Whats rustling your jimmies?


Vyemm Raider
Ok. Here's my problem with drive-through parking. It is anti-social behavior. The automotive world we've set up doesn't accommodate this practice well.

First off, most diagonal striped parking lots will have you driving down the lane the wrong way as you exit. No big deal you say, but regardless, you're driving against traffic and are in the wrong. Secondly, most vehicles have their storage in the back. You nose in, go shopping and return with your cart to the rear to throw your shit in the trunk. If you drive through, then you have to drive your cart between closely parked cars and I don't trust you enough to not bump into the side of my car while you do that. People who dent/scratch your car in a parking lot need to be beaten.

But lastly, I've been driving longer than many of you have been alive. 47 years to be exact and this drive through shit is a fairly recent phenomenon. If it's OK now, why wasn't it OK back when. It wasn't because when I took driver's ed in High School, we were taught how to park and had to do it for our exam, (including parallel parking, but that's another rant). We also didn't grow up so self indulgent that the convenience of not having to reverse our cars out weighed any wrong-way driving or property damage.

Now get off my lawn. I've got some clouds to yell at.
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Yes, but what about all the parking lots that aren't diagonal parking lines with specific direction traffic? I hate that type of parking lot to begin with, so let's exclude those.

Then, we've eliminated your argument about driving the wrong direction.

Also, if I'm in my truck, I'm rarely getting more than I can carry. If I have to access the back of the vehicle, I park far out, where no one else is parked, so there is no risk of cart damage to anyone's vehicle.

So now we've eliminated your argument about not trusting us with shopping carts near your vehicle.

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely confused about why you have an issue with people liking the ease of driving straight out of their parking spot.
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Vyemm Raider
... If I have to access the back of the vehicle, I park far out, where no one else is parked, so there is no risk of cart damage to anyone's vehicle...

You are in the minority and I appreciate your care and your consideration for others. Thank you.


Clear eyes. Full Hearts. Can't lose.

In the oil and gas sector you are required to back in and turn your wheels towards the exit in case you have to do a quick exit from the rig or well site.

I drive a big truck so sure as shit I will pull through for easy exit as well as loading the kids and if you want to hit the ball on my hitch and fuck up your bumper, fine with me. This keeps you from hitting my front bull bar.

I do park a ways away from everyone else.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
People who have to drive through a parking space to park in the one in front of them. I know I gonna take flak for this because most of you fuckers probably do this maneuver, but what in the hell is wrong with nosing into a spot and backing out when you leave? Doesn't your reverse gear operate? Are you incapable of backing up without running into something? Are you that fucking lazy that you can't turn your head to see what's behind you and back out?

I know this is a losing battle but maybe we can compromise. If you insist on parking like a douche, can you at least learn how long your car/truck is so that you don't overhang into the spot behind you and take up two spaces?

In a word, it's safer. I don't care how good you think you are at backing out of a spot, it's safer to not back up in a busy parking lot. If you can't see that you're a moron. Secondly, if there's not an opportunity to pull through, it's safer to back in than back out because you have better visibility. It's humorous that you think people are somehow held up less by a person backing in than someone backing out.

I'll concede that in the rare angle parking lots where the lanes are all 1-way, it's not advisable to back in or pull through. But in that situation it's also considerably safer to back out.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
okcupid profile summary blurb;

I'm better in person and I always smell lovely. Sometimes I'm funny and occasionally lucky. I smoke my weight in weeds and I don't eat like a bird. I'm 24 and married, we have a little girl who is the fucking boss and one on the way. We are in an open relationship. I'm pretty much a 'Yes' person. I was on here before but I posted a picture of a daisy covering my pussy and well somehow it was considered inappropriate...i call it artistic censorship. Haha, so if you'd like to see it, I'd be glad to show you.

Im so fucking glad these degenerates bring kids into their worthless lives.


It's the constant erosion of civilized society. It's the substitution of a new normal behavior because of, well I don't know why, probably just fuck you laziness, for what used to be the way things always were. It's selfish behavior. I'm old and crotchety.

If you can pull into the forward space and it's not a busy lot where you might cause an accident, and you don't leave your ass in the rearward space, no problem. If you pull blindly and quickly into the front spot and/or hang your bumper into another space like a douchebag, you are a thought criminal and should be BLAM'd for heresy.

EDIT - and I agree with Hoss Hoss that angled parking lots are never, ever the place to pull forward.
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okcupid profile summary blurb;

Im so fucking glad these degenerates bring kids into their worthless lives.

'Open Relationship' = Monogamish in my experience. You were too half-assed to fully commit and too other-half-of-your-assed to not have kids while still effectively single. It's almost like the nuclear family was a superior long term option and you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Rant over. Just.. fuck, I got so much family and friends shooting themselves in the foot with this bullshit lately.


<Bronze Donator>
I've been driving longer than many of you have been alive. 47 years to be exact and this drive through shit is a fairly recent phenomenon. If it's OK now, why wasn't it OK back when.

turning right at a red light is pretty new too, so?


<Bronze Donator>
It has been allowed in many states for more than fifty years.

right, and the poster i'm responding to said "I've been driving longer than many of you have been alive. 47 years to be exact "

47 is pretty close to 50 i think.

unless he meant he's 47 years old, in which case he'd be referring to closer to 36 years, which still isn't that far off from 50.


Buzzfeed Editor
Watching retarded fucking children like this and getting rustled I'm not there to push their shit in. I love when they think they know laws. Used to get them in the hospital years ago all the time. Always funny them yelling about being illegally detained. Until some nurse takes pity, lets them have their phone and first call is to police. 50/50 On cops coming to tell the kid to stfu and laugh at them or just call the hospital to have them re-confiscate. I was pretty happy when they made it a pretty firm policy to keep the phones away from kids on holds.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We clean a lot of grain this time of year, and its constant dust, oats to be exact, in the air. It is like a nuclear allergy bomb. Mouth breather for the next week.....