Wildstar Launch Thread - Server: Stormtalon | Faction: Dominion


In my experience, I mostly see the grandstanding coming from white-knighting males that want to fight against female objectification in online games. I don't think I've ever met a gamer chick that has ever complained about big boobs. Ever. Sure, girl gamers are pretty diverse but every single type of girl gamer I've ever come across is either indifferent or LOVES sexy girl characters or big titties. They either 1. think it's silly/humorous and giggle about it, 2. think the model is "cute," 3. they think the girl characters are really hot or 4. they are indifferent to breasts in general. They do have breasts after all. I've never heard any girl rage over stupid shit like that. They will fill your head with valid complaints about raid content, actual gameplay or lack of content though, just like guy gamers will. Duh?

Here's a fucking reality check for game developers -> Games like World of Warcraft and League of Legends were massive commercial successes for a number of great reasons, one being that they encouraged and promoted attractive character design. You'll never hear a girl complain about how their night elf chick wasn't ugly enough or how Sona's big tits make them feel inadequate. In fact, they fucking love that shit and gobble it up (unless they prefer playing a cute little Chua or Elin instead, which is perfectly fine as well.) Every women likes the idea of feeling sexy, as they should no matter what you think of what they look like irl.

I googled that wildstar breasts phrase and the first result was a tumbler post from what seemed to be a guy. Correct me if I'm wrong and it was actually a girl, but honestly... Tumbler? Are you kidding me? That's the first place you're going to find bullshit feminist garbage and "Erotic" pictures that are lady-friendly (even though it's really just porn.)

Like an above poster said they should have just ignored the rants and dismissed them, similar to how the asian game devs deal with it. If they go back on their decision now people will start to wonder. This entire game's art direction was based on pleasing the masses with cartoony graphics and promoting exaggerated sexual dimorphism. It was pretty obvious from the start that this was a game that doesn't take itself seriously. So where exactly is the big surprise? It isn't like they just now patched the females to go from B cups to DD's right before release. Sounds like a bunch of over-sensitive bullshit.

And yeah, this all goes without saying that none of these idiots know what a god-damned Mordesh or Aurin looks like IRL. The whole thing about them being a figment of someone's imagination makes the whole sexism argument pretty ridiculous as is.


stuff you said
yeah, but understand that the people complaining about objectification in games are likely the same percentage of the population as those who are crying foul for body image stereotyping (if you've seen fedor's Master Thesis thin privilege posts).

of course the vast majority aren't complaining... because we all like stuff that looks good, and we don't immediately think about how it makes us feel about ourselves.. we just consume it, enjoy it, and move on.


yeah, but understand that the people complaining about objectification in games are likely the same percentage of the population as those who are crying foul for body image stereotyping (if you've seen fedor's Master Thesis thin privilege posts).

of course the vast majority aren't complaining... because we all like stuff that looks good, and we don't immediately think about how it makes us feel about ourselves.. we just consume it, enjoy it, and move on.
True. But it's basically the same baseless complaints you heard about Draenei when BC was about to come out. Meanwhile the dudes on this forum were complaining about how Blood Elves shouldn't be hunters. lol. Blizzard didn't budge on either front and several years later, nobody even gives a second thought about it.

I kind of laugh to myself when I remember those rants about how rest state was going to ruin MMO's and bullshit about blood elf hunters. Makes you wonder if anybody actually got to the 2nd mission of Warcraft 2.



yeah but those complaints RE Dranei/Blood Elves/Rest state were people powernerding. they were not arguing about how those design decisions made an impact on society, specifically the individuals complaining.

the second that people say they are marginalized, made to be self conscious, or treated differently, corporations have a knee jerk reaction... then someone else makes the opposite claim for the same reasons (see Duck Dynasty fiasco, solution, and reversal)

corporations don't know how to respond, and they tend to err on the side of over-responding to this sort of public buzz in order to avoid seeming callous


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
anyone still need a key? i cant find anyone interested in this to give it to.


ermagerd I must have posted a half dozen times that I'm hungry for a key!




Golden Knight of the Realm
Im looking to chain run a few (dominion side) KV / STL dungeons if any tank is online now and wants a heal bot. Shoot me a PM of your ign and ill add you.
Just read over the MMORPG.COM Q/A with Stephen Frost. A lot of the questions we already have answers to, but judging by "polish mode" Frost described to one question. I'm guessing this comes out either in March or June at the latest. Gotta avoid that initial box sale pandemonium that ESO will create.


Musty Nester
In a game which incorporates farsical references to: Genocide, Fascism, Slavery, Torture, Aggressive military imperialism, ect... Aurin titties are indeed the pressing issue of our time.

Edit: June, I hope. Without pushing it back that is the tail end of their current target window. They've got a lot of work to do for June. And it looks doable. But you start shaving weeks off and... eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh.


Yeah and he talks alot about all the info that is going to get released in the coming weeks (customization and warplots). And he mentioned a few times what will and will not be in by launch. All good signs for a release date to be mentioned sooner rather than later.