Whats rustling your jimmies?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
People who end their sentences in professional emails with ellipses
So this is a common thing? I've recently started at a new company and I've already encountered a few people who do this, including the CEO. I had only seen a couple people doing it in the last few years, so I didn't think it was a really widespread thing. It drives me insane, because I read it as if they're trailing off in what they're saying.


<Gold Donor>
So this is a common thing? I've recently started at a new company and I've already encountered a few people who do this, including the CEO. I had only seen a couple people doing it in the last few years, so I didn't think it was a really widespread thing. It drives me insane, because I read it as if they're trailing off in what they're saying.
Same here. This one lady in particular I have to deal with from another company constantly does that. "Here you go..." And? What? What else!?! Cunt.


Molten Core Raider
When someone, in particular a co-worker or colleague, asks a question that:

1. is so basic and simple that it casts serious doubt on that persons right to occupy their current position, since being able to answer said question quickly and without thinking is a fundamental prerequisite to the job they now hold, and;
2. is so basic and simple that it can only be answered with a simple one- or two-worded answer that embarrasses them because they just came out of the closet as ignorant as fuck;

and THEN (after the uncomfortable pause where everyone in earshot realizes what just happened) they go in to full damage control and claim or try to argue that a) they actually asked a different question and that you misunderstood, or b) that they were joking. It's the futile deflection that really rustles my jimmies. Don't ignore the reality of your fuckup and delude yourself into thinking that your awkward backpedaling was effective in the slightest; grow up. Making an ass out of yourself and then trying to pull me in to take your place in the middle of your shame vortex is pitiful and rude as fuck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
When someone, in particular a co-worker or colleague, asks a question that:

1. is so basic and simple that it casts serious doubt on that persons right to occupy their current position, since being able to answer said question quickly and without thinking is a fundamental prerequisite to the job they now hold, and;
2. is so basic and simple that it can only be answered with a simple one- or two-worded answer that embarrasses them because they just came out of the closet as ignorant as fuck;

and THEN (after the uncomfortable pause where everyone in earshot realizes what just happened) they go in to full damage control and claim or try to argue that a) they actually asked a different question and that you misunderstood, or b) that they were joking. It's the futile deflection that really rustles my jimmies. Don't ignore the reality of your fuckup and delude yourself into thinking that your awkward backpedaling was effective in the slightest; grow up. Making an ass out of yourself and then trying to pull me in to take your place in the middle of your shame vortex is pitiful and rude as fuck.
So the real life incarnation of a message board argument.


Molten Core Raider
When someone, in particular a co-worker or colleague, asks a question that:

1. is so basic and simple that it casts serious doubt on that persons right to occupy their current position, since being able to answer said question quickly and without thinking is a fundamental prerequisite to the job they now hold, and;
2. is so basic and simple that it can only be answered with a simple one- or two-worded answer that embarrasses them because they just came out of the closet as ignorant as fuck;

and THEN (after the uncomfortable pause where everyone in earshot realizes what just happened) they go in to full damage control and claim or try to argue that a) they actually asked a different question and that you misunderstood, or b) that they were joking. It's the futile deflection that really rustles my jimmies. Don't ignore the reality of your fuckup and delude yourself into thinking that your awkward backpedaling was effective in the slightest; grow up. Making an ass out of yourself and then trying to pull me in to take your place in the middle of your shame vortex is pitiful and rude as fuck.
There's a guy in my office like this. He's been with this company for over 20 years, but he absolutely cannot make any decision without asking someone else if his decision is correct or not. I KNOW he knows the answer, and I KNOW he knows the correct way to do somthing, there's no way he couldn't. Employees who have been here for 6 months know how to do this stuff and he's been here for 20 years, yet every mundane thing that pops up, he asks someone else "Is this the thing we do in this situation" And someone else has to confirm the scenario before he will move forward. He just cannot do ANYTHING without first confirming with someone else.

His wife must have his balls in a jar at home or something. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, TAKE SOME INITIATIVE AND TRUST YOUR KNOWLEDGE. But alas, no. He probably asks permission to wipe his own ass at home.


Riddle me this...
Nah that's a guy who knows how to play the game. Ive worked with assholes like this, they never make a decision unless someone else confirms its the right decision. If for some reason it's not then that asshole has someone to blame when it goes tits up.


Vyemm Raider
The flipside is the ass who just plows ahead blindly and fucks up every single thing they do because they are afraid to admit ignorance and ask a question.

The middle between the two is occupied by, at best, a slim fraction of your peers.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
People at work who complain about my "tone" through email when they interpret a sentence like "I will expect so and so to be done by Tuesday" as a command instead of an expectation as just an excuse to whine.

Very office spacey vibe.


Molten Core Raider
People at work who complain about my "tone" through email when they interpret a sentence like "I will expect so and so to be done by Tuesday" as a command instead of an expectation as just an excuse to whine.

Very office spacey vibe.
This reminded me of something else that rustles my jimmies: people who draft work emails, flyers/semi-official documents meant for the whole company, or the general public in the same vernacular as that in which they speak.

I have friends with kids old enough to write papers for school who will occasionally ask me to look over their draft and give them notes (because I wrote many papers in college and I have a law degree, etc.). I swear 99% of the papers, emails, and flyers I read were written by someone generating the content by having a one-sided conversation with himself and then writing down what they he heard himself say out loud. In other words, if reading your writing is exactly the same as listening to you flap your yapper, you're doing it wrong and you should feel bad.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
The writing rustles are reminding me of another one that is old, but I don't think I ever mentioned before. There's a Schlotzky's close by that I eat lunch at regularly. They are in a building with a cleaners, and there are other businesses in other buildings next door. Obviously they have a problem with people parking in their spots and eating at the peiwei. So, they put up a sign that says "Schlotzky's @ Cleaners parking only"

It's a professionally done sign too, not a piece of poster board with magic marker all over it. I can't fathom how the fuck you can have a successful business (or 2 if you include whoever made the sign) and not know the difference between @ and &. It rustled my jimmies for quite a while. I went back last week and noticed the @ looked kind of faded. Upon further review, I can tell someone has tried to cover it up, but done a terrible job. So now, I'm asking how the fuck can you be so cheap that you don't just get new signs once you realize (even if it is years later) what you've done? Or at least figure out how to cover it up properly! I can't figure out what they used. Probably tried to paint over it with nail polish or something.


Shit Lord Supreme
So this is a common thing? I've recently started at a new company and I've already encountered a few people who do this, including the CEO. I had only seen a couple people doing it in the last few years, so I didn't think it was a really widespread thing. It drives me insane, because I read it as if they're trailing off in what they're saying.
All the Indian's I work with at my job end their emails with ellipses, I'm wondering if its cultural or if they're just emulating something, like JRPGs. Metal Gear? At first I thought they were trying to subtly hint at something, after seeing enough emails I realized they've taken to just ending all of their emails like that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Parking lot at the range was almost full so I had to park back by the dumpster. Go inside and the range is empty. All those damn cars were for the business next door.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I have a teleconferene scheduled every Wed at 9am where I have to tell the customer where we are on a large project. It's the only project we are currently working on, it's the only project the customer is tied to at the moment.

I have the conference scheduled from 9 to 10 and it has never run long. Mostly this is where we are, this is the upcoming issues, did you get an answer to X from your engineers yet.

Today I finished up at 9:30 and one of the guys who works for the customer threw a fit because he had scheduled it from 9-10 like we do every week and we were done too early. He went ON and ON and finally he was cut out of the conference. I think someone literally walked over to his office and cut him off.

Rustled. Next week I'm going to try and push it long for an hour and see who has a meltdown.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
This reminded me of something else that rustles my jimmies: people who draft work emails, flyers/semi-official documents meant for the whole company, or the general public in the same vernacular as that in which they speak.

I have friends with kids old enough to write papers for school who will occasionally ask me to look over their draft and give them notes (because I wrote many papers in college and I have a law degree, etc.). I swear 99% of the papers, emails, and flyers I read were written by someone generating the content by having a one-sided conversation with himself and then writing down what they he heard himself say out loud. In other words, if reading your writing is exactly the same as listening to you flap your yapper, you're doing it wrong and you should feel bad.
Pet peeve of mine is getting emails from people outside the company on a project and they write it using text talk or whatever slang. I don't care if they are short. A simple yes/no often suffices but these are people who are 40-65 years old and in charge of a large part of a billion dollar project. I expect to not read shit like written by a 13 year old about who they like in school.

Not sure if they talk/type like this every day or they are trying to fit into the young crowd, be cool, or what which baffles me even further since I am not the young crowd and am the most luddite person they'll likely ever meet.

I mean shit on the bottom of my email and thiers is a long ass explanation about how all emails pertaining to the project are archived in case it goes to arbitration or other legal matters. It's like reading some of the facebook shit.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I don't know what rustles me more; the endless instances of photos of people on Facebook holding sings saying something like "I'm a teacher and I am trying to raise awareness for my pupils on how far an image on the Internet can go" blah blah blah, or whenever such a pic gets in the news as if the person behind it had just invented a cure to cancer or something equally amazing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't know what rustles me more; the endless instances of photos of people on Facebook holding sings saying something like "I'm a teacher and I am trying to raise awareness for my pupils on how far an image on the Internet can go" blah blah blah, or whenever such a pic gets in the news as if the person behind it had just invented a cure to cancer or something equally amazing.
Lol, yeah, its so sad you can only laugh at what is reported in todays "news" these days.


Vyemm Raider
All the Indian's I work with at my job end their emails with ellipses, I'm wondering if its cultural or if they're just emulating something, like JRPGs. Metal Gear? At first I thought they were trying to subtly hint at something, after seeing enough emails I realized they've taken to just ending all of their emails like that.
Please do the needful....


Trump's Staff
I'm supposed to fly to Chicago from Providence in 2 hours and have already received multiple delay emails. First one was a 4 hour delay but still said "make sure you arrive at the original departure time!". I won't make my connection and will have to stay overnight in Chicago. I was supposed to fly out yesterday but the same thing happened.


<Gold Donor>
Coworkers that don't manage their nose hair in any way. Bonus points if they have a cold or allergies. So gross.