Whats rustling your jimmies?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I'm not a huge germ a phob. My point was more the world is gross and you use the restroom X times a day, so why not wash your hands X times a day. Not that going to the restroom is solely disgusting. Since you're already there, wash. Because you don't wash after everything, like touching money.
Dunno bro, I think its akin to saying "god bless you" after you sneeze. Why exactly do we do it? The logic behind it makes no sense. Your penis is far from the dirtiest thing you touch every day, yet you never wash your hands or think about it when you touch or handle something 100x dirtier. Do you wash your hands after shaking someone elses hand? After opening the door to a store? After handling money? Tying your shoes? All that shit is far more filthier than a penis yet no one thinks about or even cares about washing their hands afterwards.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
People who lather that purell sanitary lotion shit onto their hands a million times a day rustle my jimmies. Use fucking common sense and wash your hands after you go to the bathroom and before you eat/handle food. All this over-cleanliness and obsession with germs is why your weak little pussy kids are dying when someone two blocks over opens a jar of Mr. Peanut. You're ruining the human species and Howie Mandel is a fucking idiot, but oddly likeable.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
but then half of the blog that are currently on the net wouldn't exist...
Can't tell if you're saying that would be a bad thing.

Obese people still rustle my jimmies and I am further rustled by the fact that I am unsure as to why they rustle 'em.
Do we do it on the internet too, or only when you can see us?

The world is gross. Buttons, switches, door knobs, keyboards, and all that other stuff that never gets cleaned. You should wash your hands regularly. You just took a piss and flushed (maybe) using that gross handle, plus everything else you've touched, so why not wash your hands since it's right there.
This just reminded me that I flush with the same hand I wipe with (usually, unless its a left hand flush toilet) and I never wash my hands before flushing.

And when would be a good time to stop washing it?
About 30 seconds after it goes off.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not a huge germ a phob. My point was more the world is gross and you use the restroom X times a day, so why not wash your hands X times a day. Not that going to the restroom is solely disgusting. Since you're already there, wash. Because you don't wash after everything, like touching money.
I wash my hands everytime I'm about to take a piss, never after. I ain't gonna touch my sacred parts with dirty hands.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Request a new work laptop to replace the crusty slow 2007 IBM Thinkpad I've been using for years.

Sent a crusty slow 2008 HP Compaq 6910p to replace it.

I really need to clarify what "new" means.


Molten Core Raider
What rustles my jimmies today?

The EXTRAORDINARY power that celebrities have these days. And their opinionated douchebag friends (people like me) who tell them to take to Twitter or speak out about something they are completely ignorant on, and subjects tthat even PhD's and Philosophers argue over.

But they're actors, so we need to listen to them, not the guys and gals who you know....go to fucking school for 50 years for this shit.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I see no reason to care about the opinion of someone who's been in school for 50 years. That's someone who's running away from real life.


The amateur, piece of shit encrusted taint flab that recoded the Gamestop website. Some retarded, noodle cocked, mouth breather took out the ability to narrow search results to just Games and took out sorting by Release Date.

Jimmies confirmed rustled.


Vyemm Raider
The only local "Rock" station calls this Rock.


... played in between Metallica and RATM songs from the 90s, as if they were apologizing for it.


Request a new work laptop to replace the crusty slow 2007 IBM Thinkpad I've been using for years.

Sent a crusty slow 2008 HP Compaq 6910p to replace it.

I really need to clarify what "new" means.
Try using source safe on a new project in 2013...and will be the same again 2014....


<Gold Donor>
Whatever the fuck these are supposed to be. Are they supposed to be funny? Am I supposed to even be able to read them?

I get why people misspell shit in memes (although secretly I believe that the person that started it was really just retarded and couldn't spell, but claimed it was for the lulz), but this is an extra step of idiocy. And even the ones I can interpret make no sense to me anyway. WTF is this shit??

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>