Waco pt2? Standoff in Nevada over cattle on BLM land


JunkiesNetwork Donor
He's so god damn desperate to be seen as a contrarian he will fling whatever shit he can find on google that has a headline opposing the liberal circle jerk. Not that he even bothers reading the links that he posts. Or the links that others post. Or any kind of relevant background info.

Dumbshit just showed us that the rancher was trying to pay the state for fees on Federal land for Christ's sake. As if that's any kind of justification whatsoever.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I'm sure those 18,000 ranchers are paying for the use of that public land, garglechimp. If this moron wants to keep using it, he can pay for it like everyone else.
You would think so right, apparently he hates the feds and tried to pay the state but they wouldn't take his money.
I don't really support the guy
It's seems pretty obvious that you were demonstrating support for the rancher by showing that he tried to pay, but that they just wouldn't take his money.

If you don't want people to mistake your meaning then perhaps you should start trying to actually formulate a coherent, direct opinion instead of your usual vague, word-salad, 5-min google search laden posts.


kinda like the soviets owned all of the soviet union? Sounds pretty fucking socialist to me.
Soviet gov't owned not just land but also most other means of production? Private enterprise is not so scarce in Nevada, unlike the USSR.

Good land was basically given away to private citizens in the mid 19th century in the American west. (after it was taken by force from natives, if any survived smallpox) e.g: Homestead Act
Manifest destiny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why so much of Nevada stayed federal land? I don't know or care - it's a goddamn desert. However, the comparison to the USSR is a bit absurd. US gov stole shit from non-citizens(natives) and gave a good chunk of it to citizens(settlers). The USSR stole shit from citizens and kept it*. Completely different.

*edit: OK it was eventually given to Oligarchs, but only after USSR is gone. Still completely different.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Soviet gov't owned not just land but also most other means of production? Private enterprise is not so scarce in Nevada, unlike the USSR.

Good land was basically given away to private citizens in the mid 19th century in the American west. (after it was taken by force from natives, if any survived smallpox) e.g:
Manifest destiny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why Nevada stayed federal land? I don't know or care - it's a goddamn desert. However, the comparison to the USSR is a bit absurd. US gov stole shit from non-citizens(natives) and gave a good chunk of it to citizens(settlers). The USSR stole shit from citizens and kept it. Completely different.
If the feds still own 90% of the land, doesn't really sound like they gave a significant part of it away to settlers. Why the federal government owns all this land instead of the state government I don't get either. I thought your states are a bit more independant from the the federal government than our states are.

It is pretty hard to tell who is how wrong in this case, there is so much conflicting information. What I do think is clear is that once again, the escalation of violence was initiated by the government. Just like in Albuquerque two weeks ago, the same pattern was used. Bring attack dogs that are barely controlled by their handlers to intimidate and threaten your enemies, and when those dogs finally provoke a reaction out of your target, use that reaction as a reason to use "self-defense", in this case firing multiple tasers at Ted Bundy and throw Peggy to the ground or whatever their actual names are . If I had this type of government around my home, I'd also like to own an assault rifle.

I also think that if it's true Al Bundy was expected to downsize his herd from 900 to 150, that's essentially forcing him into bankruptcy. Probably the same reasons behind the whole thing of him being the last of 53 ranchers that used to be there. One has to wonder why the federal government is driving out everyone from this area, and I don't believe for a moment it's the Danny Trejo turtle.


Musty Nester
A lot of what that federal land ownership boils down to is fair use.

You do have to pay taxes on land, and there is some maintenance involved in land ownership. You don't have to go out there and cut the grass... but if you want to use it you do have to shape and maintain it for the purpose. Sure, the sun and the rain do 99% of the work... but they don't do absolutely all of the work. So is it much wonder that no one wants to foot the bill to develop marginal land? It's not a wildly profitable enterprise to begin with. If it were it wouldn't be federally administrated.

So nah, the administration isn't perfect. But there are entirely practical reasons why it's a federal concern rather than a State one. I mean for one it was the Federal army that took it to begin with. But even looking at contemporary reasons rather than historic ones. Small rancher thinks he'll get a better deal off a disinterested party rather than having to talk to that asshole Toby down at the Statehouse. Big rancher thinks the same thing. The politics of it make sense.

That's my understanding of it at least. Ranching is different than farming.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wait that guy is actually stealing land from its previous owner(s) and raising his own herd while giving a fuck about other domestic (endagered) species?

You should all applaud to this chimp he is (re)living the american dream and continues the tradition that made the US such a great country.
Seriously throw him some medals.

Also could this Cattleghazi become the downfall of Baracko Barner?


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
BLM land is land that no one claimed in the homestead act or that people failed to "prove up" on (You had to improve the land and farm it for 5 years before you owned it). I think there is also some land that was originally given to the railroads that came back at some point. It's generally lower quality land that isn't suitable for farming and has some other downsides that made it impractical for someone to make a living on back then. They only gave you 160 acres or 320 in some cases. That was enough to live on in places like Kansas or Iowa that are good for farming, but here in Montana the vast majority of homesteaders didn't make it. The ones that did would get two allotments for a husband and wife and then quickly raise up some kids to claim more land. They also bought out their neighbors that lasted long enough to make good on the homestead etc. Every pasture on our place is named after the people that homesteaded it, (The Lawrence Place, the Bickle Place, the Jones section, etc.) For most of them the name is all that anyone remembers about them.

Montana isn't that fertile compared to the Midwest, but it beats the shit out of Nevada. I doubt many people even attempted to homestead down there and those that did were using their homestead as a base and grazing cattle all over the empty desert which is probably what this old coot is referencing. I am sure if his BLM grazing rights were revoked that he would be instantly out of business, but I have still not figured out if that happened or not. 150 cows is more of a hobby than a living these days.
right. this white guy is stealing us white guys' land.

i love the debate over who owns this. the red faces nearby maybe.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Oh fuck off. The indians owned the land you live on now too, maybe you should give it back to them.

I am starting to get a bit more sympathetic to this guy. It is definitely not out of the BLM's MO to regulate the ranchers all out of business and then build their own little kingdom of land to manage for the sake of wildlife and spend millions of tax dollars on while producing nothing. I don't think his method had a chance of working, but if all the other ranchers in the area already went broke that's pretty telling as to what happened.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
I might feel for the guy had he continued to pay his rent and simply refused to acknowledge the new regulations claiming grandfather clause. But to turn around and start paying a third party instead just screams dumbfuck redneck.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
right. this white guy is stealing us white guys' land.

i love the debate over who owns this. the red faces nearby maybe.
God that mantra is fucking stupid. At this point in time there have been white people on this continent for over 400 years now.
God that mantra is fucking stupid. At this point in time there have been white people on this continent for over 400 years now.
right, but we're talking about "ownership" of this land by citing this rancher's claim to the 1800s. So if we want to talk hundreds of years of history, let's dabble back to when we took all of this shit from the indigenous population.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
right, but we're talking about "ownership" of this land by citing this rancher's claim to the 1800s. So if we want to talk hundreds of years of history, let's dabble back to when we took all of this shit from the indigenous population.
Because the current crop of indian tribes didnt displace or takeover already "owned" land? Stop playing inception,


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I wonder if he'll start recognizing the federal government when they start sending him his Social Security checks.


Vyemm Raider
Looking like only Alex Jones and Tea Party nutters are still trying to back this guy. The rest are all fleeing for the hills.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
So today flanked by armed militia flunkies who flocked to his side from the surrounding states to defend 'murica he said that he had the protestors shut down I-15 yesterday in both directions for 2 hours because the sheriff wouldn't meet his demand to disarm the BLM. Think he was doing a media tour for most anyone who would put him on TV too. Called out Nevada politicians (congressmen of the government he doesn't consider real) for not doing enough to help him.