Whats rustling your jimmies?


Lord Nagafen Raider
When grocery shopping and people don't bring their carts to the cart return even though they are like 5 feet away.

I'm not a grammar nazi or anything but I absolutely hate when people fuck up lose and loose. "derrr why did my team loose the game" fucking idiot.

When people put the toilet paper roll on the wrong way, you know what the right way should be!

And probably the one that pisses me off the most...

When people don't use their turn signals. Worst is when you're sitting at a stop sign and you could pull out ahead of this car but you decide you don't want to floor it, so you wait...then you notice he's slowing down...then slowing down more...then more...then finally turns. Fuck you.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
WTF, I'd be looking for a new roommate and my EX-roommate would be looking for a new place to live, what kind of person lives in their own puke?
Don't think I can do anything as we live in a dorm. If he gets busted for anything I'm pretty sure I have to pay half as well.

More Jimmy Rustlings to stay on topic; people who try to impress the professor in class.
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Molten Core Raider
People who spend half an hour trying to pick their movies from redbox when there's one fucking kiosk

People that load up the hip sled at the gym and don't rack their shit

People who roll their cart down the supermarket at 1 mph with no way to get around and stop in the middle of the aisle

People who bring their spawn to a restaurant that's 25+ bucks a plate

Anyone that owns a dodge product (aka the demographic that creamed themselves over the worst commercial of all time)

99% of people that ride harleys or have shiny lifted pickups.
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3) Idiots who completely over exagerate their stories or just bullshit stuff that can easily be looked up or proven wrong. After getting back from Iraq I kept hearing the guys I work with talk about how it was 140 or even 150 degrees wherever they where at. I called them on their idiocy and they would simply respond by saying "DUDE THATS WHAT THE THERMOMETER SAID"
128 was the highest I ever had to deal with, but that was in PSAB. Your right though , don't know how many people I heard say "dude it was like 150 there". Shouldn't let it bug me ,but it does.
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People that don't understand how elevators work. Door opens, allow people time to step out, don't barge in you crazy impatient nut.

Doctors that overbook their appointments. I have better things to do than wait for 90 minutes past my appointment.

Drivers going too fast in parking lots and don't stop when they see someone backing out of a parking spot.

Stores that have 1 checkout line open with a line of customers and staff just standing around looking dumb.

Telemarketers that don't respond when I pick up the phone. You fucking called me!
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Registered Hutt
People that repeat their lame stories to me. I heard you the first time asshole.
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privileged excrementlord
Guys with long fingernails. I can understand one if you have a coke habit, but otherwise you probably plow children's buttholes.
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<Prior Amod>
Good way to cause an accident by being an impatient asshole. If i see someone trying to back out i stop every single time.
Following traffic laws is a good way to cause an accident....gotcha.

Who's the impatient asshole? The guy driving and already in motion or the guy who can't wait a moment before backing out into a lane of traffic? Are you one of those people who blow through yield signs too and get pissed when someone almost hits you?


Following traffic laws is a good way to cause an accident....gotcha.

Who's the impatient asshole? The guy driving and already in motion or the guy who can't wait a moment before backing out into a lane of traffic? Are you one of those people who blow through yield signs too and get pissed when someone almost hits you?
I don't know what kind of parking lots you park in, but i can't always see if someone is coming when i start backing out. So if i'm inching myself out of my spot and some asshole blazes by me i'm going to say, "What the fuck, man?"


<Prior Amod>
I'm not arguing people who do 20mph through parking lots aren't douche bags, I'm just saying don't get your panties in a knot over the people who are doing what they're supposed to be doing.


Vyemm Raider
fat people who ride around in scooters...............walk once in a while and maybe you wouldn't weigh 400 pounds


Most of my jimmy rufflers have been posted. I hate when people cut you off horribly when there is nobody behind you. If they would of waited 5 seconds for you to pass, they could of pulled into that lane like a normal person.


People who stop in the aisle/hallways to have a conversation blocking the way, then when they see you they chimp out and start shouting "wut you looking at honkey" "yeah I thought so you cracker ass motherfucker"


People with advanced biology degrees who don't believe that dinosaurs existed or the theory of evolution. I work with several people like this and it takes every fiber of my being not to call them retards when they talk about their "beliefs".


Molten Core Raider
people on foodstamps. People on welfare. Democrats that keep enabling these people to be worthless.


People merging onto the highway doing 15 under the speed limit. The on ramp is long for a reason fuckers.
College kids who bitch about bad grades when they do no work.