Vanessa's Tranny AMA Blog Thread

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Potato del Grande
I'll try to keep it terse for once.

I got through getting my groceries at Kroger, and was walking to my car. I'm wearing literal pajamas and had no makeup. Here's how the convo went:

Him: "Hey, I saw you driving in here and thought I almost hit you, I'm sorry"
Me: (just messing with him) "Yes I noticed! I already called the cops, they're on their way, and you're going to be arrested! No no, jk... what are you talking about?"
"Well I almost hit you"
"If you did, I have no clue, don't worry... I don't know what you're talking about"
"Let me see your hand"
I thought he was talking about my tattoo on my finger, my right hand.
"No your other one"
I show him my left hand... he grabs my ring finger knuckle... I figure out what he's doing at this point.
"So where's your boyfriend?"
"I don't have one"
"Can I get your number?"
"Look... no offense, I'm not just trying to let you down easy (I didn't want to offend him) but I'm into girls exclusively... I know I may not look like it, but it's true"
"Oh, okay no problem... what's your name?"
"Vanessa, what's yours?"
He told me, I literally have forgotten now.
"Well I'm flattered, honestly"
"Nice to meet you"
"You too"

At this point I walk to the cart return with my cart, and I'm walking back to my car. Dude COMES BACK and says this:

"Hey nice car btw... just wanted to tell you... you have an amazing ass"
"Oh God... okay... goodbye! Thanks though!"

I get in my car and leave.

Time for the usual atheist suspects to tell the Christian that they're lying! (if they even read this... remember, they're also the ones who say no one actually reads my posts)

I told my family about this, and my mom was pissed. She said I was too friendly and it's my fault. My brother, who is ultra protective about me and hates when I have any issues with men said he can see both my side of the story (I felt completely blameless... I can't fucking control other people's actions, nor their degeneracy)... that perhaps I was too friendly but ultimately I didn't do anything wrong.

Either way: Reality > all

Thanks, "comrade".

I find it funny you only started coming to this thread regularly after getting dragged in the Ukraine thread. Sorry I triggered you this much (and that easily).

This looks like a mini-sperg.

As usual, it's amusing to see so many lies in your posts.
Uh Huh Yes GIF
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
LoL, as soon as I hit post I laughed at myself. Oh well... insert <Vanessa gonna Vanessa> meme here.

Another pop quiz:

Is this a man or a woman?

View attachment 429742

This is ripping off Fedor's Trap or Not Trap thread from a while back, but its a fun game so I will play on this one.

Trap- First giveaway is the long fingered man hands the dude is trying to keep out of frame as much as possible. Second he cropped his Adams apple out of the shot to avoid an easy clock there. Third, he is sitting in the classic tuck back pose to keep junk from popping up, meaning he either currently or previously was used to playing the surprise penis game. Other things that draw suspicion are the obvious fake tits that are not quite proportional to the hip displacement (he is probably sucking in his sides given away by his belly button scrunch up to appear what he believes to be more femininized) and overexaggerated feminine posing. Metal chain necklace is not something an actual woman would wear with a swimming suit, either, since it would fucking heat up and burn your ass but that's a minor nitpick. Also fake red nails on a white chick is kind of a giveaway, at least to my experience around trannies. Most telling thing to me is the cropping going on, because that's a fairly tame swimsuit by current standards and yet the picture is grainy and cropped out as fuck, like it was taken on a flip phone in the late 2000s.

So, could maybe be a chick with small fakes and really wide ass who dresses like a whore and took this with a nokia phone back in 2001, but going with tryhard dude on this one.
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Uncle Tanya
This is ripping off Fedor's Trap or Not Trap thread from a while back, but its a fun game so I will play on this one.

Trap- First giveaway is the long fingered man hands the dude is trying to keep out of frame as much as possible. Second he cropped his Adams apple out of the shot to avoid an easy clock there. Third, he is sitting in the classic tuck back pose to keep junk from popping up, meaning he either currently or previously was used to playing the surprise penis game. Other things that draw suspicion are the obvious fake tits that are not quite proportional to the hip displacement (he is probably sucking in his sides given away by his belly button scrunch up to appear what he believes to be more femininized) and overexaggerated feminine posing. Metal chain necklace is not something an actual woman would wear with a swimming suit, either, since it would fucking heat up and burn your ass but that's a minor nitpick. Also fake red nails on a white chick is kind of a giveaway, at least to my experience around trannies. Most telling thing to me is the cropping going on, because that's a fairly tame swimsuit by current standards and yet the picture is grainy and cropped out as fuck, like it was taken on a flip phone in the late 2000s.

So, could maybe be a chick with small fakes and really wide ass who dresses like a whore and took this with a nokia phone back in 2001, but going with tryhard dude on this one.
^ This looks like a sperg.

Hard to rip something off that I never knew existed.

Want me to go through your post line by line and tell you everything you actually got wrong? Just say so.

Also, it's great to see, as usual, so much wrong with your assessment seeing as I actually knew this person and know the answer (unlike that one person from before). You're such a punchline.

Time for the usual atheist suspects to tell the Christian that they're lying! (if they even read this... remember, they're also the ones who say no one actually reads my posts)
Only took 7 minutes for Joz to pop in and prove me correct as usual. Thanks buddy!

Isn't it strange how both you and LLR need to photoshop trans people's stuff into something different than what reality is in order to push an agenda? You're literally doing what some of your type accuse me of (which is false though, as I have never photoshopped my pics... don't you think I'd photoshop my chin smaller if I actually did? Y'all have 0 logic).


Of course, this person looks like this so you just KNOW they have some inner unhappiness going on with how they look:


Btw, what do YOU look like BoozeCube BoozeCube ? Scared to show yourself? Is it because you're projecting and look 6 times as worse on an aesthetic level as this person above? Or maybe you're just scared shitless that if you showed yourself, the FBI would be knocking at your door in 2 hours flat? (not by me of course... I -know- you're just an ineffectual nerd... but some others here who are *actual* feds might be interested).

Good luck Booze!


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
I'll try to keep it terse for once.

I got through getting my groceries at Kroger, and was walking to my car. I'm wearing literal pajamas and had no makeup. Here's how the convo went:

Him: "Hey, I saw you driving in here and thought I almost hit you, I'm sorry"
Me: (just messing with him) "Yes I noticed! I already called the cops, they're on their way, and you're going to be arrested! No no, jk... what are you talking about?"
"Well I almost hit you"
"If you did, I have no clue, don't worry... I don't know what you're talking about"
"Let me see your hand"
I thought he was talking about my tattoo on my finger, my right hand.
"No your other one"
I show him my left hand... he grabs my ring finger knuckle... I figure out what he's doing at this point.
"So where's your boyfriend?"
"I don't have one"
"Can I get your number?"
"Look... no offense, I'm not just trying to let you down easy (I didn't want to offend him) but I'm into girls exclusively... I know I may not look like it, but it's true"
"Oh, okay no problem... what's your name?"
"Vanessa, what's yours?"
He told me, I literally have forgotten now.
"Well I'm flattered, honestly"
"Nice to meet you"
"You too"

At this point I walk to the cart return with my cart, and I'm walking back to my car. Dude COMES BACK and says this:

"Hey nice car btw... just wanted to tell you... you have an amazing ass"
"Oh God... okay... goodbye! Thanks though!"

I get in my car and leave.

Time for the usual atheist suspects to tell the Christian that they're lying! (if they even read this... remember, they're also the ones who say no one actually reads my posts)

I told my family about this, and my mom was pissed. She said I was too friendly and it's my fault. My brother, who is ultra protective about me and hates when I have any issues with men said he can see both my side of the story (I felt completely blameless... I can't fucking control other people's actions, nor their degeneracy)... that perhaps I was too friendly but ultimately I didn't do anything wrong.

Either way: Reality > all

Thanks, "comrade".

I find it funny you only started coming to this thread regularly after getting dragged in the Ukraine thread. Sorry I triggered you this much (and that easily).

This looks like a mini-sperg.

As usual, it's amusing to see so many lies in your posts.

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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I find it funny you only started coming to this thread regularly after getting dragged in the Ukraine thread. Sorry I triggered you this much (and that easily).

I got "dragged"?

I find it funny that you STOPPED coming to Ukraine thread after you got "dragged".

Once I encounter a dimwitted dipshit, I make sure to regularly remind them of that.


Uncle Tanya
I got "dragged"?
Yup, you did.

I find it funny that you STOPPED coming to Ukraine thread after you got "dragged".
No, I got dogpiled by Russian simps who denied all the stats and data I provided including you. This place is an echo chamber and it's just as bad as far-leftwing spaces that I've gone into and dragged them too. But you guys didn't drag me with actual facts... because y'all couldn't.

Once I encounter a dimwitted dipshit, I make sure to regularly remind them of that.
You're not reminding me I'm a dimwitted dipshit. You're just coming in here saying "you're a man... hurr durr" when I already know that and never once denied that.

I guarantee you that if you ever met me and we both went into an IQ testing facility, I would crush you. Offer stands and will always stand. I'm in Richmond. DM me when you're ready to compete.
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
But thanks for your opinion Bubbles. Glad you're here. Even though I personally don't read the FSR much at all, I know it's one of FoH's most popular threads that people get entertainment from.
this passive-aggressive shit doesn't work on me


Uncle Tanya
I find it funny that you STOPPED coming to Ukraine thread after you got "dragged".
Oh and just to double check because that's not how I remember it, this was my last post in that thread:

Malcolm Nance & Charlotte Clymer are buddies?

This isn't a war, this is a theatre.
The date was right around the time I couldn't get into ANY of the pol pit threads... just a little under 3 weeks before LLR said I couldn't post in the amod thread anymore and I took a week or two to chill so I wouldn't say, "Fuck you, you can't be a controlling dickhead and just make up new rules for ONE person on the spot"... then when I logged back on I couldn't post in the pol pit, had my gold status deposed from me, had my thread locked, and wasn't getting notifications when people tagged me (and likely STILL can't see when people tag me... my account is literally fucked up from LLR tampering with it so much). Plus, people made it clear that they didn't want me posting anything in that thread. I DO listen to people sometimes.

So there's also THAT fact as to why I haven't posted in that thread. I haven't posted in ANY thread up until JUST recently in the pol pit because I literally COULDN'T.

Facts don't care about your feelings, "comrade".

this passive-aggressive shit doesn't work on me
I have 0 qualms with you Bubbles. 0 sarcasm there. But if you want to just be offended for 0 reason, go ahead and think I'm dunking on you passive-aggressively... that's your prerogative.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
^ This looks like a sperg.
This is exactly why no one ever engages you seriously after they get to know who you are. I play your stupid game and play along. Manessa gets cunty and does not follow through with the answer. Oh well, that was my olive branch for the year. Hope you enjoyed shitting on it, you lunatic faggot.
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Uncle Tanya
This is exactly why no one ever engages you seriously after they get to know who you are.
I'm a moderator on Facebook for a group similar to people like you guys here. They never once came at me, unlike you guys here, and I'm respected in that group. That's the difference. You guys are just obsessed with my identity and have always been because THIS place has had an obsession with trannies waaaay before I revealed that fact about me. That is a fact... don't forget I've been here since Noows. Deny that reality at your leisure, big boy.

I play your stupid game and play along.
If it's a stupid game, why "play along"? Make it make sense here, Phaz.

Manessa gets cunty and does not follow through with the answer.
Maybe I was waiting for others to play. Indy posts here from time without him getting "cunty" with me.

How many times have I told you, Hindenburg, that people get what they give to me. Indy has never once been a dick to me. I have never once been a dick to him. That's how it works with me.

You started this Phaz. I'm happy finishing it. Each and every time.

Oh well, that was my olive branch for the year. Hope you enjoyed shitting on it, you lunatic faggot.
What kind of lunatic faggot would want to extend an olive branch to a lunatic faggot?

I don't care about your olive branches. Butterfly wings, you Godless atheist. We will never be "buddies". You can keep posting here and I can keep responding in kind to your lunacy, or you can permanently just go away. I'm good either way.

Also, as far as following through:

Want me to go through your post line by line and tell you everything you actually got wrong? Just say so.
I offered. ...and the above was your response. Again: You're a punchline.


Uncle Tanya
Anywhooooo... I'm currently playing Chrono Trigger. Yup... I never played it back in 1995! Can see why it's considered a classic and one of the best ever.
Bwahaha I got to this part in the game:

Flea - Chrono Trigger.jpg

All I noticed was that Magus's henchmen were named after rockstars of the era: Slash, Flea, and Ozzie. Loved the reference.

But after I googled Flea, apparently this character has been "controversial" in the trans community because they were depicted as a villain and Flea himself said he was a man in the game but looked like a woman.

I, personally, have just become aware of this game and this character. But it's funny this is yet ANOTHER case of why I reject that LGBTQWTF community: If a pixel character in a JRPG from the 90s triggered you because they're possibly a tranny and not depicted as a hero, but the villain and said themselves that they're a male (biological realities here)... then it's not even about whether you're trans or cis or gay or straight... you're just a snowflake.

Great game so far... I love anything in media that deals with time travel. It's a fascinating concept to ponder.
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Stock Pals Participant
<Gold Donor>
LoL, as soon as I hit post I laughed at myself. Oh well... insert <Vanessa gonna Vanessa> meme here.

Another pop quiz:

Is this a man or a woman?

View attachment 429742
My answer is...
Attractive enough to ask for nudes
Probably too good looking to be interested in me
Verdict.... Would engage without checking aka I think woman who is displease with how her face looks/ not looking for random peeps to know who she is.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Plus, people made it clear that they didn't want me posting anything in that thread. I DO listen to people sometimes.

Because you posted dumb, verifiably wrong shit.

Funny how that works.


Tranny Chaser
My answer is...
Attractive enough to ask for nudes
Probably too good looking to be interested in me
Verdict.... Would engage without checking aka I think woman who is displease with how her face looks/ not looking for random peeps to know who she is.
christoph waltz nod GIF
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I guarantee you that if you ever met me and we both went into an IQ testing facility, I would crush you. Offer stands and will always stand. I'm in Richmond. DM me when you're ready to compete.

Yep, let me add that to my To Do list. Go take an IQ test against a deranged delusional tranny in another state.
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