What is your education level?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Pre-reqs, lol. I was in a true program but dropped it for reasons I won't go into here (online classes just aren't going to work for me). You'll see me talking about A+P on here a lot because I just finished it recently. I had to suspend everything because my appendix decided to burst last month, and now the holidays, but BSN is still my goal.
Online courses for anything beyond the first year or so of either CC or University are garbage anyway.


Poet Warrior
Yes. It was pathetic and I would not recommend it to anyone. It was complete dog-shit tier nonsense that one lady admitted she just googled and copy-pasted.



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Back when I first returned to community college, I picked up where I left off originally so I had to take this second semester of European history to fulfill some elective history credit for my AS degree, and so I took it online. The guy didn't even have any assignments up for the first two weeks of class, until we were basically sending him emails saying we were going to report him to the administration if he didn't start putting up reading assignments, homework, something. He finally starts uploading these little mini lectures which were pointless.

Pretty sure he just gave everyone a B by the end of the semester regardless how much work they did or how well they did on their final papers (my final paper for that class is easily the worst paper I've ever turned in in my entire college/university career).

My wife also had an online class that was so bad they actually did report the woman to administration and she got fired and replaced during the semester. That was a real train wreck. I haven't taken any online classes since then.

IMO online should be supplemental to actual classtime, like upload recorded lectures from in class so people that miss can watch them, or you can review stuff at your convenience without having to take notes, etc. but 100% pure online classes are garbage and should go the way of the dodo.


PhD in biomedical engineering. I work at a pharmaceutical company as a scientist. It's pretty neat. I went back to school after a year in industry following my bachelors degree (also in biomedical engineering) since since i saw that bachelor's / masters holders in biotech/pharma have slower career advancement and a lower ceiling. Definitely a smart career choice, but it also delayed my savings since I had to spend 4 years on a grad student salary.


Tranny Chaser
Heh, I remember learning about the basics cell membrane potentials and the Na-K-ATPase that JCS got a Nobel Prize for. Khan didn't even mention it in the membrane potential explanations at that time. Pathetic and useless for medicine. Well, if you want a thorough explanation anyway.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So I am turning in my final paper in AIT 697 tonight (MS class that doubles for MS/BS credit in the program I am in, managing through change leadership) and I am done. So I'm skipping the 6 month waiting period and just marking down BS for thefirst time ever. Feels good man.This time next year I'll have my MS. Then just a lot of debt.

Other than that all I have is a GED.


History/Poli Sci double major. Decided against law school, so going back and getting an Electrical engineering degree (thanks Apple!)


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Some college. Ended up going into the workforce instead which was the best decision I could have ever made.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
BA - double major in Music and History, double minor in Philosophy and English
Masters of Musicology - Effects of Modernism on the creative mind
M.A. - Generally about post Modernism and reader response theory
Ph. D. - Schopenhauer, Kant, and Hegel. Creative dissonance.
D.M.A. - Conducting with many different ensembles
Post Doc #1 - Teaching/Research at the Free University in Amsterdam
Post Doc #2 - Teaching/Research at Potchefstroom University

I did too much school.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
A MS can be a cakewalk if you time it just right. I finished my BS and they had a string of students abandon a funded project one after another. They had all collected data from the field which was the hard part. All I had to do was get it together and write a thesis and my major professor had done most of the work in an effort to get it finished. I was awarded graduate level credit for my work study work in the past. Flew right thru it. It was actually easier than a lot of my BS work like doing an entire summer of field work.


The only people I have known with a PhD that used Dr. in reference to themself were professors.
You also see it in the public education system. When I met my kids elementary school teacher and called him "Mr Smith" he informed me that he had a PhD in education and that he went by "Dr Smith".


So, what's your education Rescorla
I posted it earlier but since you are so interested....

Masters in Information Systems
BA in Political Science

I'm a software engineer in the aerospace industry. Every job I have gotten since I left military service I got because of my military service. Life is good.

The Edge

Lord Nagafen Raider
Sweet. Who was your Conducting instructor? Anticipating the beat or on the beat?
Just the fact that you would ask that question, tells me you know your stuff. Interesting.... Anticipating the beat is a bit more European, and feels odd to me. I'm definitely an on the beat kind of conductor. I'm going to refrain from the first question in order to maintain at least a little bit of anonymity here on the interwebs.


A Mod Real Quick
BA - double major in Music and History, double minor in Philosophy and English
Masters of Musicology - Effects of Modernism on the creative mind
M.A. - Generally about post Modernism and reader response theory
Ph. D. - Schopenhauer, Kant, and Hegel. Creative dissonance.
D.M.A. - Conducting with many different ensembles
Post Doc #1 - Teaching/Research at the Free University in Amsterdam
Post Doc #2 - Teaching/Research at Potchefstroom University

I did too much school.
I envisioned you working on some farm shaving sheep or something. Intredasting


What was your road map for your IT career? I'm actually pretty much in the same spot as you were. college drop out, going for certs.
I've honestly had a lot of good breaks, coupled with an extreme ambition level. My initial plan was just traditionally work my way through Help Desk->Sys Adm->Sr Sys->It Mgr, etc. So I landed a super basic building computers job for a reseller. I decided pretty early that I didn't want to make 30k a year so I looked for a higher tier HD gig, except when I got hired, the guy above me quit, so I got de-facto promoted to Sys Adm. I worked there for about 3 years, then wanted a bigger raise so I left for this law firm. I got hired as a SA again but it's more management of the HD guys and Project Management work than anything else. I've only been here a few months and was told I'm pegged for promotion, so I dunno.