Whats rustling your jimmies?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Roommate makes more than me, pays less rent than me, gives me shit for not going out to restaurants and enjoying good food, orders clothes and shoes online (typical female) gives me a bunch of shit when I ask for 3 months of utilities totalling $120 and she can only pay me half of it until her tax return comes in.

I'm just laughing inside at how stupid this whole thing is. Why are you making >$70k and still living paycheck to paycheck? And then calling me fucking weird for not wanting to eat out every other night.

Logic has no place here, I realize this hence the verge of insanity laughing.
Piitb, then kick her out and get an intelligent roommate.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sound like a great roommate!

Does anyone else get rustled over the pledge of allegiance? Like on the rare occasions as an adult when forced into some group social situation where you're expected to participate, maybe at your kid's school or something. I despise blind ass patriotism and the unquestioning jingoistic tribalism that comes with it, but I don't mind as much with the national anthem at sporting events or whenever else. Something about that fucking pledge that's so group think and cultish. Ugh. I just stand there with hand over heart and don't even pretend to mouth any words. Probably the "under god" part that helps make it more detestable.


Shit Lord Supreme
Sound like a great roommate!

Does anyone else get rustled over the pledge of allegiance? Like on the rare occasions as an adult when forced into some group social situation where you're expected to participate, maybe at your kid's school or something. I despise blind ass patriotism and the unquestioning jingoistic tribalism that comes with it, but I don't mind as much with the national anthem at sporting events or whenever else. Something about that fucking pledge that's so group think and cultish. Ugh. I just stand there with hand over heart and don't even pretend to mouth any words. Probably the "under god" part that helps make it more detestable.
I started refusing to do it in High School, just the asinine idea of pledging allegiance to multicolored fabric, it's 1950's McCarthyism at play.

I have no cares the beliefs people practice when it refrains from doing harm unto others, so long as they don't try to compel, or even force me to do it.

PS they added the Under God in 1954 or something.


Sound like a great roommate!

Does anyone else get rustled over the pledge of allegiance? Like on the rare occasions as an adult when forced into some group social situation where you're expected to participate, maybe at your kid's school or something. I despise blind ass patriotism and the unquestioning jingoistic tribalism that comes with it, but I don't mind as much with the national anthem at sporting events or whenever else. Something about that fucking pledge that's so group think and cultish. Ugh. I just stand there with hand over heart and don't even pretend to mouth any words. Probably the "under god" part that helps make it more detestable.
I was fine with the pledge until they tried to make me sing Wind Beneath My Wings and some assorted country garbage in elementary school. No lie. The faculty decided this would support our troops in Iraq.

From that moment on, I sang anything other than what was expected. Nearby drones have to chose between staying in sync or fooling with me. You can see the indecision on their faces as they turn to disapprove.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Sound like a great roommate!

Does anyone else get rustled over the pledge of allegiance? Like on the rare occasions as an adult when forced into some group social situation where you're expected to participate, maybe at your kid's school or something. I despise blind ass patriotism and the unquestioning jingoistic tribalism that comes with it, but I don't mind as much with the national anthem at sporting events or whenever else. Something about that fucking pledge that's so group think and cultish. Ugh. I just stand there with hand over heart and don't even pretend to mouth any words. Probably the "under god" part that helps make it more detestable.
It's not a contract. You aren't 14. Say the pledge.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
One thing I've learned about people and money is that some people will always be poor, no matter how much money they earn or you give them since the have absolutely no financial sense at all. I've seen people living of disability payments only live a relatively comfortable life and build up savings by knowing how to make the most out of every penny, while at the same time a person working a high income job lives in a shitty little flat, has high debit and creditcard debt and has no idea where all their earnings go every month. The mind boggles.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
What should rustle you more is the tone, pause, and inflection of "...to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands..." is completely fucked between "America," and "and to." in the way literally everyone recites it. At least, every time I've ever heard it.


I've probably said this before, and I'll probably say it again down the line, but I get severely rustled by people who don't use headphones in public places.

"Sorry Indian guy on the treadmill next to me in the hotel gym. Even though I have headphones on and my music at a pretty high volume I still don't want to hear your shitty Indian music blaring at me. I guess I'll turn my music up louder to preclude you of being a decent human being...."
There's a guy who takes this a step further at my gym. He wears headphones, but he sings/raps the songs he's listening to out loud. He even does it while he's in the middle of a set.


That guy
What should rustle you more is the tone, pause, and inflection of "...to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands..." is completely fucked between "America," and "and to." in the way literally everyone recites it. At least, every time I've ever heard it.
Holy shit, I never even thought about that. Now I'm rustled too. You're an asshole!


Trump's Staff
Roommate makes more than me, pays less rent than me, gives me shit for not going out to restaurants and enjoying good food, orders clothes and shoes online (typical female) gives me a bunch of shit when I ask for 3 months of utilities totalling $120 and she can only pay me half of it until her tax return comes in.

I'm just laughing inside at how stupid this whole thing is. Why are you making >$70k and still living paycheck to paycheck? And then calling me fucking weird for not wanting to eat out every other night.

Logic has no place here, I realize this hence the verge of insanity laughing.
She hasn't paid utilities in 3 months? How is she not kicked out?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
We're gunna need nudes of this roommate to verify the rustle.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Trying to look at the bloody gif thread.

Never had a problem here until a couple of weeks ago with Firefox, now all I get is either stuck or black posts. Firefox said Refresh and it'll save most stuff including bookmarks. Great, I did that and bookmarks are gone and it's still the same.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Automatic update. For some reason my computer wanted to do one during a time I didn't have scheduled and needed to get something done before work. It prompted me and I said [Later] and 5mins later it just restarted without asking again.


Silver Squire
I'm the fucking assole fro drinking 8 beers on my birthing day yet cooking immaculate smoked tri-tip + broiled aspaarugs + steamed quinoa. Fuck you, mom! I'm never leaving the basement now!


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Been using a shitty e-mail program at work for 6 years now. It's always had the message list on the top half and the selected message on the bottom half. I never knew until I was clicking a button I had never noticed before that you could change this split from horizontal to vertical, which fits much better with today's widescreen monitors. I'm pretty rustled at myself now for having never clicked that damn button before in the 6 years I've worked here. But seeing as *everybody* else also has it on the default horizontal I would be willing to bet none of them have clicked it either!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
My daughter has to stay home from school an extra day because she threw up. It's the school policy because as the nurse told me "We have to protect the other children". I then ask why don't you care about protecting the children from fucking morons who don't vaccinate their children? Dead fucking silence.


Unelected Mod
Sitting in a faculty meeting for 3 hours because of a back and forth argument over one fucking sentence in a proposed new PhD track. The matter wasn't resolved and instead was tabled to next semester. At this rate, in 20 years the whole document might be complete!


Silver Squire
I hate people who whistle.You would not sit in a quiet place and talk full volume,take your fucking whistling and cram it up your cramhole.

It's usually done by the stupid or people who have had everything handed to them.


Silver Squire
And fucking decide what you want to buy before you get in line anywhere.I have all day to wait for your stupid ass to delay to the absolute last minute to decide if you want the kitty litter or not.And if it's too expensive you should not have a pet.