that matters is population+pre-trammel rules.

And we're discussing what would be cool, so I referenced UOF because everyone in this thread, about UOF, would understand what I meant when I said "this rule set."...Like saying "the rule set of p99" in an EQ discussion.

Honestly, I would rather than EA didn't re-make it, since you know there would be even more micro-transaction crap we've seen in more recent F2P MMOs. Furthermore, EA has been terrible at adding content in a reasonable amount of time .
Meh. Best part about UO was all the little graphic rares, like fruit bowls...They would probably make a decent amount of money without making it pay to win. And as for content....Really no need. Just release the shard as a special ruleset and either make it F2P or charge something like 5$ a month for it. But essentially it would just be a PvP sandbox for nostalgia. I have no idea if it would be profitable, but without worrying about content, I imagine the overhead would be tiny.

And while we think a 500-1000 player shard is a smashing success, that is not even worth pissing on to them.
Yeah, but I wonder how many players have played across all the free shards (Even if they don't currently play). I don't know if there is enough of a market to make it profitable....But I'd imagine it would be some decent numbers (Maybe 10k+)...Again, that's tiny potatoes in the grand scheme of things BUT they already have the 3d client made. I can't imagine it would cost a lot to update the UI and squash some bugs.


Trump's Staff
This thread is making me nostalgic for my glory days in classic/T2A UO as a bard provoker trolling the shit out of people. How long does it take to get this up and running from scratch and how clueless would I be as someone who a) hasn't played since...2000? and b) only played classic and T2A (before they did all that stupid crazy shit)?


So I met a guy who found an abandon boat and been using that to GM fishing and work up magery. Havent found one MIB yet. Several lvl 1 t-maps and some nets

You guys in Yew looking for more people? I dont get to play much during the week. Would like to set up show somewhere I won't get jumped every day for fishing items i find.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
This thread is making me nostalgic for my glory days in classic/T2A UO as a bard provoker trolling the shit out of people. How long does it take to get this up and running from scratch and how clueless would I be as someone who a) hasn't played since...2000? and b) only played classic and T2A (before they did all that stupid crazy shit)?
It doesn't take too long to get up and running. Especially if you did a provoker character you'll be up and running and rolling in the dough in no time!

Knowledge wise it won't be TOO crazy different...the mechanics will be a little different than what you're used to skill wise. There will be little synergies you won't be familiar with but the majority of things will be the same, especially for a bard-type character.


Just start downloading it! Still note sure about what i want to play though. Maybe focusing on magery or Fencing , anatomy and poisoning !