Woman who was getting her box munched on in public now claiming rape

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
If you scumbags are going to attempt to cite the law, at least know what the law is. Taking advantage of someone who is incoherent and impaired is sexual assault. We're not talking about someone being buzzed or just the mere presence of alcohol. Furthermore, rape doesn't require force and if you can't understand that then you need to be isolated from the rest of society. Fucking weirdos.
That would be nice except that shit was fucking said repeatedly by Quaid, that being intoxicated meant you could not consent and that is what we were having an argument over so try to keep up. No one is talking about having sex with someone who is passed out, we are talking about someone who is legally drunk (which happens to be .08 and most are legally drunk after 2-3 drinks) but not passed out. It is not sexual assault to have sex with a woman or a man based on your given gender just because someone has had a few drinks (which would legally make them drunk) and their judgement is impaired. There is a line and imo it is before they are passed out drunk, my personal line is if they have had 2 drinks but mainly because I don't trust strangers with my asshole and freedom.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
you are the perpetrator, cis scum.

EDIT: actually, it goes more like...if you feel like you got raped, go ahead and file a complaint or call the police.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
If you scumbags are going to attempt to cite the law, at least know what the law is. Taking advantage of someone who is incoherent and impaired is sexual assault. We're not talking about someone being buzzed or just the mere presence of alcohol. Furthermore, rape doesn't require force and if you can't understand that then you need to be isolated from the rest of society. Fucking weirdos.
Well, not exactly.

Rape does generally require the use of force or the threat of force. E.g. I don't have to actually stab you, if I hold a knife to your throat and rape you, thats enough. But I can't just scoop you up, lay you down, take your clothes off, and "rape" you, without you ever resisting or saying no. The victim has to resist or deny consent to a reasonable degree.

There's also some more esoteric forms of rape like rape by fraud (where you trick the person into believing they have to have sex with you for some reason, and that reason is false) or rape by deceit where they think you are someone else, like in the dark or the "slipped into her bed at night and she thought you were her husband, and you knew this" type of rape.

But the mouthbreathers in this thread are generally only concerned with forcible rape. And forcible rape does require the use of force or the credible threat of force. The intoxication thing has NOTHING to do with the standard for operating a motor vehicle; generally the person has to be almost completely incapacitated/passed out before that type of rape is applicable.

Jesus H. Christ the level of stupid in this thread is reaching like level 9000.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Az... Are you fucking serious?

A passed out drunk woman is incapable of saying 'no'.
Precisely, which is why I said that having sex with someone who's incapacitated is rape.

A woman who fears for her future social/economic/whatever safety may be incapable of saying 'no'... That does NOT mean she is giving consent.

You are killing me here, man...
How is she incapable of saying no? All she has to do is open her mouth and say 'I don't wanna do this.'

That said, there are degrees of coercion. I mean something like a police officer who's saying 'fuck me or I'll arrest you and ruin your life with a false drug charge,' or something, that's the next best thing to physical violence, and yeah I'd say that's rape. But 'He was nagging me for sex so in the end I gave in just to shut him up,'? Come on. If that's rape, if a decision made under those circumstances is invalid (and think about how insulting that is, how weak it implies women are, that they can't withstand that tiny bit of pressure), then basically every decision ever made, ever, is invalid.


Trump's Staff
Mutual rape was the term he used.
Ya ya, I get it... It sounds absurd. My point was that people can mutually harm each other and have nothing legal come of it, unless one of those parties does in fact feel victimized by the situation. 'We were both drunk' is not a great defense, and a defendant would get destroyed in court trying to use it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ya ya, I get it... It sounds absurd. My point was that people can mutually harm each other and have nothing legal come of it, unless one of those parties does in fact feel victimized by the situation. 'We were both drunk' is not a great defense, and a defendant would get destroyed in court trying to use it.
What if both defendants, who are both plaintiffs, both say they were drunk as their defense?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>


Trakanon Raider
Just because someone "feels" one way doesn't make them/their "feelings" true/right/legal.

You, Tanoomba and supertouch are the goddamn trifecta of feelings. The Triforce of Faggotry.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
You must have grown up in a nice little bubble. I'm kinda jealous...
No, seriously, tell me. Unless she's literally had her mouth duct taped closed, in which case it obviously falls under the physical violence category, how is she unable to say 'I don't wanna do this' ? Even in the Police officer example I used, even if the circumstance forces her to either have sex or be arrested on a false charge, she can still say 'I don't wanna do this, this is rape.'

My point is that two people can be involved in a single situation, but see that situation from wildly different perspectives, this happens all the time, especially in the context of sex and relationships. If we're talking a fairly average sexual encounter (two people meet at a bar, party, etc) which doesn't involve overt force, if the woman goes along with the guy 100% and never voices a complaint, how the hell is he supposed to know whether she's suddenly decided to withdraw consent if she never vocalizes it?

Please, tell me. If she's sitting there saying 'this sucks, I don't wanna do this' in her head, but continues to allow and engage in the sex, then how the hell is he supposed to know that she doesn't want it to happen? Maybe in whatever feminist fantasy world you live in, men can read minds after they grind out enough women's study classes, but in the real world we can only know what's going on in someone's head, what they think and feel, if they either say it outloud, or do everything they can to act in a way which makes it obvious.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Says the Canadian...

Edit: Hard knock life on the frozen streets of Ottawa.
No bro, he lives in a bubble. He doesn't even understand how the fucking court works and how hard it is to prosecute rape without sufficient and/or consistent evidence. Drunk being onlya part of it.Because of his lack of understanding, he is projecting all his "morality" into the debate.


Trakanon Raider
If she says "no" she might be called a tease or stuck up. Your privilege should be checked brah.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Whenever I'm feeling down, I like to come in to this thread and be reminded how fucking stupid you guys are. It really makes me happy.